Round 3 Audio Interview: Post Your Questions

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New member
Sep 14, 2012
1. With Addams Family listed as the next table you want to pursue on the Kickstarter page does that mean there was some kind of breakthrough in hunting down the parties for negotiating the license rights for the table?

2. I know there is currently no savings coming from this with zero updates rolling out but ... with Microsoft removing submission fees on updates saving a rumored 40k per update. Would that make any tables that weren't financially viable in the past now possible (examples would be nice)? Also with the amount of money they ask for on Kickstarter being just north of 40k, would this help in any way to fund tables without the need of or greatly reduce Kickstarter donations?

3. Multi controller console support?

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I'm looking forward to PA on the ps4 so I'm curious, are the table being developed on the PS4, or being developed on another platform and then ported over the the ps4.

Also, will the older tables released on the PS4 (ie TOM) have the newer refined physics, or the same physics currently on the ps3.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
1. What will be the PS4 "Cross Discount" upgrade for PS3/PSV users prices for the Core pack ($5?), per Season (Reg. $15?, Pro $20?), and per regular $5 pack ($2.50 or $3?)?

2. Will PS4 version tables get updated textures? Photo-realistic textures should be possible.

3. If yes on question #2, will BOP finally get a clean playfield in TPA. Saw a real one again at Zapcon a few months ago, the "rough/aged" look of the playfield art is not accurate.

4. Will the PS4 version have a "table viewer" that gives the ability to look around at the cabinet and playfield art? There is a lot of great art not getting it's due in TPA.

5. Any thoughts about supporting the "pinball buttons" on the side of the X-Arcade dual-stick for supported platforms?

6. Is The Addams Family really possible, or are you just teasing it to get more people to support the T2 kickstarter?

7. Is "La Grange" (midi version) a roadblock to doing The Getaway for TPA?

8. Where is Fish Tales?

9. Is it possible to do a "Pro version" style add-on to allow PS4 version users to change the colors of all the individual lights on the tables to allow "color themeing" like people do when they LED pins? Does either the way the tables are being re-made for PS4 or the license agreement really preclude this? (I really don't think the color of a light bulb is really something that the "as it left the factory" requirement of the contracts can really cover, as light bulbs are meant to be replaced)

10. Will Season 1 and Season 2 passes (and PS3/PSV discounted upgrades) be available for the PS4 version of TPA the day the game launches? And will TPA be ready "Day 1" of the PS4 launch, presumably Nov. 13?

11. There are only 10 Goin' Nuts in existence, and yet it's in the Gottlieb Collection and is (it seems) going to be in Table Pack #16, this got me thinking that (other than possible license issues with Capcom and/or Gene Cunningham, which I can't remember if they've been talked about before) KINGPIN really should be in TPA. There are only 8, but since there are only 10 Goin Nuts, and honestly it's much less likely to be appreciated on the same scale that a mid-90's DMD Mark Ritchie game with great art would be, that it must be possible to find/borrow one much the same as whatever you guys did to get a hold of Goin Nuts. I know everyone always mentions BBB, and I personally would really love to see Pinball Magic, but doing KINGPIN would really bring what I bet is a great table to the (relative) masses who have never had a chance to play it at all.

Apologies for any redundant questions, as I didn't read the thread before posting.
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Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
1. why no ps3 changelogs...
2. when will ps3 leaderboards work again?
3. if addam's family is off the table can we have a poll for a new potential kickstarter table


New member
May 10, 2012
You are fast approaching your goal getting all the Gottlieb and Williams collection tables converted to TPA. Only 4 or 5 left after July. Do you still plan to keep releasing 2 tables every month after that in season 3?
Are all of season two set in stone yet or are you still considering candidates?


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Will the sound quality ever be updated for iOS? Specifically support for stereo table and mechanical sounds.

Captain B. Zarre

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Apr 16, 2013
(1) Do tables like Johnny Mnemonic or BSD require a kickstarter to script? The former is one of my favorites...

(2) Are the slips by Gary Stern (RCT, TftC) actually going to be emulated?

That's really it. Can't wait to see the game get better!


New member
May 10, 2012
We all know how frustrating getting licenses can be. You got lucky with Elvira last year.(getting lucky with Elvira is something we would all like ;) ) Any positive surprises like that coming this year?
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Apr 8, 2012
Will the PC version have all the new engine capabilities of the PS4 and Xbox One versions when it is released? If not at launch, in the future?


