Q&A with Bobby King: Round 1

Bobby King

FarSight Employee
Feb 23, 2012
Hey everyone!

I love the support that you guys give us on this page. Thanks for the questions.

1.) Will operator's menu or tournament mode settings ever be implemented into every table? Maybe these settings could be something we could unlock for completing table goals?
We’re going to start with Twilight Zone and see how things go. There are many settings available using the operator’s menu that could potentially break the flow of our game. We’ve been nervous about what might get broken if players have access to it. We’ll test it internally of course. Our plan is to disable any high score posting if a setting is changed from the factory default and we hope to eliminate any non-progression bugs that would get us bounced from Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo certification – but this is a risk. We are also planning to implement the operator’s menu for Star Trek: TNG if we raise enough money to fund that license. We’ll have to evaluate down the road whether giving access to the operator’s menu was worth it.

2.) Can you please give us an update on the PC version? Will the PC version support Cabinet view, multiple screens, and/or real DMDs right off the bat? Do you guys have a virtual pinball cabinet in your office yet?
Our rendering tech for the PC version has been taking longer than we thought and we want to launch it with a solid plan and partner for distribution. On the PC, we’re not going to release the game until the lighting and effects look as good as they should. We are planning to fully support cabinets and multiple screens. The cabinet features are not in yet, so I can’t say for sure if we’ll ship with them at launch. We haven’t bought a cabinet yet, but we will be.

3.) Will we ever be able to vote for table releases, and if so when?
Yes, we wanted to release Gorgar first – which is part of the next DLC pack and see how it does. Our plan for the first vote is to allow fans (and maybe just people who buy Gorgar) to pick which classic Bally table from the 70s-early 80s to do first.

4.) Any chance we will get any fairly new Stern machines? Could you give us a hint in regards to a certain table you might have in store for us?
I can’t give you any hints, but we have been talking to Stern recently about this very topic. Also, our success on kickstarter has given us hope that the licenses needed for tables that we want to include may be within reach.

BONUS QUESTION: What is your favorite table of all time and why?
When I was younger, I would’ve said T2. Of the tables we have at the studio, I’ve probably spent the most time playing Bride. I honestly don’t think that have a favorite.
As we add more tables to our game, I get to appreciated tables so much more than I had before. I’m usually pretty focused on the tables that we’re working on putting in the game. Recently – I’ve been playing a lot of Creature when not playing a table for gameplay tuning comparisons.
Besides it being a lot of fun, I think I like Creature a lot because I’m pretty good at hitting all of the shots and I enjoy the challenge of trying to get better. Keith Elwin visited our office and played for an hour on a couple balls until he had to get going and let his remaining balls drain so he could enter his initials. Knowing it’s possible to be that good on a table I love has made me enjoy trying to get better on it. A similar thing happened when Josh Sharpe was here a couple years ago and we played Taxi. I enjoy that table a lot and played a lot of Taxi after that.

I have to get back to helping to finish up Bash! Look for a video to be posted next week - it's a great table!

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Yes, thank you! It's interesting to know the scoop straight from the source.
Anyone know what he means by a non-progression bug?
That is awesome that they will let us vote for future releases. Those who buy Gorgar will be able to vote. Does that mean the voting will be done in game?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Thank you Bobby...I look forward to reading future Q&As and appreciate that you're taking the time to do them.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Fantastic, Bobby. Thanks again for taking the time to answer, and for all your hard work at the studios!

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Yes, thank you! It's interesting to know the scoop straight from the source.
Anyone know what he means by a non-progression bug?
That is awesome that they will let us vote for future releases. Those who buy Gorgar will be able to vote. Does that mean the voting will be done in game?

Non-progression bug means one that causes the game to crash or stop functioning properly. The kind of bugs where you have to turn off your console and turn it back on, or exit the game and restart.
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Apr 29, 2012
If giving the user direct control of the Operator's Menu could introduce a nightmare number of combinations and unforeseen issues then perhaps Farsight can just create pre-set game types? For instance, something as simple as a 'hard mode' which features its own leaderboard.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Non-progression bug means one that causes the game to crash or stop functioning properly. The kind of bugs where you have to turn off your console and turn it back on, or exit the game and restart.

You mean like the one in the dashboard where if you have a disk in the tray and try to load an app off the hard drive and it sits there forever trying to read the disk and locks up the system until you open the tray?

I wonder who made that stupid dashboard anyway

On topic though. Thank you for the answers. It's always nice to have the developers on the site

Wish we could chat more with you guys


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Thanks to Mike and Ryan from Farsight as well for their regular contributions to this site and more importantly TPA!

Group hug everyone!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Thanks for your commitment to the fans! I appreciate you taking the questions and giving direct answers.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
You mean like the one in the dashboard where if you have a disk in the tray and try to load an app off the hard drive and it sits there forever trying to read the disk and locks up the system until you open the tray?

I wonder who made that stupid dashboard anyway

That's Microsoft's non progression bug. ;)


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Thanks Bobby for taking time to answer some questions and, thank you Farsight for The Pinball Arcade. Getting to play these pins without having to drop thousands on the real deal is fantastic.

Classic late 70's early 80's Bally table? Centaur! Centaur! Centaur!

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