Random Tales of Glory...and Woe



+ Scored 1000 points on one ball in CP :)
- Didn't even make it to the local high score table :(


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Had my game of the year on ATM: 63 billion and change. I hit Rule the Universe once and won, and I was deciding what to do next. Seeing that I had just the mulitball super jackpot left, I played multiball and as soon as I hit all the jackpots, the super was lit and I drained all but one of the balls. So I made a right orbit shot to score the super jackpot and activated RTU again and won. Drained the last two balls pretty quick though. My previous best was 41 billion.

Super happy right now. :)


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
A couple friends and I went to an arcade last night. I'm having the game of my life on STTNG. On my last ball I start the final frontier! The first ball comes out of the auto plunger but doesn't make it all the way up and rolls back down. The second ball then hits it. The next thing you know the trough is filled with balls and my games is done. The first time I ever hit the final frontier on a real life machine and I don't even get to play it. My friends couldn't stop laughing. Still a great night though.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
A couple friends and I went to an arcade last night. I'm having the game of my life on STTNG. On my last ball I start the final frontier! The first ball comes out of the auto plunger but doesn't make it all the way up and rolls back down. The second ball then hits it. The next thing you know the trough is filled with balls and my games is done. The first time I ever hit the final frontier on a real life machine and I don't even get to play it. My friends couldn't stop laughing. Still a great night though.

Did you email Steve about it?


New member
May 16, 2012
Atlantis. Finally. Damn, playing virtual pinball can be exhausting. Got no more than 140 million points, but nonetheless I'm still grinning like mad.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I don't know if this is glory or woe or both, but I took my 6-year-old daughter back to Pinball Wizard, and she kicked my butt in a two-player game on Fire!

She used to insist on playing co-op with me, operating just one flipper and the plunger, which makes it rather difficult to play anything. Now she's graduated to playing on her own. She gets impatient watching somebody else play, though, so she just goes single-player most of the time.

My wife went with us, too, but isn't so much into pinball; she was happy once she found an original arcade Super Mario Bros. cabinet.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Not on TPA, but on my own WH2O at home.

After playing a few games, most of them surprisingly decent but with my usual screwups, the game all of a sudden just "clicked" for me. Not just WH2O, but pinball in general. I started juggling the ball around without paying much attention to what I was doing, no pauses to think, plan or relax, just playing on instinct, pulling off crazy tricks with the flippers that must have made me look like a true pinball wizard if anyone were there to see it, or at least ridicolously lucky, but every move was exactly as I intended, sending the ball from one lit up shot to the next, hardly missing a single shot, and advancing through the rafts faster than I have ever seen anyone do it before.
I ended up making nearly 500 mil on the first ball (not too difficult on TPA, but fairly good on the real thing for someone on my level), completing Wet Willy's, getting every whirlpool award except from one, and even getting straight to class 6 river thanks to a lucky Mystery Award (but the long ball would probably have taken me there anyway). My multiball was crap, getting me only a single jackpot, but on the other hand it got me through both stage of Wet Willy's within seconds.

So basically, all I had to do on my last two balls was starting multiball one more time, having already locked the first ball, to get the Vacation Jackpot which I have never before reached on the physical table. And of course my heart started pounding really fast, as I put all in on making those sucker shots without aiming directly for it (spending two whirlpool challenges trying to use the multiball to do it), and of course I finally ended up screwing up, draining my last ball with the final shot lit, one shot from finally making the vacation jackpot!

I wish I could play like that every day, it would be enough to win some pretty high end tournaments...


New member
Apr 21, 2013
want to hear something funny. A while back started a thread like this but it applied to real life pinball. I opened it with an WOE experience with EBD. the thread did not even get ONE reply. Gee i guess everyone else does perfect when coining. :(

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Good stuff, Sumez.

@Norbert and everyone: Feel free to post all your real-life pinball tales here too.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Just took at few more games, and it seems I'm still on a roll. Hoping it'll last until the huge tournament this Saturday, though somehow I doubt it.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I copied this over from real pinball where it got lost:

We all have a bad day. In fishing world theres the one that got away. In Pinball world we have the one that got away / drained at the worse moment. I'll start.

