PS3 version 2.11 & 2.12

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New member
Apr 20, 2012
Huh, my leaderboard seems fine. I only have a couple Friends who have TPA scores though, I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Not sure.
I have around 10 TPA friends. 2 of them that I were able to contact also have messed up Leaderboards.
I am going to be a little angry if they lost all of my Leaderboard scores.

Does anyone from Farsight still frequent this forum?
If so, do they ever reply about version bugs?


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Nice that season packs are coming, makes double and trippledipping a bit cheaper eh? :)

Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
For only being 276 Monster Bashes that download took a while for me.
Kinda surprised to see the "Season" stuff made it to PS3 before mobile.
Looks like they are going to be making the main menu one hell of a mess as they move forward

Edit: Annoyed "Arabian Nights" is still alphabetically under Tales. And how do the table goals stars STILL not work on the table menu?

Why are you annoyed that Tales of the Arabian Nights (TOTAN) is filed under "T?" I mean... wat?

Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
so is this all just UI/interface stuff or did they tweak anything? *cough*firepower bumpers*cough*

also please let me sort tables by alphabet, last played, year of release and company... thank you


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Feb 28, 2012
Ball speed in TZ feels faster and I had a ball get stuck in the gumball machine after this update...


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Flipper lag still present at 1080p, and the ball collision fix isn't in.

Not a surprise. :p

Also seems they were in the process of adding another option to the in table settings screen. There is now a 5th option that doesn't have anything written by it.

One update to add the option line, and one other to make it work. :cool:

I don't understand why or what the Seasons squares are for. Both are grey'd out and are useful for?

Maybe it's related to the new discounted packs, not available for now on PS3/Vita >

Season Table Packs will be available for purchase in the next Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, Mac and OUYA updates. Season One Table Pack allows you to purchase the four core tables plus Table Add-On Packs #1 - #10 (for a total of 22 tables) at a discounted price. Season Two Table Pack allows you to purchase Table Add-On Packs #11 - #20 at a discounted price as well. More detailed information on Season Table Packs and possible availability on other platforms to follow.

Maybe the "single" packs could not be purchased anymore, once "Season Packs" will be available. And for now, squares are grey'd out.

The friends filter on the leaderboard seems to be broken now, all of the tables just say "None" with the friends filter on now.

Mhhh, I will download the update tonight... (EU Version). I really hope friends filter is not broken, it's actually the only thing which add replay value on some tables...


New member
Apr 27, 2012
But seriously.... New update and still no 3D support?
I wonder if they are either going to scrap this altogether, or worse, try and sell it as DLC add-on content!

At the Milwaukee show FS said that they would not be charging for 3D. They also said that 3D was still a work in progress. They were happy with it on some tables but were still working on it on other tables. At that time they said that they were shooting for releasing 3D with the title update for Firepower or the title update for the next tables after that. They are still on schedule from what they said at the Milwaukee show. But if they are making sure that it looks good then I'm ok waiting.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I can't believe they are workIng on 3-d and the ability to turn the event camera on and off before giving us the option to turn the two stage flippers off. How hard could that be considering that this game originally didn't have 2 stage flippers?


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I wonder if the season packs will have fixed versions of the tables in them. ; )


New member
Apr 20, 2012
This sucks... Without Leaderboard scores this game is useless to me.
I've spent $80 on this and it's not even as good as my $12 Williams HOF disc!

Farsight is clueless on this bug.
They can't reproduce it, but they sure can mass produce it.

So who else is having this bug??

I tried deleting everything and reinstalling, but it's still f'd up.


Jul 11, 2012
Dam! there goes my 800+ million score for a top 10 geezus its just spiraling down faster and faster.


Jul 11, 2012
Im not having that leaderboard thing phew! BUT I clicked on tournament and it says I didn't compete in it and just shows the regular scoreboards....I took 2nd I hope this doesn't affect the prizes :(


New member
Sep 14, 2012
My overall leaderboard seems fine but when I go to the friends tab it takes every one of my PS3 friends and gives them the score of the last table I looked at the overall leaderboard for.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
My overall leaderboard seems fine but when I go to the friends tab it takes every one of my PS3 friends and gives them the score of the last table I looked at the overall leaderboard for.

Yes, that's the major bug that Farsight claims they can't reproduce!
Comparing Leaderboard scores with my TPA friends is the reason I'm still playing TPA.

So all they did in this update was add the stupid Seasons buttons and break the friend sorting on the Leaderboards??
Yeah, I don't blame them for not adding a proper Changelog.

Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
friends list leaderboard broken
tournament broken
really annoyig how you can't scroll through the menu fluidly (if you ae on the right bottom option, hitting right or down does nothing)
goal display still broken

farsight has outdone themselves with ****ing this one up

Billy Fishtale

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Mar 22, 2013
***Moderator's Note***This is the last time I'm going to say this and this goes for all forum members...singling out or personally attacking other forum members, including FarSight employees, will result in immediate removal of posting privileges and may include being permanently banned from the forum.

By all means, feel free to post your opinions, concerns and frustrations, but please do it in a constructive manner.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Well, that does it. I abandoned the PS3 version long ago. I've now decided I ain't going back.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
The tournament display isn't necessarily broken, it might just be waiting for data to come along in a new format, ie their next tournament. There wouldn't have been much to see on the tournament menu until then, anyhow.
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