Bug Ripped off completing the grand finale!


New member
Dec 23, 2012
I was playing the grand finale just now, I triggered the trap door and shot the basement with ~40secs left, and 4 shots to go. It awarded me midnight madness, I shot the trunk for 24 million, 3 shots to go. Next shot I shot right loop and triggered tigersaw multiball, 2 shots to go, 30~ seconds left. Shot the trunk for 22 million midnight madness, 1 shot to go. Shot left loop and captive ball (still have 2 balls) got my last 50 million but did not get my 500 million, or the wizard goal. I am not sure what part of this caused me to not get the rewards for completing the grand finale, but this is only the second time I've ever completed all 8 illusions and the other time was before I lost all my scores/goals. Very disappointing for someone new to pinball, and frankly not very good yet.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
sometimes it doesn't flag up on screen that it's been awarded, but when you actually go to the wizard screen it shows it as complete.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I actually knew I completed the grand finale when I played, and I never got the goal clear. It's the last goal I need, too!


New member
Dec 23, 2012
sometimes it doesn't flag up on screen that it's been awarded, but when you actually go to the wizard screen it shows it as complete.

nah, I wasn't even awarded the 500 million, and still have that as my last wizard goal...I was over 3 billion when I started it, and ended with 3.7ish...I am curious if you're not supposed to shoot the basement, or if tigersaw multiball screwed it up...


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Sounds like a bug in the ROM rather than in TPA? That would be difficult (and undesired) to deal with


New member
Dec 23, 2012
no idea, I don't understand why if the switch was hit, that I was not awarded the value...there would was plenty of time left on the countdown, so if the trap door reset the switches and mad e it think that I hadnt already collected 8 switches, then I would have to complete all 12 again. this isnt the case, as I still had both balls live when completing my 12th shot and it ended the mode immediately upon hitting the 12th switch...I don't know pinball yet but logic dictates that should the mode end abruptly it would only do so when awarding the final ball


New member
Jan 5, 2013
Upon further investigation when I played ToM, I had Tiger Saw Multiball active again when doing the Grand Finale. I just made the shots until there was about 2 or 3 left, and let one of the balls drain, and finished up. I got the achievement when I did that. Try that. It's most definitely a bug.


Just had the same thing the Nexus 7. Think this is the third time I actually get to the GF and the first time completing it, scored the 500M but it didn't tick of the wiz goal :(

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