"Raise your Rank" standard goal ?


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I tried numerous times to get this goal: I shoot the right hole 4 times (Nuke Hole), I'm promoted to Squad Leader... but I don't get the goal (PS3).

Is there a trick to unlock this x#!&$ goal?



New member
Nov 28, 2012
I was playing this table the other day on my ipad and ran into the same issue. Perhaps a bug?


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I was playing this table the other day on my ipad and ran into the same issue. Perhaps a bug?

The game recognizes that a goal is achieved when the ROM is in a predefined state: a specific sound is played or a specific DMD animation.

For example, some goals are not awarded during a multiball ("Earn a special" on MB), but only when there is a single ball in play, and nothing else is active (special mode or whatever).The same thing for "Earn the Bonus Special" on Co1812 (+ only via a lit inlane, not any other target on the table).

For this "Raise your Rank" goal, I do like this: I start nothing and I (try to) shoot the Nuke Hole exclusively. After 4 times, I heard the voice saying that I'm promoted to Squad Leader but I see nothing special on the DMD (just the score).

And obviously, no goal completed.

It seems the goal is randomly awarded though: http://steamcommunity.com/app/238260/discussions/0/611702631232989148/

There is for sure a specific way to unlock the goal, the key is to find how. :p


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Finally did it.

I just shot the Nuke Hole, and only the Nuke Hole. Didn't start anything else (I just shot one time the Reckon Hole without wanting it, which gives fortunately only a double score during 20s).

After 4 times, the goal has been at last awarded.

A consistent way to shoot the Nuke Hole, is to shoot the ball with the mini-flipper tip when the ball comes from the right inlane (in the fly).

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