Scared Stiff Tactics and Strategies

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Normally I wait a little bit before posting a strategy thread, but I have a feeling real life is going to be brutal for a few weeks and what little TPA time I have hopefully will be devoted to beta-testing TZ. So don't read further if you want to discover the table for yourself! Qualifications: 260M on my third game, reached Monster Multiball and Spider Mania. This score is with nudging after every eject from the Dagger scoop so as to not collect excessive amounts of Dead Heads and unjustly inflate the score. Yep, we have the MB problem all over again on SS. If you wish to do the same, nudge hard right as the ball hits the Lab bumper and it will usually smack the side of the Crate and fall downwards, as it would on a real table.

General strategy: The multiballs are where it's at, these being Stiff in the Coffin, Terror from the Crate, and Monster Multiball. In addition to scoring well, modes continue into your multiballs (except Monster, obviously). The only incompatible feature is that when you're in Terror for the Crate, you can't make progress toward Stiff in the Coffin, and vice versa.

Before Getting Stiff: First order of business is to loop the right ramp 8 times to light an extra ball beside the Crate. There's really no reason not to do this right away. (There's a second one at 30 Web ramps, but that one is often collected during the course of Stiff in the Coffin, where you're shooting the Web ramp for jackpots a lot.)

Tales of Terror: While the modes are pretty self-explanatory and the table instructions are quite clear, a few pointers on each of the modes.
  • Return of the Dead Heads: If you let the Dagger scoop do its bugged thing, all you have to do is change lanes and this tale is trivial. Otherwise, just keep throwing the ball up the left loop and it'll eventually finish on its own. Do this 21 more times (!) in the same ball (!!) for a repeatable-once-each-ball (!!!) light extra ball. Dead Head values are 25K+25K, limit 2.475M, held throughout the game, so eventually they get to be the most valuable shot on the table.
  • Terror from the Crate: This is one of the easiest modes to start the first time around...and it becomes the most difficult later on. The first time it only takes 5 shots to start TFTC (including the final shot to actually put the ball in the crate and start the mode), the second time ups it to 9, and so on. The fifth TFTC takes 21 shots, which I believe is the limit. Unlike AFM and MM, you can't get these hits in during a multiball, either. Thankfully, the Crate is usually quite friendly. During Terror from the Crate itself, just repeatedly slam your balls into the crate. The piddly 10K boost to the jackpot from the ramps is not worth it. It is not unheard of to collect 30 or 40 jackpots from the Crate. Too bad they're only 250K. This is a 2-ball multiball, so if you lose control of a ball, concentrate on regaining control even at the expense of passing up a jackpot shot or two.
  • The Monster's Lab: On my local SS, the bumpers are very lazy, making this mode unusually difficult to finish. Thankfully TPA has no such issue. Again, just keep throwing the ball up the left loop and this will eventually take care of itself.
  • Eyes of the Bony Beast: Shoot the Bony Beast ramp three times. You have to do this anyway to light locks for Stiff in the Coffin. Sometimes I wonder if this mode was meant to be "shoot Bony Beast three times consecutively", which would have at least presented a slight challenge.
  • Stiff in the Coffin: Light locks by shooting the Bony Beast ramp. This takes as many ramps as the number of the SITC you're starting, so the first one only needs 1 ramp to light a lock, the third SITC needs 3 ramps for each lock, etc. Limit is 5. Once a lock is lit, throw the ball up the left loop (a very important shot to master in this game) to lock. Stiff in the Coffin itself wants you to hit a 500K jackpot on either ramp, then alternate them. The unlit ramp adds 10K to the jackpot value, which again is not worth going for, but sometimes you need to dispose of a ball up the unlit ramp to free up your flippers for an incoming jackpot attempt. Play the 3-ball section however you like, but once you're down to 2 balls, get one on each flipper, shoot the jackpot, wait until the ball is halfway around, shoot the other jackpot with the other ball, wait until that ball is halfway around by which time the first ball is returning to your flipper, and repeat until you botch it. SS's ramps are very very loopable. If done right, this will lead to a million plus change every few seconds. Try to beat my double 15-way combo (as in 30 jacks in a row!) sometime!
  • Night of the Leapers: Hit the three Leaper standups each one time. This is somewhat dangerous to shoot for directly - although nowhere near as dangerous as the real table - and often a marginal ramp shot will hit the nearby Leaper target, so you don't really need to risk direct shots.
Note that hitting the Secret Passage (pretty difficult given the lack of fine control on the flippers) spots a tale. Probably not worth trying, since none of the tales are really difficult and some are good points. It also will spot a level in the Stiff-o-Meter mode.

