Reconsidering forum name


New member
May 18, 2012
PinWiz: No need to appologise, no-one is hurt. (I hope not? :) ). Just sharing thoughts and ideas here, and certainly not with the intension to destroy anything that has been worked on by all of us.
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Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I figured I'd chime in here... isn't the only pinball-related domain I own. Like night said, things evolve. I don't think we're there yet, but who knows what the future will bring.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Guys, we shouldn't be so ungrateful with TPA.
You don't leave your girlfriend each time you meet a pretty young girl... :eek:


New member
Apr 25, 2014
I figured I'd chime in here... isn't the only pinball-related domain I own. Like night said, things evolve. I don't think we're there yet, but who knows what the future will bring.

Thank you so much for providing us with a place to discuss digital pinball! What other pinball sites do you own? I would love to check them out.

Also, what is your take on Zaccaria?


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Guys, we shouldn't be so ungrateful with TPA.
You don't leave your girlfriend each time you meet a pretty young girl... :eek:

Lol :p I for one still love me some tpa despite its flaws. Room to improve is ok so long as things head in the right direction. Best wishes to Farsight


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Lol :p I for one still love me some tpa despite its flaws. Room to improve is ok so long as things head in the right direction. Best wishes to Farsight

We're all here because of TPA.
We're a bit disillusioned. Ok. I hope we won't become ungrateful and resigning/outgoing.
Just saying. :eek:


New member
May 18, 2012
We're all here because of TPA.
We're a bit disillusioned. Ok. I hope we won't become ungrateful and resigning/outgoing.
Just saying. :eek:

Incorrect, we are not all here for TPA here anymore. Or not just only for TPA but for others as well, like ASK, Colormonkey, TimeShock and Zen. Zaccaria is starting to become larger and more influential than most of us (not been part of the iOS develment for the last 1,5 years) would have guessed. And I predict that in a year from now forum members will be here for a whole lot of pinball and TPA might be one of this. So the landscape is slowly shifting, it's not there yet, but you can see the development. This has nothing to do with been ungratefull. Ungratefull against who, Farsight? Isn't it ungratefull towards many members here who worked hard with ASK to help Zaccaria to become a faboulus pinball app? Isn't that worth something? The members here make the forum. Let's not get too emotional over been ungratefull to a computer game manufacturer. We are all a bunch of grown-ups talking hobby here, and our hobby is pinball. Not devotion towards Farsight, Zen or ASK, that would be really creepy.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
Well, no real opinion on this subject, but just as a note: i always go on the "what's news?" page of the forum, and on my side i have to admit sometimes i'm a bit upset when i see so many Zac' topics on the top of the list and i have to make the sorting to find TPA topics ^^


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I'm a positive supporter of ASK, Color Monkey, and Zen. Let's take an honest look at this area of the forum:


Only two of the forums are really that active: ASK, and Zen.

Zen and Barnstorm have their own homes on the internet. Our forums on these two games could arguably be considered a meta-discussion, not the canonical discussion.

With over 50 separate sub forums dedicated solely to TPA, I think the ratio just doesn't add up for a rebranding, at least at the moment.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I'm a positive supporter of ASK, Color Monkey, and Zen. Let's take an honest look at this area of the forum:


Only two of the forums are really that active: ASK, and Zen.

Zen and Barnstorm have their own homes on the internet. Our forums on these two games could arguably be considered a meta-discussion, not the canonical discussion.

With over 50 separate sub forums dedicated solely to TPA, I think the ratio just doesn't add up for a rebranding, at least at the moment.

I am a member of the zen forum an I have "poked around" the barnstorm forum and they are just not as lively as our TPA forum. The zen and barnstorm official forums have dedicated community mangers like Barbiebobomb that chime in almost every time and answers question or passes on concerns to the dev team. This is nice but there is barely any meaningful discussion amongst the members in those forums. It the difference between have a heart to heart in-depth dialog with others or just saying "how's it.going?" In passing and not expecting a reply. Both zen and barnstorm have better dialog here than on their official sites IMHO.

Zacc and color monkey have no official homes because they weren't big enough to support something like that. I hope color monkey is busy on their next table(s) and working on some of our suggestions (nudge and icade support) haven't heard from them in a spell. And zacc did blow up after the android port, before that it was a handful of dedicated iOS members that worked hard to support and improve the game. The beautiful thing about that was that our voices were heard and our suggestions and feedback was actually implemented and almost immediately. I think we can take a little bit of credit in getting zacc where it is today - but I think the fervor will die down a bit when the zacc collection is finished (unless they start another collection).

I came a little late to the TPA forum (lurked for a year or so before I officially joined) so I don't know the tone of the forums from the beginning but I am guessing the forums relationship with farsight started with a honeymoon phase and now it is in the old married couple phase. There has definitely been some frustration and negativity that has caused a disruption of communication between farsight and fans. That would def be something to work on moving forward - is anyone a licensed forum marriage counselor?


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
"I came a little late to the TPA forum (lurked for a year or so before I officially joined) so I don't know the tone of the forums from the beginning but I am guessing the forums relationship with farsight started with a honeymoon phase and now it is in the old married couple phase. There has definitely been some frustration and negativity that has caused a disruption of communication between farsight and fans. That would def be something to work on moving forward - is anyone a licensed forum marriage counselor?"

That's a good point and a funny metaphor, although not necessarily the predominant mood as far as I have experienced. I pride myself on being a quite reasonable and patient/upbeat member of these forums, but I had my share of disappointments with Farsight's support and had a moment or two that I wanted to ventilate that out of frustration (after frequent attempts to communicate with them privately). I also think they could handle their Kickstarters a bit better. Overall, I really like this place and I wouldn't want to see another name to it. I play a little bit of Zacc and sometimes have a short Zen period. I think having all of those brands here is a good thing, but I would hate to see people get confused about what for me is still the main thing about this site and that is TPA. I do like suggestions in which the other brands are more acknowledged visually.

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