PS4 NA v1.00 Master Bug List


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
When arriving at the main menu or My Tables screens in certain ways, an "X" button appears momentarily in the upper left corner of the screen.


1) Start the game
2) At the title screen, press "X" as prompted
==> As you arrive on the main menu screen, an "X" button is momentarily visible in the upper left corner

1) From the title screen, select "My Tables"
==> As you arrive on the "My Tables" screen, an "X" button is momentarily visible in the upper left corner
2) Select "Attack From Mars"
3) At the Attack From Mars main screen, press the Circle button to return to the My Tables screen
4) At the My Tables screen, press the Circle button to return to the main menu screen
==> As you arrive on the main menu screen, an "X" button is momentarily visible in the upper left corner


Sep 12, 2012
While playing Scared Stiff I activated The Spell and the ball went down the left outlane. This goal did not register in the standard goals. On the bright side the ball was actually saved by the spell. UPDATE -- On a completely different playthrough The Spell registered.
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New member
Nov 1, 2012
This may not be a glitch, just a lucky shot, but in Black Hole PS4 I was able to get the ball stuck on the lower left hand...whatever it's called, where the score would just increment. It wasn't really a glitch as I could nudge it out after (I was tempted to let it wrack up forever but I'm too honest a guy).

Stuck Ball (For whatever reason, my Share capture didn't record it getting in place...bummer)

Nudged Out into Multi (I'm never gotten MB on BH before so I'm not sure if it behaved as expected)
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
While playing Scared Stiff I activated The Spell and the ball went down the left outlane. This goal did not register in the standard goals. On the bright side the ball was actually saved by the spell.

I seem to recall people saying that happened on other platforms as well.


Sep 12, 2012
Yes this is the third time. It also never registered for me on the PS3 version as well. UPDATE -- After activating Frenzy twice it finally registered. Now earning the extra ball off the gangway bonus didn"t register. :p
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
Are not goals that do not register the first time you accomplish them a bug in itself?

That's correct, they are not. It is a limitation of the nature of software to not be able to detect a fleeting state. It works, at least to my understanding, much like the physics. The physics makes calculations on the ball's location, speed, trajectory, etc at least 60 times per second but increases this interval at times, like when the ball is moving quickly near the flippers, in order to capture as many events as possible that will effect the ball. It's not possible in the binary world for the physics engine to constantly monitor the ball. It has to take tiny slices of data to figure out where the ball should go next. If something *should* have happened to the ball in between those slices the game doesn't know it and we might see that as the ball doing something strange or unnatural. Apply this to the goal detecting part of the game. Again the game can't monitor the goals constantly. It takes slices of the state of the virtual pinball machine and looks to see if any of the goal criteria have been met. It has been demonstrated on a number of tables for a number of goals that this process misses some goals. That's not a bug. It's an engineering limitation of the programming. Probably a resource dependent limitation. It is something that could be improved like frames per second or lighting effects or flipper physics. It is no more a bug than the lack of advanced flipper moves.

However, that's different from a goal that never gets recognized. If the table fails to recognize frenzie every time then there's something wrong. That could be considered a bug.


Sep 12, 2012
Playing RBION in camera angle 4 the trio of vertical white lights in the back are projecting squares. All 3 of them. and up close like that on other tables it is slow to switch to multiball camera and back. Also it looks like all the scorcards are really low-rez. Also in MB I had a ball stuck on the Bride's right ramp and I shot another ball up and it went through the existing ball. I had to nudge the stuck ball out. ALL BK bugs still exist.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Not sure if it's a bug or mentioned in this thread yet, on BK unlike the mobile version of the game, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the camera to pan to the upper playfield, nor find a good angle to play the table.


Sep 12, 2012
Honestly I don't think they care about BK. There's a good enough angle (not the best) so you can see some of the upper playfield.

Darrell Harding

New member
Mar 28, 2013
Yeah black knight is really tough to enjoy since none of the static cameras show u the top flipper properly and if u play with an unlocked camera it actually doesn't keep up with the fast ball coming down to the lower playfield , I have 1 goal left to complete the wizard set but it isn't alot of fun trying to get it when u feel like u fighting that camera , would be simple fix to just add a extra camera angle that the player is free to place where they like before commencing play (and saves for each individual table)


New member
Sep 8, 2012
5. Reports of nudging that has stopped working on the non-emulated tables. (Unconfirmed)

This just happened to me on Genie and then continued as I tried Gorgar and BK after. It happened after I was playing some ToM where I completed the standard goals and posted a high score. I switched to Genie and set the custom ball skin and changed it to a 3 ball game before starting. There was no nudge whatsoever. I tried Gorgar and BK with the same results.

Then I closed TPA and restarted it and now nudging works fine again. I even when back and completed a real quick game of ToM again then switched back to Genie and its still working fine. So I don't know what caused it but I can confirm it did happen.
Feb 19, 2014
There is a flasher missing on Party Monsters.

When you lock a ball, the skull is supposed to have a flasher that flashes each "ha".

So as it goes "hahahhaa" it should be flashing. It doesn't.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
No nudging on emulated tables

5. Reports of nudging that has stopped working on the non-emulated tables. (Unconfirmed)

I had this happen a couple more times yesterday and today. The common thing has been that it was after a someone long game on a DMD table where I had unlocked some goals and ended with a high score initials entry. In every instance closing TPA and restarting has corrected the issue.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
TAXI-Crossover Bonus does not register on Wizard goals

On four occasions I have earned the crossover bonus. It has yet to register under the wizard goals.

Had this problem with other games, but usually it's just a onesie or twosie detection miss. Not with TAXI though.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
TAXI-Crossover Bonus does not register on Wizard goals

On four occasions I have earned the crossover bonus. It has yet to register under the wizard goals.

Had this problem with other games, but usually it's just a onesie or twosie detection miss. Not with TAXI though.

It does happen, just takes a lot of attempts. You also have had to ensure you have locked the balls again in multiball. Crossover bonus won't register until you have done this.

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