My Favorite Part of the Movie, or How to Raise Your Stiff-o-Meter: Once you finish the six Tales, enter the Crate to start the Stiff-o-Meter mode. This is a lot like ToM's Grand Finale: The time limit (30 seconds) looks harsh, but the shots you are required to make are easy shots you make a hundred times a game. The trick is to relax (very hard given the increasingly fast-paced music and heart pounding sound effect) and pretend you're just shooting a jackpot in one of the other multiballs. Each successful shot adds 3 seconds to the timer as well, so a full Stiff-o-Meter mode can actually last up to 57 seconds.

You want to hit the Crate first. It's an easier and safer shot (missing a ramp and hitting a Leaper is bad news - you may get control back but you'll waste 5 or 6 seconds doing so), and reduces the number of ramp shots you must make by one. Why? The tenth shot is always the Crate because the game needs to lock a ball while it plays the Frog Frenzy-esque intro to Monster Multiball. (Elvira had the goods first, Stern!) So shooting the Crate first makes shots #1-3-5-7-9-10 Crate shots, and shots #2-4-6-8 ramp shots.

And, in what must be one of the best flashes of insight ever to strike a pinball designer, your progress is saved if you leave Stiff-o-Meter incomplete! So don't despair if you get to Level 8 and then drain, as when you reach Stiff-o-Meter again, you'll start back up with Level 9 flashing! (Even if you don't reach it again, the completed levels of the Stiff-o-Meter are worth 10K each in end-of-ball bonus for the rest of the game.)

Monster Multiball, or OMG, This Scoring Is Orgasmic: All three jackpots lit for 1M each. Go to town and rock her world. Again, once you're down to 2 balls, play the double ramp loop strategy as you would for Stiff in the Coffin. A good Monster Multiball will easily clear 100M.

