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I have a strange issue I did not find in this thread so far and it is not so easy to describe. I hope it makes sense...

When a Pinball Game is over TPA displays this strange box with the checkbox to click on...

If I run TPA without Freecammod, this checkbox has the focus (it is a bit highlighted). I can then press my Start Button (which is configured as the Enter key) and I can play another round.

If Freecammod is running, this checkbox does not have focus (and is also not highlighted). I then need to use the mouse, move it a little bit back and forth over the button and then I can press start again... (of course I could click as well).

However as I run a cab, I do not have a mouse available normally.

So I would like to know:

Did anyone else notice this?

Is this a small bug?

Anyone has a workaround for that?

Thank you for your great mod and your continued support NOEX!



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