Quick! Delete Five Tables!


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May 10, 2012
Premier all the way for me

01. Victory (a few nice shots but I just find it so extremely boring and repetitive)
02. Rescue 911 (this table has no redeeming features at all for me)
03. Going Nuts (of all the rare tables they could have gone for? Just irritating, all the way)
04. Lights Camera Action (again, a few nice shots and ideas but poorly executed by Premier)
05. 1812 (Theme could have been funny, but it is not. It's a drag, It's a bore. Ok for 5 minutes of gameplay, once a year)

Most of the other tables have some kind of factor that I like. Could be art, could be sounds, theme or gameplay.

Those five above have nothing that I care too much about and I would not miss them......much.(boy, am I looking forward to Bone Busters ;) ) Would never delete them unless I had to, though


New member
Oct 20, 2012
High Roller Casino: BOR-ring. Hate waiting for the roulette spinner to finally finish on each plunge. Bleh on the voice acting, too.
Rescue 911: Not much fun and no Shatner.
F-14 Tomcat: Still trying to enjoy this one, but no luck yet. Looping looping looping zzzz.
Central Park: Playing the table and watching someone else play the table are almost exactly the same experience... except other people get higher scores than me. Can't tolerate that bell sound over and over and over.
Victory: When I hit the random button and this comes up, I always think: "Totally forgot about this one." Then I play one game, which I like, but the second time it just seems like more of the same. Then I stop and forget about it. If it was deleted I might never think of it again.

Dishonorable mentions:
Hurricane or Cyclone: Delete one but not the other; I won't be able to tell you which is gone, but I'll enjoy it just the same.
Harley Davidson: Not enough hate for this one in this thread. What's going on?

Keep your hands off:
Goin' Nuts and Class of 1812. Are you crazy? Those tables are fabulous!

Harley is not a complete loser IMO. I like the motorcycle theme, table design, and soundtrack, but it is way too repetitive. The Milwaukee multiball wizard mode is way too much work for the rewards you'll get and video mode is boring when you can win it 20 times in one game. (Doctor Who's video mode is way too easy and time consuming too, but at least it's not the same darn pattern every single time.) It's a good table marred by ineffective rules. Even after two previous editions, Stern still just couldn't manage to improve it enough.


New member
Oct 17, 2016
I get the feeling Harley Davidson was designed more for players who have had a drink or 10. (burp!)

I say keep them all as each one is like a Sega arcade machine coming home. Like Sega arcade machines, this type of thing does not happen often so enjoy what we get and while it lasts! :D
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May 10, 2013
Yeah, Harley's not that bad. Just played it again after a year or so without trying it, and I'm not totally put off. I think the first time I played it I had a good game and was annoyed by the steady stream of multiballs when I didn't know why or how I was getting them. There seemed to be a lot of dislike for it on the forum when I became a regular visitor, and I just bought-in to what the cool kids were saying.

Also it seemed rather pedestrian compared to its pack-mate, Taxi, which is a surrealism meets mad magazine concoction of creativity. The voice acting on HD is not nearly as good, either. So, on s cond thought, it's not to be deleted; but in a must-delete hierarchy it would go long before Taxi, which shouldn't go under any circumstance!


New member
Apr 3, 2013
High Roller Casino: BOR-ring. Hate waiting for the roulette spinner to finally finish on each plunge. Bleh on the voice acting, too.


Even if I plunge very softly, the ball rolls endlessly in the roulette. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Then SDTM out of the bumpers.

Next plunge and roulette again for ages.



Oct 31, 2015
Starship Troopers - I can't even get into this table at all. I play a game or two and just hate he audio.

High Roller - The voice acting kills this table which could otherwise be great.

Central Park - Am I playing pinball or is it playing itself?

City of Gold - El Dorado is much nicer for some reason. Can't get into the table. Visually on the screen it is too noisy.

Addams Family - Like another said, I don't see it.

Harley Davidson - I killed the mystery rider!

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New member
Apr 25, 2014
I would not get rid of a single one willingly, event the biggest turd of em all is still pinball and thats better than most any other game to me. But if I had to

Lights Camera Action: poop imo
El Dorado SS: no need for it with the EM being superior in every way
Last Action Hero: cant get past the gigantic Arnold "art"
Harley Davidson: such an easy theme to work with, how did they crap the bed this bad?
Cue Ball Wizard: already 2 vastly superior pool theme games in there

There is still something I can find to like about each of these


New member
Nov 7, 2014
1. High Roller Casino. Waiting for stupid roulette at beginning of round so your ball can drain 3 seconds later, fun!
2. Goin' Nuts. **** this, it is like the kind of thing they torture you with in an asylum.
3. El Dorado City of Gold; color scheme reminds me of the few dreadful times I had to go into my brother's room which smelled like him and vice versa.
4. The backglass on Harley Davidson. I can't stand that fat f-ckface on such a good game.
5. No Fear - Dangerous Sports; Every single thing that was wrong with the obnoxious over marketed EXXXTREME 90's in one game. (honorable mentions for ****ty 90s games Class of 1812, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Lights Camera Action & Circus Voltaire (who the hell chose the garish colors and art design on these machines? 'Hey, let's break all the established rules for art and color selection and make some sh-tty looking mess.'))

Honorable mention; Lenny Kravitz's 'Are you gonna go my way?' from Rocksmith. I have been trying to delete this for some time, and have called them 3 times about it.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
Central Park. Laugh if you will, but it creates a zen experience when one wants to chill out. :D

I won't laugh - I get the same feeling with Big Shot, which is one of my favorites for that very reason.

I wouldn't say "delete", but if in a parallel universe the game would exist with five less tables, the best for my other self in that universe would be if they were

1) One of the El Dorados, probably the 1975
2) Central Park - too random
3) Dr Dude - nope, I don't get the humor, I don't get the table
4) Cue Ball Wizard - I really like playing billiards. This table doesn't inherit that property
5) Tee'd Off - Don't get the table, again.

I would never like to part with Goin' Nuts. No, it ain't a great table, not by a long shot. But it is different enough to make this compilation more entertaining. Many other tables are somewhat similar, so you wouldn't really miss out on an aspect, this one isn't similar to any other. Granted, playing it once in a year may be enough, still... I will defend it


New member
Dec 26, 2015
Rescue 911, both El Dorados, Lights, Camera, Action! And Frank Thomas baseball crapfest Premier sucks donkey balls!

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