The time is spring 1984 place college game room table EBD . EBD had a special back glass feature which i will try to explain.
Game play / basic object of game was to first hit the drop targets down on the right hand side. Each drop target represented a ball on a pool table. Once you knocked those drop targets down you had to get the ball in the saucer in the upper right called the eight ball corner pocket. Once you got the ball in there the deluxe targets that were behind the drop targets you knocked down would light for special (3 ball game). Completing the D-E-L-U-X-E target bank would score 1 replay if lit for red special OR 50,000 points if lit for blue 50,000 points. The red special lit first on the 3 ball game. In either case completing that deluxe bank lit a DELUXE letter on the BACKGLASS. Completing deluxe on the BACKGLASS scored 3 replays . This did not happen often many quarters would be pumped in .

On this day the D-E-L-U-X were all lit on the backglass. The "E" was needed to complete the DELUXE on the backglass. In went my quarter has it had gone in many times before. Game started going good. Dropped all the ball drop targets and got the eight ball corner pocket. Deluxe lights for special and out comes that famous voice "one more for deluxe" "one more for deluxe" !!! I hit all the targets EXCEPT the "E" is remaining. The ball hits it but not hard enough i need to get control of the ball and hit it again harder. The ball starts heading down towards the flippers. "one more for deluxe" booms the machine. I was getting ready to cradle the ball in the left flipper but i slip and bobble the ball of the darn tip of the flipper and it DRAINS !!!!! Once in a lifetime opportunity lost forever as targets reset upon drain and it was last ball.

At that point i gracefully slammed the machine down which activates the kill switch and blows the game away and blows away the match. Shortly afterwards the college term ended and that was it for the college game room. EBD disappeared from the arcades so i never got another chance at the deluxe. Well this one that got away has been a secret i kept for 29 years when i hit post it won't be a secret anymore.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
A couple days ago a buddy and I visited the local pincream parlor to find they'd replaced their WC98 with Fish Tales, which I'd never played before. The guy leaving the machine warned us it had just stolen a couple quarters from him. It was on 75 cents/play. I put in a quarter and voila, one credit--so because FT doesn't show an incremental credit display as you add quarters (like "1/3 Credit" or whatever), that poor dude had assumed the coin slot was malfunctioning, and walked away after putting 2/3rds of a credit into the machine.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
A couple days ago a buddy and I visited the local pincream parlor to find they'd replaced their WC98 with Fish Tales, which I'd never played before. The guy leaving the machine warned us it had just stolen a couple quarters from him. It was on 75 cents/play. I put in a quarter and voila, one credit--so because FT doesn't show an incremental credit display as you add quarters (like "1/3 Credit" or whatever), that poor dude had assumed the coin slot was malfunctioning, and walked away after putting 2/3rds of a credit into the machine.

I find so many people don't understand the random score match at the end of the game. They just walk away. I try to point it out to them, but if they're gone I just steal the credit...

I also had to point out to a guy where the start button was the other day... he was alternating between flailing at the plunger and staring at the front of the cabinet. completely missing the flashing button. Some people just don't get it. For some reason I often find machines with three credits just sitting there. Part of me thinks that people put in the £2 for three games and can't figure out how to start it, assume it's broken and walk away. I did find five credits on a White Water once, I'll never understand that one.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I see that a lot too. Other common mistakes are not understanding how a multiplayer game works. I can understand that it's confusing at first how you add multiple players, but the taking turns to play your ball concept also seems to throw a lot of people off. I still come across people who haven't played a multiplayer game before that are about to play your ball, don't realise how many balls they have left, don't realise that extra balls are played immediately, or aren't completely sure when their ball has ended (despite the fact that there's only one way a ball can end). Hell, I once won a game against a guy, only because he didn't realise that he was still going after draining only one of the two balls in his multiball, and moved away from the table.
And of course, there the classic - the frantic return to the table trying to flip, as it releases locked balls after the end of the game. :D

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
I was playing a game of TAF a while back at Lanes & Games, it was a very crowded day. But when I started Multiball, even though the start was so loud and intimidating, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE NOTICED. I continued to get two of each Jackpot, but everyone just kept walking away. Apparently, really loud air hockey is MUCH more important than an awesome game on TAF! ;)

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