PS4 pricing and discount thread


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I can't believe Sony haven't fixed the discount yet. There is a BIG difference between the description:

and the Tell me More information:

Seems like Sony screwed it up even more for your store than the NA store. For NA it wasn't making us have to have purchased the season pass because I bought every table pack individually for the PS3. In our case we just weren't getting the pro option if we didn't already own all the pro on PS3. Looks like on yours its flagging people for not owning the season bundle rather than just all the packs no matter how you bought them.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I bought all season 1 Pinball Arcade table packs separately (I obtained The Twilight Zone through kickstarter) and also the season 2 packs with trophies, but the season 1 discount pack is not available for me on the PlayStation store! When I click on more information, the reason given Is I did not buy Season 1... I'm in the EU.
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
I bought all season 1 Pinball Arcade table packs separately (I obtained The Twilight Zone through kickstarter) and also the season 2 packs with trophies, but the season 1 discount pack is not available for me on the PlayStation store! When I click on more information, the reason given Is I did not buy Season 1... I'm in the EU.

Yep. Hopefully Sony fixes it soon.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I checked the facebook page on my girlfriend's account (I don't use facebook) and Farsight say it should be sorted in the next day or two for the EU store.

Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
That's good to know. I feared that this close to the weekend and then christmas we would be waiting for the new year.

Its mental how often the EU store gets these things messed up though and how long it takes to fix them. You would think something like this would be an easy fix. What do they do, rewrite the whole store code from scratch every time?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
That's good to know. I feared that this close to the weekend and then christmas we would be waiting for the new year.

Its mental how often the EU store gets these things messed up though and how long it takes to fix them. You would think something like this would be an easy fix. What do they do, rewrite the whole store code from scratch every time?

You aren't alone. The NA store is messed up also and is still messed up.


New member
May 1, 2013
Hey! guys,

Still no luck today either with the EU store (I'm in the UK) really want to be able to play all those Season 1 tables on PS4, but, there's no way I'm paying out full price for them all over again, fingers crossed this gets fixed soon! I can't keep playing TOTAN, good job I also have Zen Pinball 2 to fall back on while we all wait for this issue to get sorted, trouble is I prefer the real life tables that you only get with TPA.:(


New member
Oct 3, 2013
I also have problems with the discount. I bought all the tables on PS3 seperately from 1st until the 18th Pack + Kickstarter Packs (Twilight Zone, Star Trek, T2) but in the PS4 Shop the discount version is unavilable for me. Someone on Facebook told me that I should buy the "Season 1 Pack" first on PS3 to get access to the discounted pack. The strange thing is that when I go back to PS3 shop, the "Season 1 Pack" was now available for me and I can download it. But after installing, the "Season 1" option is still not selectable in the game and I still have no access to the discounted Season 1 Pack on PS4. What's going on there??? :(


New member
May 1, 2013
I also have problems with the discount. I bought all the tables on PS3 seperately from 1st until the 18th Pack + Kickstarter Packs (Twilight Zone, Star Trek, T2) but in the PS4 Shop the discount version is unavilable for me. Someone on Facebook told me that I should buy the "Season 1 Pack" first on PS3 to get access to the discounted pack. The strange thing is that when I go back to PS3 shop, the "Season 1 Pack" was now available for me and I can download it. But after installing, the "Season 1" option is still not selectable in the game and I still have no access to the discounted Season 1 Pack on PS4. What's going on there??? :(

Exactly the same here mate, I also went back to the PS3 and downloaded the Season Pack 1, as I also bought all the tables separate like yourself, but, as you rightly say it still makes no difference when you go back to the PS Store on the PS4, getting really frustrated with the delay in sorting all this out now, Sony (or whoever?) need to pull their finger out and put this right.:mad:


New member
Apr 20, 2012
The textures that I'm seeing are higher resolution than on the PS3. As I said in my first impressions post, they are higher but some people are going to say that they should be higher still. On MM I can read the madnesses that I have stacked that are listed under Merlin's Magic. To use your example I can read the songs on the CD. On the PS3 I can't read those but on the PS4 I can. So it is better. I won't disagree with you. I also want the effective resolution to be as high as the display resolution of 1080p. They are not. There's a balance of quality and price. I think most of the people on this forum would value quality over price but this forum represents a small percentage of the sales of TPA. If they could get $10 per table with their current sales I would imagine that would do some really nice things to their operating budget. I guess also if their sales were double what they are it would have the same net effect. It's not like they are Rockstar. They don't have a team working on the table texture. There's one person working on that plus he has other responsibilities. We want the polish of a GTA V or Uncharted but they have to deliver on a fraction of an Angry Birds budget. There are going to be compromises. But I'm not saying we have to be happy about them. Overall I'm pleased with the PS4 version.

I honestly think they used the same resolution table scans between the PS3 and PS4 TPA versions. I believe it's the improved lighting that is making the music tracks easier to read. However, you CAN also read the music tracks on the PS3 table unless your display settings are set too dark?

