Questions for Mel for BlahCade 149 (Saturday 15th Sep 3pm PST)

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Staff member
May 8, 2012
Folks, in case you weren't aware.

We covered in the just-released BlahCade 148 that we will be interviewing Mel Kirk in an AMA style format.
We'll be asking Mel questions not just about Williams Pinball, but stuff about Zen Studios in general.

To be clear, this will be a private recording for now, until some of the content we're going to be discussing is greenlit for release by Zen. ;)

But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun along the way, right?

If you have any questions you have always wanted to ask Zen but never got the time to do it, now's your chance.

Post them here in this thread and Chris and I will update a tracking doc we have of them. If you have any timeline related questions about the licence, reserve these questions until you've listened to the BlahCade 148 episode - we go into much detail in this podcast about that and you might get an answer to your question if you listen.

Your deadline for questions is (rather short - soz) Saturday 15th 12am PST (no idea what that would be in Aussie time off the top of my head so let's just run with that, mkay).
We'll be keeping an eye on the thread leading up to the recording but you might miss out if you leave it too late.
We'll lock the thread once we've got everything captured.

Get thinking.

Get asking.

Stay cool. :D


New member
Mar 9, 2017
Ask if they can consider looking for a solution to get the Williams tables without consored GFX & Audio. Maybe by seperate DLC or something.


New member
May 24, 2013
hi Jared , how often are we going to get a table that hasn`t been done before ? !!!:cool: for myself I would like 1 every 4 pack , is this possible ? :cool:


New member
Feb 19, 2013
Cabinet mode real backglass on 2nd monitor support. Granted not really a question just something I'll be screaming into the void until it gets implemented.

Possibility of free camera placement (similar to the NOEX mod) so we can just set up the cab ourselves.


New member
Jul 12, 2013
Will repeat these questions I had pm'd to you guys earlier:

Questions I have for Mel:

Possible schedule of releases, packs every 3-4 months???, mixing in tables already in TPA and those that never made it, and how long is the contract for the licenses for? any set limits(only 20 tables) or what tables that can be made? Possibility of EM's somewhere down the line, maybe 4 pack regular tables and 1-2 EM's plus??

Hoping you guys definitely don't let him off the hook about the tilt/nudging problem, the idea that someone with keyboards are driving how the tilt/nudge works worries me.

Ratings fiasco IMO sort of was glossed over on the Zen YouTube announcement video, with even 1-2 Zen fans saying that it wasn't that big a deal to censor tables into the E-10 rating, can ask how did Farsight got adult versions of Medieval Madness into TPA with E10 rating and things that were taboo in the 70's/80's now might not even be that serious for the ratings. Properties on their current fantasy tables based on South Park, Doom and Aliens etc that are considered more mature in rating getting in but real tables from the decades ago having problems??

Worrying about Zen falling into the same trap as Farsight and releasing on way too many platforms, already seeing people asking about 360/PS3/WiiU/mobile/VR etc, kind of thought Farsight said in the past if they couldn't get a build to run on mobile they wouldn't bring it out on consoles/steam cause the current pinball tables of today were too powerful to run on mobile with the tv screen and other toys on the field.

Thank you again for the podcast and look forward to your interview with Mel.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'd like to know the plans for mobile. They were very vague about what is or isn't coming. And is there a timeline for their mobile plans?


New member
Oct 5, 2017
I'd also like to know if we're going to see any EMs.

Maybe ask if, when obtaining 3rd party licenses, they intend to attempt to secure those rights both for use with the WMS recreations and for making digital originals. Basically like what syt was talking about in the thread about Zen devs.

Do they plan on doing the Pinball 2000 tables at some point?

Will we have operator access?

Are we getting better/more lighting options and dedicated environmental/ambient settings?

Are they willing to "Fester" things if absolutely necessary to get us tables?

Ask if I can have $5. Or like 1400 Forints.


New member
Aug 28, 2017
Cabinet mode real backglass on 2nd monitor support. Granted not really a question just something I'll be screaming into the void until it gets implemented.

Possibility of free camera placement (similar to the NOEX mod) so we can just set up the cab ourselves.

I'd also like to know if they will implement a custom / free camera feature. My interest level in FX3 will remain on the light side until I can view the tables in the manner that's best suited for my personal setup, none of the preset cameras can accomplish this.

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
I'd ask Mel...When did Zen start tearing down machines to develop William's Pinball? ......and/or when did development start for William's Pinball?


Mar 25, 2013
Posted on the other thread but just in case.

My question would be if they can mod the tables at all? Such as adding LED style lighting to older tables, color DMD, prototype toys/elements that were later removed, alternative backglass, modified flippers (color or type), etc.


Jul 9, 2012
Cabinet mode real backglass on 2nd monitor support. Granted not really a question just something I'll be screaming into the void until it gets implemented.

Possibility of free camera placement (similar to the NOEX mod) so we can just set up the cab ourselves.

I’ll second this!!!


New member
Jan 1, 2013
My number 1 question is what will be done with backglasses for cabinet mode users for Bally/Williams tables?

My number 2 question is why hasn't Zen provided backglasses in the past? Since they are just static images it seems like it would've been pretty easy. So is there a legal reason why it wasn't done? (PS I would be willing to pay for a Backglass pack DLC)


New member
Jan 1, 2013
I'm having some performance issues in the Williams beta, and I'm wondering if the hardware requirements to play the Williams tables is higher than the Zen tables?


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Are volume levels not finished for these games? They seem more quiet than the other games in FX3.


Nov 1, 2013
I would like to know whether they will be doing different light settings for the room and bulbs like they do in TPA? Also will there be an option to view table flyers? And what kind of "rewards" do we get for gaining experience with Williams tables?


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Ask them about EMs. Would you ever consider doing an EM at some point? You know, just to let them know that there is interest in EMs.
Apr 8, 2012
I've played the beta and I've found that live catches are possible. Will they be implementing drop catches and will realistic cradle separations be possible? Multiball always sucked on Farsight's versions because you could never properly cradle separate due to the always full power flippers and sub-par physics.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
It seems FX3 defaults to the integrated graphics chipset instead of my nVidia graphics card. Can we get this changed?


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I'm having some performance issues in the Williams beta, and I'm wondering if the hardware requirements to play the Williams tables is higher than the Zen tables?

Check out Jeff's guide to GPUs in this thread if you're having problems with performance. I will table the question though.
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