Questions concerning future updates


New member
Jul 15, 2016
I'll make it short:

Is the possibility coming to play with up to four players? The Pinball Arcade gives you that option - why not the Stern Pinball Arcade? It would be great to hear from a developer whether this is going to be included in a future patch.

Is some sort of free camera coming or at least a fly over camera as in The Pinball Arcade? It is just sad that you can't watch Attract Mode and have a look at the playfield outside of the instructions.

And finally, is there going to be an option to change settings in the operator's menu? There are so many adjustments possible and it would be great to be able to adjust the settings and play in tournament mode for example...


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I don't think the UI is in its completed form. Hopefully wee will see many of the changes you are asking for.

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