Other Modes: Scared Stiff has lots of little minor modes, most of which are obtained from spinning the Spider on the backglass:
  • Leaper Mania: Hit 10 leapers to start the mode the first time, 15 leapers the second time, etc. Once Leaper Mania begins ("Squash those leapers!"), carefully shoot 5 leapers in 20 seconds for light extra ball the first time, or a disgustingly low 250K subsequent times. I only play this once, it's just not worth it after the EB.
  • Boogie Man Boogie: A frenzy round, all switches score 10K for 20 seconds, increased by 5K each time the ball falls into any hole (the Dagger scoop, the Spin Spider hole, and the lock all qualify). This is an excellent time to go for Monster's Lab and bumper hits. Note that if you do not nudge to avoid the Dagger kickout exploit, the Boogie Man value will rise to 60K or 70K per switch pretty quickly. Also note that the Boogie Man total is part of your bonus, so don't tilt!
  • Bony Beast Hurry-Up: A 200K hurry-up at the bony beast, with your ball conveniently fed to the right flipper. If you don't score near max value on this, you aren't really trying.
  • Instant Jackpot: A 250K jackpot on the Web ramp. Not worth making a special effort for, just shoot the right ramp the next time you have reason/opportunity to do so.
  • Double Trouble: 2X Playfield for 20 seconds. Unlike RBION, there is not a Continent Super Jackpot or other obvious shot to stack this with. Probably the best use of this is right before Stiff in the Coffin, then deliberately let the third ball go and try to get into the double ramp loop as quickly as possible. This is pretty tough to set up, though, and is not going to ruin your chance at a high score if you don't make the stack.
  • Beat the Crate:The Stiff-o-Meter strobes up and down for 20 seconds, Crate shots are worth 25K times the highest level lit on the Stiff-o-Meter at time of impact. Obviously you aim as the count is ascending but not yet at the top, shooting at level 7 seems to be the best bet for consisting hitting the Crate for full value. There is a slight risk of SDTM drains, so focus on shooting safely rather than maximizing Crate value. Beat the Crate is counted as end-of-ball bonus.
Whirl the Arachnid: Hit the Spin Spider hole to, well, spin the spider on the backglass. After doing so, the Web ramp relights the spider for another spin. Note that the spider takes 2 or 3 spaces to stop after you hit the flippers, you have to lead it a little bit to get what you want. Hitting a target that you've already collected wastes the spin. Generally I go for Extend Crate Multiball first, followed by Extend Coffin Multiball. This will give you two nice double-length multiballs (giggity!) so that even if the game otherwise is a flop, you'll have a somewhat decent score. Afterwards, pretty much anything goes, but try to save 2X Playfield for a multiball, try to save the Lab hits for when you need them to complete the corresponding tale, and those 3 eyes light extra ball once the set is completed. Lighting all 16 inserts starts...

Spider Mania, or OK, Who Fed the Tarantula Amphetamines Again?: Two things happen. First, the spider goes around the wheel again re-awarding everything, just like Whirlwind's Mega Door Bonus. The crystal balls award Tele-Pathetic Special, the eyes re-light extra ball next to the Crate, all the minor modes start up again, etc. Second, a 4-ball Spider Multiball starts, with the lock, Bony Beast and Crate worth jackpots (500K and 250K). The first 20 seconds are critical, because both 2X Playfield and Boogie Man Boogie are running, so scoring is greatly enhanced during this time. Because the Web ramp is not a jackpot in Spider Multiball, the double ramp loop is unsuitable here, and I prefer to play it as a Terror from the Crate with the left flipper, and take occasional shots to lock or Bony Beast as balls arrive on the right flipper.

Damn, I Hate Commercials: Scared Stiff's Dagger Throw (a.k.a. the skill shot) is quite point-rich relative to the rest of the table compared to most skill shots, scoring 250K+250K with no discernible limit (I've had a 2M one.) The skill shot markers are yellow in the middle, then orange further down, and then red. Pull to between the lower orange marker and the red one below it. Should hit the scoop about 75% of the time.

How 'bout Another Ball?: Scared Stiff is full of extra ball goodness. There's one at 8 and 30 Web ramp shots, one at the replay score (6M...yes,'s only 6M), a repeatable one at 8X Bonus (although that's a lot of Dead Heads to collect on one ball if you're not exploiting the Dagger scoop), one from the 3 eyes on the spider wheel, one from starting Monster Multiball, and two for starting Spider Mania (one from the 3 eyes again, one from the Tele-Pathetic Special). The limit is 4 extra balls at any one time though, so keep track of 'em so you don't waste one.

Fun with bonus: Bonus is kind of all-or-nothing. The multiplier only applies to switch bonus, all the other contributions are unfortunately 1X. However, long multiballs at a high bonus X can easily push past 7M or 8M in switch bonus alone. If you do this on the first ball, and have hold bonus from looping the Web ramp (only 3 shots are needed), you can drag a huge into the second ball. Dead Heads sometimes scores well in the last balls of a long game. Stiff-o-Meter also is held, and will go past Level 10 if you reach wizard mode multiple times (my Stiff-o-Meter goes to 23!).

