Score a Double Jackpot Goal Not Triggering?


New member
Jun 3, 2018
I know I must be doing something wrong, but it's happened to me twice already, and I just can't trigger this damn goal. Here's how I understand the rules:

1. [0:28] Start Multiball (I tilt twice in the beginning to get to the 3rd ball faster)
2. [1:08] Shoot the roof ramp.
3. [1:16] Shoot the crane ramp.
4. [2:01] Shoot all 4 shield targets.
5. [2:08] Shoot the crane ramp.
6. [2:14] Use SMART missiles on second round of 4 shield targets.
7. [2:24] Shoot the roof ramp.
8. [2:31] Shoot the crane ramp (and I was expecting to get the goal here, but no cigar)

Here's the vid:

[MENTION=3125]skippycue[/MENTION] [MENTION=259]Gorgar[/MENTION] [MENTION=7098]tandigab[/MENTION]


Feb 15, 2018
I did not use smart missiles because I knew nothing about those. (I should have read the instructions carefully). Later I watched scippycue's video and banged my head against the wall. So I scored this goal without missiles. I cannot remember how to do the goal (when to shoot what) but here is my video. You can compare or check the order. Or look for scippycue's video to see how he did it with smart missiles.
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Feb 15, 2018
I guess I know what the problem is. The same problem is in Frankenstein with creature jackpot and extra ball at 600M. You scored the double super jackpot and replay at the same time (~600M?) No double super jackpot on DMD but the replay's fireworks.
So earn the replay before scoring double super jackpot.

I can see you earned replay just before the last shot to crane (2:25). You should have wait with that shot 3-4 sec until fireworks is over.
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New member
Jun 3, 2018
I guess I know what the problem is. The same problem is in Frankenstein with creature jackpot and extra ball at 600M. You scored the double super jackpot and replay at the same time (~600M?) No double super jackpot on DMD but the replay's fireworks.
So earn the replay before scoring double super jackpot.

I can see you earned replay just before the last shot to crane (2:25). You should have wait with that shot 3-4 sec until fireworks is over.

I think you're right. Happened to me again today. It's hard to wait because you're already short on time, and then when you shoot you end up getting stupid magnets in the way. I just hate Farsight devs can't get their sh&t straight when it comes to detecting goals. They're hard enough as is, without running into bugs.

Do you think waiting will make this goal trigger if I somehow end up getting the shot after DMD replay animation finishes?


Feb 15, 2018
Do you think waiting will make this goal trigger if I somehow end up getting the shot after DMD replay animation finishes?
Yes, I guess so. You should have wait 1-2 seconds more only. As I watch my video replay animation is 7-8 sec long from the knock (3:35) to the end of fireworks (3:42) (knock, 3 men fighting, REPLAY, fireworks) before and after that you can see the 4 rotating shields(?) with 5million. But after firework you can see the shields for a part of second as I immediately scored super jackpot that can be seen on DMD
I think replay animation supresses everything else on DMD and wizard goal is probably triggered by the DMD content, so if cannot be seen on the DMD then it will not be recognised.

In your video the knock is at 2:25 and your shot is at 2:31. 0.5-1 sec too early. Right after that shot firework ended and shields reappeared.
Or play a bit more before going for WG to collect points to achive replay sooner.
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New member
Jun 3, 2018
I finally got it after another hour of attempts and close calls. Got lucky as well. Couldn't cradle the ball, so just had to hit it the moment fireworks were ending. It was just late enough for the stupid goal to pop:

Finally done with this, and moving on TX Sector.


New member
Jun 3, 2018

Thanks. I see you're done with Dracula. Only 3 to go for you:
1. Safecracker
2. Genie
3. The Champion Pub

You think you'll get them done before I wrap up the last 2 seasons? Which one are you going after next?


Feb 15, 2018
1. CP (1 WG left to make: ultimate challenge)
2. SC (5 SG + 5 WG) I'll make everything except tokens
3. Genie (1 WG to go: 3M) I cannot tell how much I hate this boring table. My best is 2.38M.
4. Collect SC tokens

Well I don't know how I will collect the tokens. I cannot occupy PS4 for weeks. I have got 3 little children and they want to play.

