Request to Farsight: Stop releasing updates until you have basic testing down


New member
Apr 5, 2013
i read this thread with great interest, as it's clearly an area that lots of us are passionate about. i love the game and will continue to buy every table for playing on my iphone (not the 'PRO packs' though - cmon Farsight, be real, who the heck wants to buy that junk?) even if some of them i only play a few times then never go back to except when they're dragging my Hall of Fame score down too much. Central Park, Genie, i'm looking at you.

thank goodness for forums like this one, i only hope that Farsight take the time to read this feedback.

surely i'm not the only one wondering if they are actually making sh_itloads of money off this thing now though - there are over 100,000 players with hall of fame scores in 'GameCentre' (whatever that is) so that's a load of dosh coming into the coffers. and what was all that about with making the customers pay through Kickstarter for the licenses for TZ and STTNG?

this is why i am caught on the fence, unsure of my opinion. i *really* hope they're making buckets of money off this thing, as TPA has the potential to be the touchpaper to ignite the next comeback of real pinball machines in public places again. so i really hope they're all millionaires now, or well on the way ...... but at the same time, i think it's pretty cheap of them not to plough some of these profits back into more staff to fix bugs, and to ask us to buy the licenses for them.

anyway, that's my rant over. i got a new machine today so i'm pretty happy overall :)



New member
Nov 28, 2012
The only Pro-pack I bought was Scared Stiff --- the non-censored version is worth it. :D
Pro-pack pricing seems to be a cash grab though.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I think they are like any small business. They're paying the bills and making payroll. I doubt anyone is becoming a millionaire from one year's sales.


New member
May 18, 2012
I think they are like any small business. They're paying the bills and making payroll. I doubt anyone is becoming a millionaire from one year's sales.

It's not that it is a bad idea to have a pro-pack. But you have to offer something special. I think about a day and night lighting mode for example. I played with the free MM pro-mode when it was available, but I just can't find anything that would justify spending money on it. So, if you don't have anything to offer than a bit of fiddling with the camera and family mode 'off', you should start thinking about some better options. (Like a lighting mode).


New member
Jan 9, 2013
It's not that it is a bad idea to have a pro-pack. But you have to offer something special......

.......So, if you don't have anything to offer than a bit of fiddling with the camera and family mode 'off', you should start thinking about some better options. (Like a lighting mode).

agree totally. simply stated, the added "value" isn't commensurate with the asking price compared with the standard purchase asking price. either increase the value of the bonus materials significantly, or drop the price....significantly.

I purchased the scared stiff pro pack, also to enable additional lasciviousness ;-)

My issue is not pricing per se, i mean the absolute pricing, because overall i find the price or each table extremely reasonable and far cheaper than throwing quarters/eurojetons/quids into a real table, but the pro price relative to the standard purchase. The additional cost creates increased expectation.I was left disappointed, and concluded the pro pack offers, as they stand, are simply not worth it.

Tapatalkin' at ya
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New member
Mar 24, 2012
I am waiting for the PC release... Yet I bought an iPad so I could play TPA. (Yes, I DO use it for other things, but the big nudge to me was this game.)

I've purchased every table, every Pro Pack and all of the ball skins.

I've barely touched anything in the Pro Packs.

Why did I buy them?

To give support to FarSight!

Sales of existing products drive and finance future development. Once the PC version comes out, I'll probably not play as much on the iPad and I'll buy everything all over again.

Seriously, even after buying EVERYTHING so far, it's still far cheaper than a few dozen hours at the arcade! Or in my case, FAR cheaper than making ONE road trip to a decent arcade.


New member
Aug 9, 2012
But the fact that they continue to release NEW tables with the same old bugs WILL catch up to them eventually.

This isn't a vocal minority. We've all spent hard earned money for a product that while very entertaining, is also poorly thrown together (look no further than the UI for proof of this).

I'd be interested to see if their sales have dipped in the last few months.

I think you are right on the mark here. I personally stopped buying any more of their product unless things change with this company. When they took away the option of buying single tables on the ipad it disappointed me. It seems they have become greedy and just want to soak money from us.... As evident in kick starters, two buggy tables a month with little testing and just throwing the tables out there regardless to rake in the money, multi multi platforms, extra cost for operators option, bugs not getting fixed and the list goes on. I have had enough, this company have left a sour taste in my mouth.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I too am waiting for the PC release. I understand that there are other factors to consider when dealing with the console and mobile versions so I will reserve judgement until the PC version is released. Unlike the other versions, releasing patches and updates for the PC version should be a trivial matter.

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