PS3 or Xbox 360

PS3 or Xbox360

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New member
Apr 19, 2012
Yeah, I noticed the same thing, Jeff. At first I thought I wasn't getting flipper lag on the PS3 but I think it's just that it's subtle enough that if you don't play the 360 version you don't necessarily notice it. Once I played a few minutes on the 360, I couldn't go back. Not only were my scores better, but the shots just felt easier to make. That extra tiny bit of smoothness makes all the difference in the world.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Good call,, if we can just have the same level of graphics on 360....we'll just have to be patient....and keep our fingers crossed that it won't cause lag to pop up on the 360 as well.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Ok these last few posts made me check some stuff myself. I have been playing TOTAN almost exclusively over the weekend so you can say I'm very acquinted with the feel of the table, and something just felt off when are trying to hit the outer lanes (HAREM/Tiger/ROC loops) or when trying to make quick saves.

I changed a few things around and things indeed felt a lot "snappier". After readjusting to the more accurate timings, I almost doubled my score from 112 million to 196ish, fought the genie in the last mode twice (previously never came further than 10/11 jewels total, now aroun 18) and kept my multiballs in play a lot longer. Score couldve been a bit higher if my controller didnt die the second to last ball....

The strange thing? I didnt swap consoles, I swapped monitors. From TV (game mode and all other options off) through HDMI to a pc monitor with HDMI and a DVI extension. Go figure....

So 2 options remain: either the HDMI cable is affecting the videotransfer (the one running to my monitor is a different one) or the TV has something else causing a slight lag.

George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I know you chose the 360, but for those who might have the same question, I would go with the 360 because I think the system itself is much more user friendly. Although, the whole Netflix conversation above for those in the UK might sway me the other way if that were important to me. I do like my PS3, but I like my 360 better. Then again, if you add in the whole blu-ray thing...but I digress. Gaming = 360.

Nik Barbour

I know you chose the 360, but for those who might have the same question, I would go with the 360 because I think the system itself is much more user friendly. Although, the whole Netflix conversation above for those in the UK might sway me the other way if that were important to me. I do like my PS3, but I like my 360 better. Then again, if you add in the whole blu-ray thing...but I digress. Gaming = 360.

The decision swinger was the ps3 lag problem for me!
Additionally I tried a 360 controller, and having big manly hands it felt good, with the bumper buttons just where I would want them.
As regards blueray, I don't own any, so now I don't have to buy any.
Same with netflix, never tried the us version, so won't miss what I never had.
Upside is 360 has sky app access, which ps3 dosn't.
I figured I can soon cancel sky movies £14 per month, get netflix £6 per month and save £8.
Just got to wait for my birthday now!


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
The decision swinger was the ps3 lag problem for me!
Additionally I tried a 360 controller, and having big manly hands it felt good, with the bumper buttons just where I would want them.
As regards blueray, I don't own any, so now I don't have to buy any.
Same with netflix, never tried the us version, so won't miss what I never had.
Upside is 360 has sky app access, which ps3 dosn't.
I figured I can soon cancel sky movies £14 per month, get netflix £6 per month and save £8.
Just got to wait for my birthday now!

I was just going to say this, it's the controller in the long run that won me over. I've NEVER been a fan of the playstation controller since the original dual shock or analog controller came out. The analog sticks just don't feel precise.

Barring the delay bug reported though. If i were ONLY going to play the Pinball Arcade i don't think it would matter really but for hockey games and racing games (even though i use a force feedback wheel for most games) I like the XBOX analog precision and resistance (I think it's the resistance that does it for me).

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Agreed on the 360 controller. It is a lot more comfortable. It also doesn't feel as "cheap" as the PS3 controller.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
That PS3 controller is one of the reasons I barely play my PS3 these days.

Even with stick-on triggers, it's a joke of a controller. The 360's controller beats it in every way except for the D-pad.

Having said that, FarSight needs to include trigger sensitivity preferences in TPA. There's far too much "travel" in the triggers compared to a flipper button on a real machine. It can be hard to nuance the flippers like you can IRL. (Especially when it comes to tip-passing.)

And why you can't charge the PS3's controller via USB while the PS3 is turned off, is beyond me. Sony managed to do a lot of things right, but just so many dumb things as well.

I have zero love for Microsoft (and yeah, I can't stand the new dashboard either), and I think they're an Evil Empire, but Sony are just arrogant. Apple arrogant, but without the profits. ;)


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
All the companies making platforms right now make me dream of a better time when a company named Sega made consoles. To me that was the golden age of gaming were the days of the Dreamcast, when games were games for the sake of being games and not yet really trying to play Sony's game of making games serious entertainment. Nintendo and Sega will always have a place in my heart for their contributions to gaming and for providing the early lessons of what not to do (like the Japanese division insisting on a crazy dual risc CPU hard as hell to program for architecture when both Sony and "Silicon Graphics" offer you hardware and your American division CEO is practically begging you to use them...both the Sony Playstation and the N64 could have been the Sega Saturn...imagine that?).

The DC controller is the basis of what became the XBOX controller, especially when they scrapped their early design.

I have a lot of respect for Sony's current console, it really is an amazing machine and unlike the PSX (with no z-buffer and technically not even designed for 3d graphics but to be a sprite pushing monster) and the PS2 (over-hyped using prerendered video to make it look much better than it really was), with amazing capabilities. It's a shame that everybody hummed and hawed when they showed their boomerang prototype controller and then they went right back to what everyone was comfortable with instead of making any forward progress with their contoller because that really is my only gripe about the platform.
If the PS3 was leaps and bounds more powerful than the 360 as opposed to just edging it out in raw power, I would have considered it, but MS had a lineup of games such as Project Gotham...well i guess that project gotham was really the only exclusive game i really really cared about...though i would rather play forza over gran turismo any time.

Wow did i start ranting or what?

Night all

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