Rate tables in Season 4

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
Did they ever say what the last table would be for season 4 or give a clue? I never saw a newsletter.

My updated ratings for season 4 is;

1.Addams Family
2. Red & Ted
3. Jack Bot
4. Xenon
5. Party Zone
6. Cyclone
7. Earth Shaker
8. Starship Troopers
9. Phantom of the Opera
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David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Did they ever say what the last table would be for season 4 or give a clue? I never saw a newsletter.

My updated ratings for season 4 is;

1.Addams Family
2. Red & Ted
3. Jack Bot
4. Xenon
5. Party Zone
6. Cyclone
7. Earth Shaker
8. Starship Troopers
9. Phantom of the Opera
1. Addams Family
2. Red & Ted's
3. Xenon
4. Jack Bot
5. Cyclone
6. Earthshaker
7. Starship Troopers
8. Phantom of the Opera
9. Party Zone


New member
Oct 20, 2012
1. Addams Family
2. Red & Ted's
3. Xenon
4. Jack Bot
5. Cyclone
6. Earthshaker
7. Starship Troopers
8. Phantom of the Opera
9. Party Zone

I'll chime in.

1. Red and Ted
2. Addams Family
3. Jack Bot
4. Xenon
5. Cyclone
6. Party Zone
7. Earthshaker
8. Phantom of the Opera (hate that asinine 5X jackpot increase goal)
9. Starship Troopers (every wizard goal is easy-except for that impossible to reach "nuke 5 planets goal")

My #1 and #2 were very close-but for me, Red and Ted won out, because there's so much more to do. I was pleasantly surprised how enjoyable Jack*Bot was too. (Still trying for that 240M Roll the Dice goal-keep getting the wager to 19M before game ends.)

No table was a loser IMO-but that's how I rate them.
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Jun 29, 2013
Updated for the new tables

1. Red and Ted's
2. Addams Family
3. Starship Troopers
4. Jack Bot
5. Party Zone
6. Phantom of the Opera
7. Cyclone
8. Earthshaker
9. Xenon

If SafeCracker is next it might be the #4 or #5 Table.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
But I will always refer to The Pinball Arcade as TPA.


When people use PBA I have to think for a second.

I'd have to rate mine as:
1. TAF(by a very slim margin)
3. Jack*Bot
4. Cyclone
5. Xenon
6. Earthshaker
8. Party Zone
9. Starship Troopers

I agree with rehtroboi that there aren't really any bad tables, per se, in this season. I actually had a hard time placing 3-7. We'll see how Safecracker turns out, but I'm betting it'll be a solid table overall. I have to admit I'm not that excited about it, but I've been a fan of all the other Lawlor's, so we'll see.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
1. Addams Family
2. Red & Ted's Road Show
3. Jack*Bot
4. Safecracker
5. Starship Troopers
6. Earthshaker
7. Xenon
8. Party Zone
9. Cyclone
10. Phantom of the Opera


New member
May 10, 2012
Estimated end of the season top 10

For me there are 5 great tables, 3 good ones and 2 not so good. Overall a very good season. Funny thing is that all the great ones came in the last half of the season. It was not looking good at all after the first 4 tables.

1. The Addams Family
2. Red & Ted's Road Show
3. Safecracker (could be nr 3, 4 or 5 depending on how Farsight handles it)
4. Xenon
5. Jack-bot
6. Cyclone
7. Earthshaker
8. Starship Troopers
9. Party Zone
10. Phantom of the Opera
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New member
Dec 18, 2013
Yep the season had a poor start but a good finish.
TAF is definately the stand out but RTRS is not far behind


New member
Jan 1, 2015
I can only rate the tables released on PS4. I own a Kindl too, but playing on this device for a while hurts my old sensible eyes to bad.

So, here´s my rating so far:
1. The Addams Family
2. Earthshaker
3. Starship Troopers
4. Phantom of the Opera
5. Party Zone

PS. Can´t wait for the release of Red & Ted's Road Show on PS4!


New member
Mar 14, 2013
1. TAF (great theme. Lots of different ways of scoring)
2. RTRS (don't care for the theme, but it doesn't matter because it's plain ol fun)
3. Starship troopers (advancing planets, intensity, requires skill)
4. Jack*bot (love me a good ol fashioned robot. Nice different way of playing multiball)
5. Xenon (love me a good ol fashioned robot)
6. POTO (it's just ok. Looping the ramp shot is fun, but that's about it) (nice to look at ;))
7. Cyclone (hit the ramps, ferris wheel, whoopty doo, overall it's not as fun as I thought it'd be, but still ok)
8. Party zone (annoying sounds and music, and hideous colors. The ruleset a are good but everything else takes away from that)
9. Earthshaker (can't stand playing this table. Tried to give it a chance, but must not have gotten the hype) (I'm sure the real thing is awesome, but I absolutely hate this table on TPA)


New member
Oct 29, 2013
I LOVE Xenon, need to put more time into the other tables before I make a decision! Party Zone is bizarre though.


New member
Dec 18, 2013
Still rate Season 3 ahead of Season 4 but only just
Season 3 had a very strong finish with BSD


New member
Sep 21, 2014
1. Red & Ted's Road Show
2. The Addams Family
3. Jack*Bot
4. Party Zone
5. Safe Cracker
6. Starship Troopers
7. Xenon
8. Earthshaker
9. Cyclone
10. Phantom of the Opera

I've played Safe Cracker quite a bit already. The gameplay is unusual to say the least, but good. I love the board game.


New member
Oct 29, 2013
1. Red & Ted's Road Show
2. The Addams Family
3. Jack*Bot
4. Party Zone
5. Safe Cracker
6. Starship Troopers
7. Xenon
8. Earthshaker
9. Cyclone
10. Phantom of the Opera

I've played Safe Cracker quite a bit already. The gameplay is unusual to say the least, but good. I love the board game.

Is Safe Cracker out this month then?

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