And that is how you get Scared Stiff. Unpleasant dreams! ;)

P.S. For those who encounter a real Scared Stiff: Be warned that while all TPA tables are easier than their real-life counterparts, this one is especially so. On the real SS, Leaper hits are often insta-drains, failed ramp shots are center drains, and too much time in the slings means a trip to the outlanes. You'll need to do a lot of nudging, and don't be surprised if reaching an eight-digit score is a real challenge. Thirty million on the real table is quite respectable.
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David Smith

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Great description, thanks! The one thing I'd add is that if Spin Spider is lit at the Spider Hole, it's worth going for it from the skill shot instead of the usual Dagger skill shot. (Pull the plunger slightly short of halfway and it will land in the spider hole; if you miss on the short side the ball usually won't trigger any switch, which means you can safely drain and get a free ball to try again.) The spider hole is somewhat dangerous for a direct shot, and the loss of regular skill shot points is worth it for progress completing the Web.

Bride of Trolls

New member
Jul 29, 2012
Hi there.

Good manual, thanks for the work.

Imo there are just a few things to say.

I think you don't have to shoot the right ramp for the extra ball, it just happens during
the normal gameplay, even the second extra ball for 30 spiderramps is no problem.

The first thing you have do do imo is to relight the spider hole every time after a spider
spin, i need around 20 spider spins for spider mania (i don't hit every item with the first try).
My best so far is one spider mania + 10 spider item in the second round.

In my way of gameplay i do the "Stiff in the Coffin" as often as possible. Light the spider,
light the lock, lock it, again and again. During the Stiff in the Coffin multiball the ramps
are more worth than in the crate- multiball and (for me) the ramps are much easier and
safer than the crate-box.

So this is my way, the Spider and the Stiff in the Coffin, the other things just happens

I realy love this machine, it is one of my TOP 3, togehter with Fathom and CFTBL. :)

A last word: 1 Billion for 1000 Hall of Fame points is a long way, gooood !!!

Stiff in the Coffin: 15 double way with 30 Jackpots in a row? Amazing, thumbs up !!!
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Corrections and addenda:
  • The Dead Heads value is limited to 2,475,000 (99 x 25K).
  • The number of Dead Heads counted in your end-of-ball bonus is limited to 99.
  • The end-of-ball bonus for completed Stiff-o-Meter levels is 10K each, not 100K each.
  • The Secret Passage spots a level during the Stiff-o-Meter mode.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Great description, thanks! The one thing I'd add is that if Spin Spider is lit at the Spider Hole, it's worth going for it from the skill shot instead of the usual Dagger skill shot. (Pull the plunger slightly short of halfway and it will land in the spider hole; if you miss on the short side the ball usually won't trigger any switch, which means you can safely drain and get a free ball to try again.) The spider hole is somewhat dangerous for a direct shot, and the loss of regular skill shot points is worth it for progress completing the Web.
This is indeed good advice. Thanks!

Bride of Trolls

New member
Jul 29, 2012
Monster Multiball, or OMG, This Scoring Is Orgasmic: All three jackpots lit for 1M each. Go to town and rock her world. Again, once you're down to 2 balls, play the double ramp loop strategy as you would for Stiff in the Coffin. A good Monster Multiball will easily clear 100M.

Hmmm, i think this is not easy and you loose ball control too fast. IMO it is better
to catch one ball on every flipper and than start to shoot one ramp again and again,
i prefer holding one ball one the left flipper and shoot the left ramp as often as

OT: Oh boy, 15 double ramps is very cruel, i only made it up to 11 so far.:(

But i shoot the stiff-o-meter up to 50 and two spider mania in one game, near on
three spider mania.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Hmmm, i think this is not easy and you loose ball control too fast. IMO it is better to catch one ball on every flipper and than start to shoot one ramp again and again, i prefer holding one ball one the left flipper and shoot the left ramp as often as possible.
Definitely an option as well, and probably objectively safer. It is slower, although 500K every few seconds can hardly be considered "slow" scoring on Scared Stiff.