The main table graphics still appear to be 480p resolution textures (max).
If they could improve this, and I have no doubts in my mind that the PS4 is capable of displaying a 1080x1920 px bitmap using maybe .5 of its 8 core CPU and 8GB of memory. Like always I feel the smart phone ports of TPA are holding everything else back and that kind of sucks. :(

Imagine how beautiful Monster Bash would be if they used clean, true HD table graphics like this...

Click for 3,072px × 2,304px image

I really don't think it would bust their budget to use higher res scans.
I would certainly have no problem paying full price for upgrades like this.
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New member
Apr 20, 2012
Dude we get the point, do you really need to keep posting those huge images?

Yes, apparently I do.

And dude, if you got the point you wouldn't continue to be in disagreement with my proof that Farsight has been using the same old table scans over and over again because people like you think "it's fine... it's good enough... it'll do.... the lighting upgrade alone is worth the money.."

I care about Farsight and TPA. I want them to do well. Think of me as their unofficial QA team.
They are not dealing with cell phone pinball here. Many of us with PS4's and Xbox One's also own the previous incarnation of TPA. To use the same old textures is not a good idea. Yes, I realize they are not Rockstar. I think you mentioned that a few times as well.

I've also seen people use the excuse that in order to keep it running smoothly at 60fps they can't use high resolution table graphics.
When I read that I don't know whether to laugh or tear out my hair! The PS4 is not capable of displaying a shiny ball on a 1080p texture map? Sure...OK

Sometimes people need a dose of the truth even if it hurts.

Yes I love Pinball Arcade. Yes, I think Farsight has some awesome people working for them. And yes I will most likely continue to buy every single table they out out over and over again, but can I not have my own opinion and show how things could be improved?

Sorry if that came off as rude in any way. I didn't mean it to. Holidays can be stressful! :eek:
I also didn't realize the picture was so taxing on slower devices (like my iPod Touch 4th gen).. So, sorry for that too.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I also didn't realize the picture was so taxing on slower devices (like my iPod Touch 4th gen).. So, sorry for that too.

Start a single "Request - High resolution textures" thread and put it all in there. Link them to it on Facebook. You could even ask them about how they're progressing on what they said about this on Facebook on November 11th, ie "We will be up-ressing many of the textures for ps4, specifically the playfields." (Note that was future tense, and said long after the launch version we have now would have been complete.)

Let this and the existing threads remain more or less on-topic.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
The ps4 textures are poor, totan is still blurred at the bottom, Harley Davidson has some diabolical blurring and totally pixelated rubbish going on around the motorbike. The lighting is the only real upgrade tbh.
However, I agree that they should be better, what I don't like is the picture spoonman continues to paste around the forum. It's over-sharpened, and is a really hideous unnatural colour space. Like a Lcd hdtv in dynamic mode. It does not look like a real table as you would view in real life with your own eyes. The ps4 version I'd like to think, will start to see better quality as the pinball arcade grows, but farsight's inadequacy again starts to hold things back. Bugs and glitches, store problems, no working leaderboards.
On European psn Zen has 2.1k likes.
Pba has 900k

Because it's polished, tidy and just works.
Unfortunately for farsight, that's why people like and buy it. For me, I don't like it. Pinball arcade is a fantastic digital recreation of real life pinball tables. With really impressive realistic (ish), physics.
Zen is a video game loosely based on the notion of pinball, with totally Unrealistic physics.


New member
May 1, 2013
Any of you guys who use the EU/UK PS Store had any joy yet on downloading the discounted Season 1 bundle? still no luck for me, can't believe this issue has still not been sorted, very disappointing, I'm pretty sick of TOTAN now, still not going to pay full price for all the tables again though, if they don't sort this out I'll just stick with the PS3 version.:(

Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
Nope, its still bloody broken!

Been playing No Good Gofers on PC instead as I just got the Asus Transformer T100 so can more easily flip it into portrait and can use dualshock 4 on it. Really starting to wonder if I should give up on the PS4 version at this point and just move to PC. I only bought on PS3 for cross-buy so with it looking like it won't be cross-buy on PS4, is there any point?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Still waiting on Sony to fix the issue where some could not buy the pro pack at a discount. Will pro mode be available for an upgrade later for the $5 more I should have been able to purchase it at in the first place? I sure hope so. Either that or unlock my kickstarter pro tables.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Start a single "Request - High resolution textures" thread and put it all in there. Link them to it on Facebook. You could even ask them about how they're progressing on what they said about this on Facebook on November 11th, ie "We will be up-ressing many of the textures for ps4, specifically the playfields." (Note that was future tense, and said long after the launch version we have now would have been complete.)

Let this and the existing threads remain more or less on-topic.

Thanks for the link to the FB post. I didn't see that.
I have asked them, on here, FB, and email, but none were answered so I gave up on it.

I do think the quality of the PS4 TPA tables is relevant to the pricing, at least for me it is.
I would rather have had them wait a few months and make the tables properly than to fill it with low res graphic place holders.

In addition, I was planning on buying the retail collection in addition to buying the complete Season Passes, but I figured they would only release the disc after they fixed up the tables.
It's kind of like releasing a studio recorded album online and then producing retail discs from 4-track demo tapes.

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