PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

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New member
Mar 29, 2012
The balls on AFM move as if someone pressed the fast forward button on a DVD remote. Is it supposed to be this way? Because I find it barely playable. :confused:


Jul 11, 2012
AFM is too bright the contrast or something and waaaaay too FAST! and GENIE yeah pop bumpers need to POP! and the TILT is a little sensitive.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I said it was too fast during the iOS beta of AFM. Everyone else seemed to think it was fine because it is supposed to simulate a brand new and freshly waxed pin. I still think it is too fast. In fact I feel many tables are too fast.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Seems fine to me. If I wanted slow pinball, I'd play Zen......

I agree Genie is a little to bright. It's difficult to see where the upper level begins and end (partially due to the loud graphics of the table)


Jul 11, 2012
AFM feels like the gravity is high! the way the ball bounces on the flipper till trap it feels abrupt, Klochak I feel ya man this game is TURBO charged not natural wax schmax.
on PS3 play CV then AFM that would be the opposite ends of the speed spectrum.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Just played about five games on AFM. Got to total annihilation and destoyed Mars but did not get to rule the universe. I think it plays great. I've played some really nice AFM's and they're really fast. In fact, I don't think the kick out is as fast as a real one. That's not a complaint. :cool: My only problem with the recreation is the contrast seems cranked a little too much and Strobe Multiball is....nothing. No light effects. Nothing. Very disappointing. :mad: Nonetheless, I love this table in real life and I love how it plays on TPA.

Genie is...well..too bright. In fact, it hurts my eyes. Really, FarSight did a great job with the mobiles. There's a little too much artistic liberties going on with the PS3 version. This is me exiting from Genie and going back to AFM...or maybe a little ST:TNG. :rolleyes:

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Gah, Genie is definitely an eye burner. So disappointed. I was really looking forward to it.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
gotta download these tonight along with a bunch of Zen tables...gotta hit the magic $50 so I can get the extra $10!!

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Could someone post a screenshot of the eye-burning Genie in the Art forum so I have something to link against in the master issues list?


New member
Oct 28, 2012
I thought the console version was going to have the strobing effect. Very VERY disappointed that nothing at all was done. And strangely this is another table where the lighting is actually worse than on iOS. Those flashing plastics are awful. Why do they change color aNd configuration??


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I think the lighting in AFM is quite nice; I'm not familiar with the actual table so I didn't notice a lack of strobe--but in general I do hate strobes so I guess I won't lose any sleep over that. The flashing side plastics are a little bizarre, I'm not sure yet it's not some sort of texture bug there.

Here's a photo of Genie:


Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
It's probably hard to capture the eye-burning nature of it with a camera. However, it's clear to see in your pic the complete lack of any shadows, shading, barely any advanced lighting of any kind, and the overall glaring nature. It doesn't really look current gen, unfortunately. I think playing on a lower view makes it worse too, because then the whole screen is filled with the burn.

In spite of the higher res textures, it even looks worse than the old wii version in some ways, as smbhax pointed out earlier:
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Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
The images they posted of genie look much better. Wasn't there a gameplay video posted somewhere? I can't seem to find it. Maybe they should pay more attention to the PS3 since they can, you know, actually release them.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
The lower view helps me slightly because I can at least pick out the vertical faces of things.

I've been thinking about their lighting lately well I guess it just makes me look forward to the PS4 version a lot more, because if they do get a real lighting engine in place, with real-time light sourcing, then it should be a lot easier for them to get the lighting looking--and animating!--right. The precalculated lighting system they for the PS3 just isn't very precise and probably requires a lot of fiddling to get looking like anything at all; unfortunately they can't just pop in a 3D light bulb in the right spot and of the right color and wattage, hook it up to the ROM emulation, and have it light up the table like would happen on the real table--but the PS4 should be able to do that, for the most part.

They particularly seem to have a problem getting realistic lighting over large unbroken expanses of the playfield--the center of Medieval Madness is a murky dullness, for instance, Gorgar's has a big weird shadow in the middle, and Mars Attacks' center, if you want to get picky, is a bit overblown. So I guess I can see how the vastness of Genie would pose a particular problem. Their precalculated point lights don't seem very good at covering a large area, at least not without generating a large hotspot in the center.
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