PS3 Questions


New member
Jun 30, 2012
While I do own the tables, I haven't really been keeping tabs in the PS3 situation since I mostly play the game on my Kindle. But why doesn't the option to free play new tables work on the PS3. At least it doesn't work on mine. I see the option is there but there doesn't seem to be any way to get it to work. I'm never actually given the option, just go straight to the purchase option. Works on the Kindle doesn't work here. I noticed this in the past but again PS3 isn't my focus to I ignored it expecting it to get fixed. Is this an actual bug or has my install just screwed up?

Also the goals widget doesn't show the completed goals by lighting up the stars. I can see the goals (completed or otherwise) when I select the widget and go into the next panel; but the stars are all "off". As above I noticed this before expecting it top be fixed but now I wonder if the issues are just specific to me.



Active member
Apr 24, 2012
There is no option to demo new tables on PS3. And yeah the goals display on the table list screen is still not working.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
The "buy now free play" button means to click on that to buy the table and unlock it for free play in the game.

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