Request to Farsight: Stop releasing updates until you have basic testing down


Jul 11, 2012
Besides the kickstarter tables.
Core pack
TOTAN re-release
BH re-release
TOM new
MM re-release
BOP new
FH re-release
CV new
Gorgar re-release
MB new
BK re-release
Taxi re-release
HD new
NGG re-release
Big shot re-release
SS new
DLC#8 kickstarter table TZ new
DLC#9 kickstarter table STTNG new
Genie re-release
AFM new
FP re-release
Dr.Dude new
CP re-release
CC new
and FS stated the next pack will have a re-release and a new table.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
night, you need to upgrade to Retina. ;)

Night, canuck is right. I got the mini and it's a little sharper because of the smaller screen but my brother has an ipad 3 and not only are the graphics sharper and more vibrant but the tables play faster. I was going back and forth with both my TZ and his and the differences are noticeable. However, I am content with my mini because of the weight and size. When Apple releases a retina mini, well, that's another story.


New member
May 18, 2012
Night, canuck is right. I got the mini and it's a little sharper because of the smaller screen but my brother has an ipad 3 and not only are the graphics sharper and more vibrant but the tables play faster. I was going back and forth with both my TZ and his and the differences are noticeable. However, I am content with my mini because of the weight and size. When Apple releases a retina mini, well, that's another story.

Well, my issue with the graphics is not just with blurry image maps. It looks sharper on the retina, yes. Hey, 1 year old tables look sharper than the ones from just a week ago.. on the same iPad!
Put CC and lets say.. TOTAN side-by-side and you get my point. The graphics of the older tables are much more refined.
TZ, next to TOM or FH, again, this is my issue with the consistency. It's not there where it used to be.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Ok, it's very easy to say
, but how many reports on this bug did you post? Part of the problems with the game is they have no time to chase down the suspected bug and find a soloution because there are no clues about what causes it . You want bugs fixed? be proactive typing out how the bug occurs what platform and on what table it happened on and what patch version, also what resoloution your TV uses and how your device is connected to that TV .

In this way they, have something to compare other reports with , and when they see something in common ? It helps them track down the nature of the problem.

They have a small team and any help we do , they will use .


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I don't understand it. You people who say you're fine with the status quo. This is a piece of software, mostly playable, yes. But numerous users have cited some game-breaking bugs, even silly stuff that shouldn't have passed QA, or was discovered 'just too late' to get fixed in the final build. I think it's time to re-think the release strategy of the game. This might hurt a smaller company like FarSight more than a bigger one, but that's the risk that must be understood when undergoing a long-term project like this.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
They can't mooch of us buying new packs forever. The product needs to become enticing to a growing crowd. At some point a saturation point will be reached, and the emphasys will need to be placed on product improvement rather than product expansion. We'll just have to bide our time. That's me at my most cynical... which I usually aren't.
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New member
Sep 8, 2012
I don't think they're selling enough or on enough platforms. They need to get onto the 360 again (not their fault but they're missing a lot of revenue there) and onto PC. PC gaming has its own world and once they get a foothold there it could be a great source of new sales for them.

They need more revenue so that they can afford to pay for one or two people dedicated to fixing bugs. From what I've read the people who are working on new tables are also the ones fixing bugs on released tables (during their "spare" time). At some point they need to be able to afford to hire someone to just work on fixing table bugs.

I think this is really our only hope of Farsight having the resources to really dig in on bug fixing. I don't agree with stopping production to do it, but hopefully a greater revenue stream will allow them to. I have to believe they Farsight would like to tackle these bugs if they could afford to.

I have experienced the bugs that the OP has mentioned many times (PS3 version), and while they're not enough to make me stop buying new tables, the bugs are having that effect on some percentage of players for sure. If FS can just get ahead enough to bring in some extra troubleshooters they might be able to win those people back and and really start to build some momentum. On the other hand if they let the bugs persist too long more people will get turned off from the product. Only time will tell which way it goes..

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
I have ps3, 360 and ipad 3. And i hardly touch the consoles.

Pinball arcade is meant to be played on the ipad. Its a fantastic games. Yes with bugs, and yes, some tables i play less cause of this. But there are so many that play great.

This game made me twenty years younger. Off course they should not stop releasing new machines. And they are working on bugs, cause when this first hit ios there were way more bugs.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I like the ipad version for on the go, but when I'm home I'd much rather play on my HDTV. Much bigger screen, but much better controls as well.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
So...was the gottlib collection and WPHOF made to play on ipad?

No we have members with egocentric favoritism towards their device of choice , need we remind you other users this started as a console game , and your damn lucky they went mobile with it ......

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
This mobile vs consoles is getting as tiresome as PS3 vs Xbox. (and for the record, there was no iPad when PHOF came out but they probably would have made it for it over if it had)


New member
Jun 13, 2012
need we remind you other users this started as a console game , and your damn lucky they went mobile with it ......

No we're not, I'm pretty sure that's where the real money is made. Sony Vita owners are the ones who should count themselves lucky!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Well we all know the pc will be the one platform to rule them all!z(i hate tolkien)

Im certainly not going to deny myself tables on any olatform because of minior bugs and or graphical errors

Certainly some platforms receive more attention than others, and i feel vita should be supported better.


A happy ios user, ill use pc soon


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Oh hey, THIS discussion again.

(digs around for his standard response)

In my experience on the PS3, there is not a single table that is 'broken' or 'unplayable'. I get more enjoyment out of this game, bugs and all, than any other game I play currently *. Therefore, I would be one of those that if asked "would you rather have a new table or no table at all", I'd vote new.

Just to second what others have said here and on other threads just like it, if you really want a particular bug fixed, document it well. You wanna know what the key to the ball through flipper fix was? A video of someone playing and showing the ball going through the flipper. If FS can't recreate it, they can't fix it. Help 'em out, be an at home tester. The fact of the matter is, they are not going to slow down, the vast majority of TPA players could care less about bugs, and either you give them info that can be useful, or you stew about it and eventually stop buying tables.

*The new Tomb Raider dominated me for 4 days, to the point I completely ignored buying a new TPA release. And you know what? That game had bugs too.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I don't understand it. You people who say you're fine with the status quo. This is a piece of software, mostly playable, yes. But numerous users have cited some game-breaking bugs, even silly stuff that shouldn't have passed QA, or was discovered 'just too late' to get fixed in the final build. I think it's time to re-think the release strategy of the game. This might hurt a smaller company like FarSight more than a bigger one, but that's the risk that must be understood when undergoing a long-term project like this.

From what I understand, the PAF Android community are the unofficial QE team for that platform.

Passionate community members, who specialize in knowing tables inside out, kind of make excellent testers. ;-)

What is frustrating is there seems to not be enough devs in the upstream areas (such as the master table assets, and graphics areas) to implement the observations.

I've been there with developing docs for a enterprise middleware product. Constantly under the pump and not having any free cycles to go back through and fix all the things I *know* need to be fixed. It is damn frustrating. I feel for the devs.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
yeah I agree jared. I've reported a few issues during beta that FS have even acknowledged and reproduced............................. but don't have the time/resource to fix. As more tables are released these issues are building up. Just a little frustrating as kinda makes you think why bother testing.

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