Not sure if this should go into the general forum, but I have a question regarding how the game reacts to different play styles. I have noticed that it seems whenever I play a certain way (using lots of nudging and "rocking the cradle" a lot), it seems the ball has a greater tendency to drain down side exit lanes and other unavoidable ways.
Does anyone know if the game has code built in to react to this style of play and "punish" the player for nudging too much or holding the ball on the flipper for extended periods?
For example on tables that require certain tasks to be completed but you can just hold the ball on the flipper and let the time run out, and it still counts as "completing" the objective, some may consider this a type of cheat. I swear it seems when I employ these kind of tactics, the game all of a sudden gives me "bad luck".
Back in the day of real pinball machines, I can remember certain machines employed magnets that would pull the ball towards the center and other directions which would cause you to lose your balls faster. So I'm wondering if this kind of logic is still present in the emulations.
Does anyone know if the game has code built in to react to this style of play and "punish" the player for nudging too much or holding the ball on the flipper for extended periods?
For example on tables that require certain tasks to be completed but you can just hold the ball on the flipper and let the time run out, and it still counts as "completing" the objective, some may consider this a type of cheat. I swear it seems when I employ these kind of tactics, the game all of a sudden gives me "bad luck".
Back in the day of real pinball machines, I can remember certain machines employed magnets that would pull the ball towards the center and other directions which would cause you to lose your balls faster. So I'm wondering if this kind of logic is still present in the emulations.