Restore HoF Pts


New member
Apr 5, 2013
I never saw this option before, just below Restore Purchases on the options page on iOS. I assume it's new, has anyone tried it yet?

When I click it, it says 'your hall of fame points will be overwritten to match your leaderboard scores. Continue Y/N?' and I'm scared to click it.

Does it mean on the website (where half my good scores never made it for whatever reason, even though I got em at some point)? Or on the leaderboard on my iPad which may not be the same? Can I assume that any scores my iPad gives me credit for but that aren't on the website would be lost if I click that thing?

Basically what I'm worried about is my score going down instead of up. Anyone else have that concern and click it anyway yet? What happened? Please tell me good and bad stories so I am prepared.
Thank you


New member
Mar 5, 2014
It will set your HOF points according to what your scores are on the global leaderboards. If you have HOF scores based on local iPad scores that didn't make it to the global leaderboard those will be lost.

Using the button will allow you to get 1k HOF points even on tables where a roll-over score doesn't post correctly to the local leaderboard. For example on Whirlwind it is only possible to register a 8-digit score (max 99M) locally, even though a 9-digit score (450M) is required to get 1k HOF. Also it would of course be a great help if your HOF scores are wiped for some reason.

Rschwantner at FS advised users to try it out in this thread:

It worked great for me. Do a remote backup before you try it out if you want to be on the safe side.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
It will re-calculate your HoF points based on the scores posted to the online leaderboards.

So if you've had bad or no internet connections when setting local high scores and those were never uploaded, then yes, you will probably lose HoF points.

However the biggest benefit of this option is to overcome the "rollover bug" that prevents 1000 HoF points from being registered on a long list of tables where the 1000-point score is bigger than the highest score that can be registered locally.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
I regularly back up scores remotely, does that mean I would be able to go back if I don't like what happens?

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