Reconsidering forum name


New member
May 18, 2012
Now that almost half the forum discussions is about Zaccaria, especially now it is released on Android as well, isn't it about time 'the Pinball Arcade Fans' should reconsider it's name? Is it still fair to keep a name in praise of Farsight while other companies (ASK, Colormonkey, etc.) are working SO hard and just get a sub-forum here, while they (ASK Homework) are starting to become a very serious player in the field? This place isn't just about TPA anymore, time has changed. This is about virtual pinball simulations. And to be honest, for me Zaccaria is the only reason I still visit this page.
Just a thought..

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
The reason so much Zaccaria discussion takes place here is that ASK Homework, so far as I know, does not maintain its own forums, so we've become their de facto home on the Internet in addition to TPA's. While I don't think anyone has any objection to this arrangement, they're still just guests here; we're not renaming the site after them.

Even though this forum itself is not officially FarSight's (Gord pays for the domain name and the hosting himself...which is also why there have never been any ads here), we've done enough official polls, interviews and other things that we're "quasi-official": even FarSight itself will point people at us for information and resources, and some of their staff participate here - although less so than they used to. So while TPA's star has faded in the eyes of many, this is still a site where TPA has pride of place, even if only for historical reasons.

Of course, in the final decision, this site is Gord's and Gord's alone, so if he wanted to make a change, he could do so whenever he wanted. He's never shown any signs of heading in that direction, though.


New member
May 18, 2012
While I don't think anyone has any objection to this arrangement, they're still just guests here; we're not renaming the site after them.

But that is not my suggestion. My suggestion is that this site is about TPA AND about other pinball games (especially Zaccaria). Time change things, a forum evolves. See it as a positive development, more players in the market, more people who visit for a diversity of games, not just TPA anymore. This place is about virtual pinball, not just TPA virtual pinball. That's why I suggest a consideration, is the name The Pinball Acrade Fans still relevant for the games it covers?


New member
May 18, 2012
It wouldn't change a thing, but it is just a consideration we can think, discuss, agree or disagree about. I think for some (or the most) of us this question is too early as many are still emotionally glued to TPA.
But I'll bet that not too long from now this is going to be very relevant if we look at the developments going on at this moment. After all it is just a name, but a name should cover what it represents imo. And that landscape is starting to shift to other developers as well, something that nobody could have foreseen when this forum was started, but it ultimately did, and will happen.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Now that almost half the forum discussions is about Zaccaria, especially now it is released on Android as well, isn't it about time 'the Pinball Arcade Fans' should reconsider it's name? Is it still fair to keep a name in praise of Farsight while other companies (ASK, Colormonkey, etc.) are working SO hard and just get a sub-forum here, while they (ASK Homework) are starting to become a very serious player in the field? This place isn't just about TPA anymore, time has changed. This is about virtual pinball simulations. And to be honest, for me Zaccaria is the only reason I still visit this page.
Just a thought..
I'd be in favour of a name change personally. Nice idea Night.

I don't play TPA really anymore, but get great support here for other apps so keep coming back.
Maybe Pinball Sim fans, or virtual Pinball forum etc...

Obviously upto Gord, but I think his forum has evolved beyond TPA now.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I'm not a huge fan of the Zachariah tables but I appreciate the work and obvious effort being out into the digital creations of them. The shift in discussion to Zachariah has been quite noticeable for some time now. Probably a major reason I don't follow the board or post as frequently as I previously did. Still there are many forums out there that are dedicated to a specific topic and have sections set up for off topic or loosely related topics. Not that I have a say in it but I would vote for this to remain a forum dedicated primarily to tpa and would hope the forum name and logo maintain a reflection of that mission. If it changes so be it but I favor tpa being the focus.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Changing the forum name would entail changing the URL, which would be a huge hassle and probably confuse people.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
I don't think it needs a name change... "pinball arcade fans" is pretty generic if you think about it... might as well just have been a coincidence that there's a game by that name.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
I don't think it needs a name change... "pinball arcade fans" is pretty generic if you think about it... might as well just have been a coincidence that there's a game by that name.

That's how I see it...


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
How about some else just start up and pay for their own Zaccaria Pinball Fans there's an idea. No need to high jack someone's forum because of personal animosity towards a developer and their product.


New member
May 18, 2012
How about some else just start up and pay for their own Zaccaria Pinball Fans there's an idea. No need to high jack someone's forum because of personal animosity towards a developer and their product.

Is this is what I suggested? High jacking this place to turn our backs against TPA? I am sure you get the point of my posts if you read it well. No-one wants to destroy anyone's TPA's love afair here.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Maybe add a smaller logo to the right of the TPA logo saying 'also featuring' followed by the logos of Zaccaria Pinball, Pro Pinball, Atomic Pinball and if room (maybe...) Zen :)


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Is this is what I suggested? High jacking this place to turn our backs against TPA? I am sure you get the point of my posts if you read it well. No-one wants to destroy anyone's TPA's love afair here.

I read your post and asking someone to reconsider renaming the forum that they solely pay for to something else that suits other's personal preferences is exactly that. This forum has always been known for The Pinball Arcade first and foremost as it's clearly stated in the url. If Gord decides to change the name this forum, then that should be his decision to do so.

Also, I just checked the activity stream and the majority of discussion is still TPA related and is nowhere near half Zaccaria discussion as you stated in the OP so I'm not really sure where that statistic came from.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Maybe add a smaller logo to the right of the TPA logo saying 'also featuring' followed by the logos of Zaccaria Pinball, Pro Pinball, Atomic Pinball and if room (maybe...) Zen :)
Not sure, Zen and Pro Pinball already have their own forums. I'd personally guess that Zen wouldn't want the representation, but who knows unless you ask.
And if you ask Barnstorm to render a logo image for the banner it could take up to a years worth of processing time and further delay the Android build and new physics.


New member
May 18, 2012
I read your post and asking someone to reconsider renaming the forum that they solely pay for to something else that suits other's personal preferences is exactly that. This forum has always been known for The Pinball Arcade first and foremost as it's clearly stated in the url. If Gord decides to change the name this forum, then that should be his decision to do so.

Also, I just checked the activity stream and the majority of discussion is still TPA related and is nowhere near half Zaccaria discussion as you stated in the OP so I'm not really sure where that statistic came from.

There's no point getting agitated. It is most certain Gords decision to do so, you make it sound like I DEMAND an alternative forum name. I suggest(!) an alterantive forum name, just that. Good to know you checked the statistics so we all know by now this topic makes no sense at all, and we can go to bed with the knowledge The Pinball Arcade Fans will still be there in the morning.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
There's no point getting agitated. It is most certain Gords decision to do so, you make it sound like I DEMAND an alternative forum name. I suggest(!) an alterantive forum name, just that. Good to know you checked the statistics so we all know by now this topic makes no sense at all, and we can go to bed with the knowledge The Pinball Arcade Fans will still be there in the morning.

Just to be clear, I have no personal issue with any member of our forum or their personal preferences. I understand that everyone has their own reasons for liking or disliking certain things and I respect that. When I saw this thread and read the OP, my initial feeling was that of insult for all the contributions I have personally made to this forum and The Pinball Arcade for the past three years. I value all of our active forum members because without them, there would be no forum.

Again, my intent was not to cause friction here and if I have done so by stating my stance and personal feelings on the subject, then I deeply apologize.

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