I don't know whether I will finish collecting all the trophies sooner or you. If you did nothing in S6 and S7 then that's 23 table to go and there are some hard ones. + TX Sector is a quite tough one too.
Maybe tables those difficult for me will be easy for you or vice versa


New member
Jun 3, 2018
No, I haven't touched any of the remaining tables yet, so I figure I have 25 of them to go. I've been working on tables in the PSN trophy order, though for the last two seasons I'll do them in the easiest-to-hardest order based on skippycue's post.

As far as the tokens - can you just tell your kids they can only play Safecracker for a week :).


Feb 15, 2018
Is one week enough for collecting all 26 tokens?
Do I have to do anything with the game during that time or just keep it running and do nothing?
Will TPA be able to run for a week without crashing? I often restart TPA after a longer play to prevent crash. Or when earning a WG (a difficult one) I drain all the balls immediately to save it before crash.

Playing pinball for a week would be OK for my older daugter(11), but the other two (9B & 9G twins) always want to play minecraft only. :)
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New member
Jun 3, 2018
You need to earn 80 tokens without ever backing out of the game to table selection screen to get all the 26 special ones. So assuming you earn 2-3 tokens per hour on average, it will take you about 30 hours. That's about a week, if you can spend 4 hours a day playing. Have your kids play minecraft on a tablet for a week or two instead.

The game didn't crash for me during that time, but I'm sure that's always a possibility. Putting your PS4 to Sleep Mode is fine.

Two weeks back I actually ended up with a crash just as I was restarting the table, that corrupted my save. It's the first time it's ever happened. After restarting the game, all my goals for every single table were gone. I'm glad it happened before I attempted last 2 seasons as all that work would be wasted. Luckily, I have PS+, and was able to restore the save from the day before. After that incident, the moment I earn a wizard goal, I exit the game and back up my save to a USB drive (I actually alternate between two separate USB drivers for extra layer of redundancy). I can't wait to be done with this nightmare.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I mean... has the possibility of ignoring the goals and just playing whatever you want occurred to either of you at all? :)


New member
Jun 3, 2018
I mean... has the possibility of ignoring the goals and just playing whatever you want occurred to either of you at all? :)

I wish I could, but my OCD won't let me. I need to see 100% trophy completion next to the game, before I move on to the next one. The only reason I'm even playing pinball on PS4 in the first place, is for the challenge. These trophies are extremely rare. Only 2 people have completed all the tables so far, and that number will likely stay low forever because you can no longer buy the old tables.

I do realize this sounds completely crazy to people who couldn't care less about trophies, and I envy those people :).


Feb 15, 2018
I don't care much about trophies, but when I saw on this forum that Eternal21 wanted to collect all the trophies I thought that was a good idea and I would do the same. This way I must play all the tables those I would not play. I have 100 tables but played 10-15 before. Now I have played all of them. I don't have OCD and don't play any other games on my PS4 those are for my kids. I play pinball games only (95%) and some VR games (5%). (Well, I liked Trine trilogy quite much. I played them for a week.)
Now I know all 100 tables in TPA and know which ones are worth to play again later and which ones I would not touch again. :)


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Congrats on getting that wizard goal Eternal, sorry I was not any help! [MENTION=7098]tandigab[/MENTION], get yourself a second PS4! ;). You can also suspend the pinball arcade application and that won't ruin your token progress.


Feb 15, 2018
I promised to my kids that I would be quick. Only 4 tokens left to collect after playing SC for about 12 hours. I hope it will not take a week to finish.


New member
Jun 3, 2018
I promised to my kids that I would be quick. Only 4 tokens left to collect after playing SC for about 12 hours. I hope it will not take a week to finish.

Those poor kids, you should've timed it with a punishment, and made that an excuse as to why there will be no PS4 gaming allowed. BTW, it doesn't matter how many tokens you have left, it always takes 80 tokens without reboots.


Feb 15, 2018
it always takes 80 tokens without reboots.

Then I will never be able to collect the 80 tokens. After 57 tokens (18-20 hours palying) TPA crashed again. :(

I should have get this trophy half a year ago when TPA never crashed. :(
I am very angry. :(


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Then I will never be able to collect the 80 tokens. After 57 tokens (18-20 hours palying) TPA crashed again. :(

I should have get this trophy half a year ago when TPA never crashed. :(
I am very angry. :(
Ugh that really sucks. The game crashed on me periodically as well in the last year, but thankfully never at a bad time! The safe cracker goal will be virtually impossible if your PS4 keeps crashing...

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