Sale speculation thread

Oct 15, 2013
Since the consensus online seems to be that Pinball FX is hot garbage how long till a sale? I'm going to say sometime in March. Zen has already said in response to the reviews on the Xbox store that discounts on legacy content are coming. Of course they said there would be discounts at launch which didn't happen. So how long do you think it will be before the sales start showing up and what do you think the prices will be? I'd be fine if the two Williams packs went down to say 17.99 or so. I doubt the new Zen originals are going to get a sale or the licensed tables. Maybe the individual Williams tables will or maybe not.

Personally after playing the game for 20+ hours and having the free Pinball Pass for a day I think the game is an improvement over FX3. The physics are better as are the visuals. It has bugs to be sure: crashing, UI text is too small, attract mode is broken, but overall I like it.


Nov 11, 2012
Pinball FX - Williams Pinball Collection 1 is currently 33% on the Sony Playstation Store.
Offer ends 13/4/2023 03:59 AM ADT -- I think that means 1 minute before midnight on April 12th UTC

Edit: there are more packs on sale at 33% off;
Williams Collection 2
Universal Monsters Pack

Jurassic World Pinball
Universal Classics️ Pinball
Marvel Pinball Collection 1
Star Wars️ Pinball Collection 1
Star Wars️ Pinball Collection 2
Zen Originals Collection 1
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Buying the Williams tables since I know I will play them a lot and they’ve got the uncensored version. For the others, I will wait for a better sale (I’ll wait years if I have to!)

But then again, I might get Marvel pack for Iron Man and Thor. This is how they get you with their sales!
Oct 15, 2013
I saw on Reddit that the Xbox Spring Sale is coming up this week or next. Apparently Zen's legacy sale was during the PlayStation Spring Sale...
Oct 15, 2013
Yeah but now that I'm racking up reward points saving them for free months of Gamepass is looking more tempting...
Oct 15, 2013
Still no sale. Playstation had their sale and now Steam users get 50% off if they owned the tables in FX3. They must know us Xbox players are going to use MS points so they won't get as much money. Pretty sure they still get paid though, just Microsoft coughs up the dough. What other reason could there be? Or maybe Xbox is the most active player base right now?


Apr 18, 2013
Only tables i will buy again with be the Williams tables, on both PC and xbox, and i try the PXFX day pass on the xbox series X with Rt on, and apart from a few tables like BOP where you can see the RT on the plastic ramp covers, and a few lighting effects, Rt is not that great, and when i look a PBFX3 and PBFX Williams tables side by side, that 50% off for owning all the tables on FX3 is just not really worth it.

Stick with FX3 for now and see if they at least improve the app and tables, as the UI on this thing is horrible, i mean what have they doing for a whole year on the Epic store with this app. lol
Oct 15, 2013
I'm just waiting for any kind of sale. To me the Williams/Bally tables are improved enough both graphically and physics wise from FX3 to warrant getting them again. I also only have the first few packs on FX3, before the physics were improved. Also the censorship is gone. Coming from the PS4 to now the Xbox Series S the lighting and overall clarity is night and day. I can actually zoom in on the playfield and read the inserts! I also recently switched from using a 40 inch tv to a 1080p 23 inch computer monitor. It's not a gaming monitor but I'm playing better being closer to the screen and being able to read everything without having to get up. I swear a lot of the new games these days have tiny text. It's like they expect you to be using a monitor.

I think the improved physics, even on the Zen originals, is a gamechanger. To me FX3 always played way too fast and the ball had no weight. The new game is much better yet some tables aren't that great. The Mummy isn't great IMO, and there are some others that are just wonky with the new physics. I'll be sticking to the real life tables as well. I do like the new event feature though. Let's you play tables you don't own which is nice. I got all the rewards for the current season. That was a grind!
Oct 15, 2013
Zen is still saying there will be sales in the near future in response to negative game reviews on the Xbox store. Apparently the stand alone Williams releases are buggy as well. TZ has ball management problems, have also heard of issues with Bride and Adams. Think I'll just stick with the two main Williams packs. Seems there has been a patch for Steam already but who knows about console.


Apr 18, 2013
^^The whole thing is a mess across all platforms, i would even say it is still in late stage beta across the board, this is why i am going to give it a miss for the time being, and maybe look at it again near xmas time.
Oh and this is reminding me too much of PBA where the PC version were ok but the console versions seemed to be a after thought, i remember waiting for console versions of tables wayyyyyyy after the steam PC version appeared, and they came out bugged with stuff the PC version were released with and fixed long ago. lol

Of course the irony here is i am enjoying all the PBA tables on the steam deck all over again while PBA are themselves gone, and if only they could have lasted 4 more years then the steam deck might have been the platfrom to save them and PBA. :(
Oct 15, 2013
Just posted about a sale for Xbox on the Pinball FX Reddit. Really strange there hasn't been a sale yet considering all the other platforms have had one.
Oct 15, 2013
I'm Gameaddict8504 over there. That's also my name on the leaderboards. I've still just got the free tables. Waiting for that sale! Fish Tales is really good and even Sorcerer's Lair is playable. Better than it was in FX2 or 3. Wild West Rampage though? Meh. It's like a poor man's Cactus Canyon and the lighting is just dull.

Trying to figure out a way to hook my PS3 up to the computer monitor but I'd need an adapter I don't have for the audio. I have every season of TPA on PS3 except for 6 and I have 7 on PS4. Also have FX2/3 and some Stern stuff on the PS4. Gets complicated hooking all that up to a monitor with no speakers and one HDMI port though!
Oct 15, 2013
10 years of digital pinball purchases and I still have them all. I don't really get all the negative reviews with the new Pinball FX. Just buy the new stuff and keep playing the stuff you already have. The only problem I have is that my stuff is on three different machines.
Oct 15, 2013
Legacy sale is on! 33% off for some packs. Only new table on sale is Wrath of the Elder Gods. I'll be picking up the Williams 1 and 2 packs. Maybe the Monster pack if I have enough points left over. The new to Zen Williams stand alone tables are not on sale. I think I heard that eventually those individual Williams releases will be in a pack? So Williams Collection 3? Right now some of the stand alone Williams releases are also badly bugged. While Zen originals are getting better I get my fill of them with the Events.

What are you picking up?
Oct 15, 2013
Picked up Williams 1 and 2. If you want to feel really good about your leaderboard placement just play the challenge modes. Right now I'm number 4 on Distance Challenge on Medieval Madness. This is the leaderboard for people who own the table not the Event that is currently going on. I did the castle shot over and over but can only get around 90 something million. That's good enough for 60th something place in the Event. Not sure if that's the best way to score or stacking multiball which only awards 20 mil upon flashing shot completion? A perk of owning the tables is if they come up in an Event you can practice all you want before using up your limited attempts.
Oct 15, 2013
Picked up the Monster Pack while it is still on sale. Now to save up points for the rest of the Williams releases. Shouldn't take too long even if there isn't another sale.

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