Request Release Season Pack 3 Purchase when Pack 20 is available


New member
Sep 9, 2013
The cost of each pack is $4.99 in the states so for the months that we have two packs released I can skip one Starbucks beverage during the month and make up for the difference.

It might be $5 but $5 X 10 is $50, which is significant. I get your point that it's spread over such a long period of time that you hardly notice, though. Each to their own. I personally like the convenience of paying once for a full year.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
next time around i would like to get the season pass as well too and be done with it and just sit back as they roll in. i missed out on season two i bought the table pack and it was too late to undo it.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Part of the reason for the season pass retroactive credit thing was because the idea came midway through the season. Remember, it started only as season 2, but then season 1 passes got added later.

I would hope that season 3 passes would be available the moment pack 21 comes out now that we all have the idea.

I think the tiles should be replaced... because if you have all of season 1 and season 2, the season1/2 tiles are completely useless - tapping them just pops up a message saying all tables were bought. Now, "My Tables" is a huge list of nearly 40 tables. That needs reorganization!


New member
Sep 8, 2012
I agree, they should release the season 3 pass no later than at the same time the first tables from season 3 become available and they should consolidate down to one tile for new tables at the main menu.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Actually, I would be VERY appreciative if they would release a season pack 3 order sometime soon - Sony's running a PSN special again - every $50 you spend gets you a $10 voucher...

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Probably the biggest obstacle holding Season 3 back is adding it to the UI. Currently there's no room for the button.

We're about due for a UI overhaul anyway.

This UI was supposed to be a placeholder anyway wasn't it?

Scrolling through close to 40 tables is a pain.


Nov 11, 2012
You'd think that the possibility for FS to turn packs 21-30 into cold hard cash in the bank on day 1 would bump this way up on the priority list. Various relatively easy to implement kludges have already been proposed. On top of that I propose a "Drop target" style interface button that has "Season Pass" and drop targets "1", "2", and "3". You can click on one of those drop targets (hovering will light the arrow in front of it) and a ball will shoot up, hit and drop the target with sound effect, then the interface continues as we know now. I'd prefer a UI that incorporates a pinball machine theme.

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