PS3 Pinball Arcade in 3D


New member
Nov 19, 2012
But wow factor is all 3D has going for it. It's not like it's a tool that helps me be better at pinball.

Pinball requires a lot of concentration in racking up scores so it's easy to become so engaged in the gameplay that you stop noticing the 3D.

Honestly, I'm not personally too impressed with anything using 3D effects, but the one area where I think 3D has its merit is in simulation games, especially like TPA which is trying to feel like real pinball. There's still a long way to go, but FarSight have already gone at incredible lengths, and 3D would be an obvious step along the way.


New member
Jan 1, 2013
I love the idea of adding 3D support. I play Zen exclusively in 3D (unless of course I'm on my vita) and I feel it actually helps improve my game. At first I was worried that the lower frame rate would be an issue, I'm not an expert but I think the reason why it wasn't an issue is because its cutting the frame rate of the tv and not the game. Since all 3D tvs have a frame rate of at least 120 the game is unaffected

As a side note Shadow of the Colossus was killer in 3D. All of Sony's 1st and 2nd party ps2 conversions have been


New member
Jan 1, 2013
Was anybody else surprised to see 3D mentioned in the newsletter? I seem to remember that during the 12 days of Christmas Farsighted posted an (fascinating) interview in which one of the many things they discussed was 3D. They seemed to discard the idea completely


New member
Oct 25, 2012
From the Playstation Blog:
"+ Bobby King on February 5th, 2013 at 12:59 pm said:

Stereoscopic 3D support is in the works. We hope to debut it next month in Texas."

Now that is excellent news! It will be really awesome to have the Pinball Arcade running in 3D!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Wow, I'm actually really impressed they are adding this.

I hope the PS4 version gets it. Seems like a no brainer and the console can probably push full stereo 1080P and still have better lighting/polycounts/textures than the PS3 version.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Aaaaanyway, after that brief advertising break: I think there's definitely a world of potential for Farsight to bring some amazing 3D into the game. Also in 3D, the game would have more appeal to casual gamers that might well be looking for a game to show off their new shiny 3D gear.

Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
I actually found myself really wishing the PS Vita had a stereoscopic 3D screen while playing pinball as I have a real hard time keeping track of everything.

I do not have the same problem on PS3 because 1080p is plenty of detail for my eyes to resolve, but it would still be hugely beneficial for the reasons already described.

It amazes me how many people think 3D is only for eye straining pop out effects (which due to my lazy eye 99% of the time I can't see) when in fact the main point is to improve your depth perception, something which can be a real problem in games.

However I am greatly concerned at their ability to do it effectively on the PS3, as the update to improve the lighting engine caused the famous flipper lag problem for those of us with TVs that are a bit slower than average at getting the picture rendered. It does seem a lot better since the last update but even so I can imagine 3D will be even worse.
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Darrell Harding

New member
Mar 28, 2013
Really? You "really enjoyed" the 3D in Shadow of the Colossus, but you stopped noticing it in Zen Pinball? I have to call BS (no offense..heh)

Let me first say that I love SOTC...LOVE!.. but it's obvious the 3D was tacked on as an afterthought. It's one of the weaker 3D games period.
If you want a "wow factor" for a 3D games you would be doing yourself a favor to try one of the top 5 I listed above:
1. Zen Pinball 2
2. Super StarDust HD (The stars fly out of the screen!!)
3. MotorStorm Apocalypse
4. Gran Turismo 5
5. Uncharted 3

I take tell you personally, Super Stardust HD makes a believer out of anyone who think 3D is a fad.

Just wanted to say that if u set your ps3 up in display options in the ps3 XMB , where it asks you resolutions and performs the tests when it asks you what size your 3dtv screen is set it to 10-12inches and then try Shadow if the colossus out and you will be blown away by the depth of the 3d and Uncharted3 works just as well with this trick, in fact uncharted 3 is so unbelievably deep with this setup its hands down one of the most amazing examples of 3d gaming ice seen on consoles. Other games that respond well to this setup are Test Drive Unlimited and God Of War collection 2 and Motorstorm apocalypse will knock your socks off too.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Just wanted to say that if u set your ps3 up in display options in the ps3 XMB , where it asks you resolutions and performs the tests when it asks you what size your 3dtv screen is set it to 10-12inches and then try Shadow if the colossus out and you will be blown away by the depth of the 3d and Uncharted3 works just as well with this trick, in fact uncharted 3 is so unbelievably deep with this setup its hands down one of the most amazing examples of 3d gaming ice seen on consoles. Other games that respond well to this setup are Test Drive Unlimited and God Of War collection 2 and Motorstorm apocalypse will knock your socks off too.

"Extreme" 3D is not necessarily "good" 3D. They aren't trying to trick you into setting your 3D settings so that you won't enjoy the experience.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Just wanted to say that if u set your ps3 up in display options in the ps3 XMB , where it asks you resolutions and performs the tests when it asks you what size your 3dtv screen is set it to 10-12inches and then try Shadow if the colossus out and you will be blown away by the depth of the 3d and Uncharted3 works just as well with this trick, in fact uncharted 3 is so unbelievably deep with this setup its hands down one of the most amazing examples of 3d gaming ice seen on consoles. Other games that respond well to this setup are Test Drive Unlimited and God Of War collection 2 and Motorstorm apocalypse will knock your socks off too.

Thanks. I do have it set to that already since I use the PlayStation 3D Display about a foot away from my eyes.

