Re-release buggy tables instead of fixing them? CV2?


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
There is a game-breaking camera bug in CV. Sometimes Cannonball Run makes it lock on the backbox and never return to the playfield. I even managed to start Highwire Multiball by blindly flailing but that didn't move the camera either. This happened and killed my 1-billion #3 high score game. No freakin more. Fix this crap.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I haven't played CV for ages because of the bugs, but from what I can tell it's a lot better than it used to be. Personally I think paying for bug fixes is a bad road to go down.


New member
Apr 5, 2013

C'mon Farsight. Fix this table please, it's been knackered for too long and you're only making one table a month now so you should have some free resources to put into it


New member
Dec 26, 2013
Wasn't there a company that released a broken game on XBLA and couldn't fix it due to the price of the update patch being out of their financial resources? They should have tried that business model. Possibly the only idea worse than not fixing it. Plus at least they had Microsoft to blame.

That was Fez.

Fez's patch was in no way outside of their financial resources.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Mike, click the link below to go to the master issues forum. In the first post, there's a big table with all the machines in TPA (except the last two, I'm falling behind again :() with links to each table's issues list.

Table Master Issues Lists v2.0

CV's list is pretty old, so some of the stuff on there may have been fixed already. But I know that at least on iOS, Neon Multiball still causes lock-to-plunger-cam issues about half the time when it starts.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Mike, click the link below to go to the master issues forum. In the first post, there's a big table with all the machines in TPA (except the last two, I'm falling behind again :() with links to each table's issues list.

Table Master Issues Lists v2.0

CV's list is pretty old, so some of the stuff on there may have been fixed already. But I know that at least on iOS, Neon Multiball still causes lock-to-plunger-cam issues about half the time when it starts.

Thanks Sean. If I get some free time this week I'll look into a few of the issues.

Neil L

New member
Aug 5, 2012
Mike, click the link below to go to the master issues forum. In the first post, there's a big table with all the machines in TPA (except the last two, I'm falling behind again :() with links to each table's issues list.

Table Master Issues Lists v2.0

CV's list is pretty old, so some of the stuff on there may have been fixed already. But I know that at least on iOS, Neon Multiball still causes lock-to-plunger-cam issues about half the time when it starts.

Both the CV page ( ) & the Master Issues v2.0 page ( ) need a bit of a clean up as there's a lot of old posts in there.
(The non-Sean & non-Farsight ones that were submitted before the master list threads were locked)

Thanks Sean. If I get some free time this week I'll look into a few of the issues.

There's still a lot of OLD bugs here that still need fixing. (Hopefully a few will be fixed in the PS3/Vita super patch)

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012

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