Here's a photo of the PS3 Attack from Mars:
It's kinda sad now. When I see these tables come out looking like this I just think "Well this is what we're stuck with".
They never go back and patch art. We all know it. I agree with PinWiz, this is the First pack I've regretted immediately.
The posts that deflect the ball coming out of the orbit on Attack from Mars really takes the skill out of playing this table since you never know when the post is going to deflect the ball.
As was the case with the Android version..
The posts that deflect the ball coming out of the orbit on Attack from Mars really takes the skill out of playing this table since you never know when the post is going to deflect the ball.
These posts that deflect the ball coming out of the orbit are also a problem on Medieval Madness and Cactus Canyon, but just not to the degree of Attack from Mars.
Bobby, please adjust the collision mesh of the posts on the end of the orbits on the above three tables as they seem to be affected the most by this.
I still think they don't have a PS3. I'm serious. How can they let these go out like this?
For example, my girlfriend, who can't tell the quality difference between an HD Big Bang Theory episode and a black and white I love Lucy episode, prefers the PHOF verison of NGG over the TPA version. She says the TPA NGG "looks weird".
Let's hope FS actually goes to work with the feedback they get on this forum.
Until they work out how they can patch DLC on the PS3, does it matter?
Wait, people really think the ball speed on AFM is too fast? Did you all not play CFTBL? the ball moves like lightning on that table.
Also, I do think Genie is way too bright and this is coming from someone who loves the tables bright. I couldn't even see the upper playfield flippers on Genie at first...
I'm beginning to think that they have different teams working on different tables!, this would count for the difference in quality across the tables. Either this or they need to sack their Quality Assurance manager
I'm just not really sure why FS are having soo much hassle with the difference in quality between the 360 and PS3 version. You look at 99.9% of other 3rd party games on the market that are multiplatform and there is hardly any difference between the 360 and PS3, fair enough the 360 version usually just pips it, but here on TPA there is a massive difference in quality!. It's like going back to the 16bit era and the difference in ports between the Megadrive and SNES!
Thats just not realistic lighting though. The whole of the center of the playfield is lite up yet there is no table illumination around the center of the table to produce this amount of light. The only way that would be possible is if there was a 200 watt strip light above the table. As im sure like 90% of people who play pinball they're used to playing in a dark/dingy arcade or pub and so the only illumination is the table itself. The part of that table that has realistic lighting is towards the back of the table. Thats why to me the 360 lighting will always be better as that captures the real environment of a pinball machine.
Just look at the latest Pinburgh video of AFM,, thats how it should look. The PS3 version looks like its being played outside in the middle of the day!
I know that FarSight has said that updating the PS3 requires large size patches but, I think most of us have a fair amount of room on our hard drive that we'd be willing to keep free to get this version looking right. Heck, I have a 160gb slim model and I'll never even have half of that storage used.
I really think they should just stick to getting the tables looking like a good neutrally lit photo of the playfield. And then, the artistic liberties should be restricted to some subdued lighting to imitate a darkened room (like an arcade) and, maybe, a slight warming of the GI to recreate the effect of incandescents. Whatever's been going on with the PS3 is just...blah. It's like a photoshop novice looking at a properly exposed photo and saying "boring, where's that contrast slider?"