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- Jul 21, 2012
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I got the flying rocks EB each game as well, not on every plunge, maybe 1/3 or 1/4, but you can only get it once per game so you don't need perfect accuracy on that. I held the tip of the plunger a bit lower than the middle of the lowest black arrow, if that makes sense.
Construction mania felt very bad risk/reward wise, better to skip it. Big Millions can also be risky, I had 2 drains from that (although I guess I scored the 25M a lot of times as well). I also drained twice in the same game from shooting the right ramp. When it feeds the right inlane it flipped very quickly back and into the outlane instead. I stopped bothering with the right ramp after that, it's a pointless shot anyway.
I got 50M from a blast once, not sure how, but it was a cool surprise
Multi-ball and Super Payday I do like on this table. It's hard to get any kind of rhythm, but when things click and the jackpots are rolling in it's a blast(!).
Also [MENTION=5136]Tarek Oberdieck[/MENTION] : this is probably the one advantage we iPad players have on PC players (besides taking our game everywhere we go); we get to hold the plungers in one place and this makes for a much more precise release. I also get the Flying Rocks EB quite easily, I would also say 1 in 2 or 3. Then again what Maggie said: there seems to be a bit randomness to the left plunger. I pull back where the tip of the plunger is right at the middle of the second light mark as seen from below (probably it's a red mark but I'm colourblind
I did one Construction Mania and couldn't say I was impressed with the results pointswise, I wouldn't bother with it. The right ramp can be profitable in that it can give a Bonus X (besides the miles offcourse). I like to shoot two left ramps in succession, do a right ramp after the feed to the left flipper and then hit a (super) blast. This gives 2x Bonus x, a lot of miles and a super blast of 15M. Rinse and repeat towards 6x Bonus and the next city. I would have liked to be awarded something extra for shooting what is essentially a 4-way combo. Also I think it's a missed chance that there is no real progression (besides points) or end to a City Mode. You only have to start it, and it's your choice to go for the (sometimes risky) extra points. If they would have awarded something for completion (within a time limit), there would be more incentive to play them further. Like the modes on LOTR for example who on completion award an Elven Gift which is needed to progress to the Wizard mode. Still having lots of fun though!
Edit: I just got a bit respectable in the scoring table with 15B with multiple bonuses upwards of 1.4B. With Bonus X that important, I'm really starting to like my 4-way combo...
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