On an iPad, my left thumb starts going numb after a minute or so of pressing the glass continuously to hold up a flipper. I used to write these strategy threads after the 360 version of the table in question was released, so that touchscreen input issues weren't affecting my technique, but with the 360 version in limbo that no longer works.

I also find that once I get into a "flow" of hitting ramps, I get better at hitting more. As in, if I make the first 4 ramps and establish a rhythm, I'm probably on my way to looping at least 10 of them. Players who don't get into that flow (and you'll know it once you've got it) probably will be better off with your method.

Keep the tips coming, everyone!

Bride of Trolls

New member
Jul 29, 2012
On an iPad, my left thumb starts going numb after a minute or so of pressing the glass continuously to hold up a flipper.
A few minutes is not enough for a nice date with elvira.

I also find that once I get into a "flow" of hitting ramps, I get better at hitting more.

Just like me, i was in a "flow" and so i gave her multiple jackpots,
more than 1000 Monster Multiball left ramp 1 Million shots. :rolleyes:



New member
Feb 20, 2013
Is there a way to carry a multiball into the stiff-o-meter mode?

Happened to me once as a clear bug when I activated Beat the Crate as the final mode, which slipped it straight into Stiff-o-meter while the balls were still in play during the DMD animation. Monster Multiball still evened out to the usual 4 balls, and haven't been able to reproduce the bug since.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
To alternate between ramps; keep the launching flipper up, so the momentum of the rampride will make the ball hop over to the other flipper, so you can knock it up the opposite ramp. Rinse and repeat.

Ps; played this one for real now. What a fun table.


New member
Mar 26, 2013
Man this table is really easy. My very first game I activated Monster Multiball and got 12 of 16 on the spider backglass. I actually had a tougher time getting that goal for saving the ball with a Spell. I simply could not get the ball to drain in that outlane. I had to keep starting Multi-Balls and finally I got it. Was very strange.

Of course, once I did I had to redo Monster Multiball for the Wizard Goals... did it a few games later.

Happened to me once as a clear bug when I activated Beat the Crate as the final mode, which slipped it straight into Stiff-o-meter while the balls were still in play during the DMD animation. Monster Multiball still evened out to the usual 4 balls, and haven't been able to reproduce the bug since.

Happened to me as well, last night on my Vita. I had two balls going during Stiff-O-Meter, similar to what you experienced. I see you only list Vita as your platform, maybe it's a Vita thing.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Probably late to the part but most of this I figured myself. I've been playing some of the table that I don't play to often the other day. SS was one and it was a marathon session. (Too many Extra Balls) Even so I only got 206m+. Good table. It's one of those that you played a few times and it didn't lure you in. I'm finally realized why this table was so highly sought after for most. Some might think I will have the same turn around on EM tables but....... no tried all of them again and can't get into them.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
This score is with nudging after every eject from the Dagger scoop so as to not collect excessive amounts of Dead Heads and unjustly inflate the score.

Dagger Scoop=Skill Shot Hole?

On my Android tablet the ball never goes to the deadheads from the Skill Shot Scoop but rather to the Spider Hole. It's actually also possible to touch the crate (with count) slightly when making the skill shot.

I would like to inflate my score ;-)

EDIT: That easiness with the dead heads seems to be an iOS bug from what I've read in the other thread which also means that getting dead heads is much harder on other devices. The left orbit is usually diverted to the coffin lock hole in my games so that the dead heads need to be achieved by the small extra ball lane. Overall bonuses aren't really the thing in SS.
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Active member
Feb 14, 2013
If lock is lit the ball goes there. if not it either goes to the dead heads or to the bumpers. that part is working as designed.

The bug people are talking about is the one where the tv dagger kickout send the ball back up to the deadheads.

Most SS machines i've seen on location have high aligned flippers, and this makes all the shots except for the create harder.

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