Unfortunately the more I play games in 3D the more my eyes feel "stressed". Even with the effect turned down I feel like it's making my eyes work harder when switching on 3D.
I'm wondering if other 3D glasses might work out better than the Sony brand. I also thought it might be my 3D glasses, but I have 2 sets (I bought 2 displays) and they both feel the same.

It would be nice if Farsight supported something like this in the future. Perfect 3D, would work with ANY non-3D display, and wouldn't stress your vision.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I guess I'll have to see this for myself some day but I'm not sure why this 3D stuff matters so much for pinball; I don't orbit the table like a drunken sailor while playing, I pretty much keep my head on one place (and wish the camera would stay in one place). I don't want to have to wear a headset tracker or goggles or even pants while playing, and the benefit they confer seems dubious!


New member
Apr 14, 2012
With a head tracker and a mod like this, think about playing something like T2 on a cabinet. You could swing over to the right side of the cabinet when firing the cannon, and the perspective would instantly change and help you line up your shot. Move back into your playing position, and you'd be back to your standard view.

Nobody plays a table like in this video. It's a proof-of-concept video, and there’s a lot of movement here to demonstrate how this whole thing works.

I, for one, think this is brilliant. Pinball was the first thing I thought of all those years ago when Johhny Lee was first demonstrating his Wii head tracking. I think it would be great if all of the pinball developers could standardize around a single spec for both cabinets and head tracking. It would be great if we could get fiddle-free "it just works" 3D cabinet support, across the board, with Farsight and Zen and whomever, all working together for the greater good.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Oh, well, fair enough, I can't deny that thing looks pretty cool in a Star Wars holographic chess set kind of way.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
With a head tracker and a mod like this, think about playing something like T2 on a cabinet. You could swing over to the right side of the cabinet when firing the cannon, and the perspective would instantly change and help you line up your shot. Move back into your playing position, and you'd be back to your standard view.

Nobody plays a table like in this video. It's a proof-of-concept video, and there’s a lot of movement here to demonstrate how this whole thing works.

I, for one, think this is brilliant. Pinball was the first thing I thought of all those years ago when Johhny Lee was first demonstrating his Wii head tracking. I think it would be great if all of the pinball developers could standardize around a single spec for both cabinets and head tracking. It would be great if we could get fiddle-free "it just works" 3D cabinet support, across the board, with Farsight and Zen and whomever, all working together for the greater good.

It's silly to think Nintendo has not shown any interest in this.
Oh, and for the record, we have Johnny Lee to thank for this.
You guys probably remember his head tracking video which got a few hits on YouTube (9 million+)
Go to 2:30 to see the difference 3D can make.

As a gamer of 30+ years I want to see all of these advances being utilized. I can't wait to see what the future holds!

How about playing using the Oculus Rift? It might be interesting.

Darrell Harding

New member
Mar 28, 2013
Thanks. I do have it set to that already since I use the PlayStation 3D Display about a foot away from my eyes.

Unfortunately the more I play games in 3D the more my eyes feel "stressed". Even with the effect turned down I feel like it's making my eyes work harder when switching on 3D.
I'm wondering if other 3D glasses might work out better than the Sony brand. I also thought it might be my 3D glasses, but I have 2 sets (I bought 2 displays) and they both feel the same.

It would be nice if Farsight supported something like this in the future. Perfect 3D, would work with ANY non-3D display, and wouldn't stress your vision.

That mod for future pinball is a terrific idea that theoretically could be included TPA via facetracking but I wouldn't hold my breath on current consoles as my experience with ps3 headtracking had been random from great to a joke depending on lighting etc but ps4 eye seems much better able in a tech sense to track objects much better , same with kinect2 from the rumours. I agree 3d can be abut if a strain but I have a passive Panasonic which is very easy on the eyes as there is no actual blocking out each eye momentarily so longer sessions don't affect me much though a long stretch for me is maybe 2-3 hours on a good week :) due to heavy work load and 3 kids :) lol


New member
May 22, 2012
I just bought my PS4 yesterday and tried for the first time PinballFX2 in 3D with my Sony 46" HX800. What a stratospheric WOWWWW!!! Looks like I am playing with a real pinball! Please Pinball Arcade bring to us 3D!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!

I also tried Pinball FX2 for PS3 in 3D and for sure it looks good but My God for PS4 is like going from an ipad2 to a new ipad with retina display!! I can only imagine how all my favorite tables from Pinball Arcade will look with real Stereoscopic 3D implementation!! Cannot wait to have them on 3D!!!


New member
May 22, 2012
Thanks. I do have it set to that already since I use the PlayStation 3D Display about a foot away from my eyes.

Unfortunately the more I play games in 3D the more my eyes feel "stressed". Even with the effect turned down I feel like it's making my eyes work harder when switching on 3D.
I'm wondering if other 3D glasses might work out better than the Sony brand. I also thought it might be my 3D glasses, but I have 2 sets (I bought 2 displays) and they both feel the same.

It would be nice if Farsight supported something like this in the future. Perfect 3D, would work with ANY non-3D display, and wouldn't stress your vision.

Spoonman is your Sony tv 200Hz refresh rate? For proper 3D video you need a TV that has at least 200Hz refrash rate. Only at that frequency you will find that the eyes dont get tired as much. I got also other two LED TVs from Sony at 100Hz and cannot watch them for more then 20-30 minutes but with the other one at 200 I played even for 2 hours straight and didnt have any problems. I played FX2 of course.. Make a huge difference on your eyes.


New member
May 22, 2012
And for the guys that didn't try any Pinball simulation in 3D I can assure you that if it is a good simulation with high Graphic details and you have a good 3D TV/Monitor you will really feel much more like you are playing the real table... Its amazing compared to the 2D.

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