New member
May 25, 2013
Untill now farsight only made "old tables" from Williams, Stern, and gothieb
Have you ever think about made a New and original table? But designed 100% by farsight

Chris Dunman

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Apr 11, 2012
Couple of things really

1. A lot of issues around older tables especially CV. Could Bobby give a better estimate on when these tables will be tweaked / redone?

2. Does Bobby have a TPA lifespan in mind?

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
1. Is it possible to set up the tables so they keep some of the in table high sores and achievements, such the number of trolls hit or when you win battle for the kingdom in MM (and if so are there plans to implement it)?

2. Can we get a better history of the 360 issues (whatever you can tell us) - what has happened with Crave/Fillpoint in bankruptcy/ is Crave the 360 publisher going forward/ is there any better idea of a time frame for 360 DLC to resume?

3. You stated in the T2 kickstarter FAQ that because of MS not allowing self-publishing you aren't listing Xbox One as a platform currently. Do you have any more information on that? Does that mean you don't currently plan on supporting the Xbox one?


New member
Jul 30, 2012
1. Is it possible to set up the tables so they keep some of the in table high sores and achievements, such the number of trolls hit or when you win battle for the kingdom in MM (and if so are there plans to implement it)?
I'm pretty sure that Pro versions of tables keep those stats.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
I'm pretty sure that Pro versions of tables keep those stats.

OK, that's good if true. The only problem is that you then can't play for a leaderboard score.
In that case, maybe my question should change to:

Do you plan on adding pro-mode scores to the leaderboards if no gameplay altering settings are changed?

It would be great if they could detect that the machine is being played in pro-mode without any settings changed (except for Family Mode, which doesn't effect gameplay) and have the score eligible for the leaderboards. I would be a lot more likely to spring for all of the pro modes if this happens.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
My questions echo one's that have already been voiced here:

1) Did your team take apart a physical Goin' Nuts for your recreation of it?

2) What is the timeline for the ROM emulated versions of Gorgar, Black Knight and Black Hole?

3) When can we expect to see a Stern S.A.M. emulated table arrive?
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Jul 7, 2012
1) Could we have more flipper sounds, rather then the same ones across all tables?

2) On newer, more powerful mobile devices could we have better graphics then older less powerful devices e.g translucent ramps if the device could handle it?

3) How are the Black Knight and Circus Voltaire fixes coming along that were mentioned on the last audio interview?

4) Could the games table selection screen more closely resemble the new table section of the Farsight website?

5) Could Farsight show the T2 kickstarter on their website and facebook page more prominently?

6) Could the app descriptions be updated to list the T2 Kickstarter (no mention anywhere currently)
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New member
Sep 13, 2012
1) Are you considering emulating sound roms to compliment the game roms?
2) Are any pro menu modes scheduled for Season 1 tables? Tom, RBION, Monster Bash, FunHouse and Circus Voltaire seem to stand out as tables that would be great to play about with. In fact there's a huge gap of tables that would benefit with pro modes between Medievil Madness and the Scared Stiff pack.
3) Are you considering emulating tables that you can now emulate now? Gorgar, Black Knight, Black Hole etc. would be glorious with Rom emulation, or even operator access.
4) Which is the most popular table in your offices? I remember hearing that Taxi had tilt disabled so you all could practise your nudging, but there's been plenty more tables brought into your offices since.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
1) what steps are you taking to avoid the problem with not being able to update the tables on the PS3 in the PS4 version?

2) can you please be more open in your communications in regards to issues like the PS3 leaderboard problems? This fan forum helps us to feel somewhat invested in TPA and loyal to FS, but it also makes us want to know what's going on. I know that FarSight has been way more open than some of the big devs out there but it only seems right to let us know what's going on with the product that we have invested so much time into. We are just a small part of your fan base but we are your most loyal fans. We are your core group of fans. Many of us take the information that we get from here and share it with our gaming friends via social media and other forums. It seems like there should be a place here for someone (maybe you, Bobby) to update us once a week on the issues that are troubling TPA. Even hearing that X issue is continuing to be worked on but no known fix has been found yet is better than hearing nothing.

3) Make Comet!!! (Ok, that's not a question but I'd still like you to shout that at him Jeff!)


New member
Apr 17, 2013
Quick questions :

- Do you think that FT Big Hurt could be added to TPA?
- Same Question about Data East / Sega tables. Is there any planned? I've seen the brands listed in the PS4 news.
- Do you intend to sell some TPA or pinball related goodies? Could be good for KS for instance.

Thanks again for your efforts and the quality of the game :)
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