Season 3 released on Steam


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Is the $10 off price for season 2 really in effect? It still says $39.99.

Edit: Ah, there it is. $29.99 in the Steam store.
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New member
May 24, 2013
just bought table pack 3 $29.99 great price for 10 tables. just played fisf tales, bloody bewdy !!!!:cool:


New member
Nov 1, 2013
Just bought seasons 2 and 3 pro versions. Having a blast playing this on my cabinet. Keep 'em coming.


New member
Nov 12, 2013
Thanks just bought season 3 pro, wonder when s3 will go out to its and android?
PC seems to get earlier releases! Very cool!

Krooze L-Roy

New member
Aug 30, 2013
I guess the price hike makes sense, as a product like TPA is probably a case of diminishing returns. With so many tables already available from the previous seasons, a lot of people are probably starting to feel like enough is enough. It'll be up to the most die-hard (and greedy) of us to pick up the slack. As long as the quality remains high, I'm more than happy to support the project for as long as it exists. The first Williams PHoF only had eight tables, so ten ain't too shabby.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
well that rolled out fast. purchased season pack 3 pro for steam platform. However i decided i will not bother adding anymore to iOS as i hardly play on that platform anymore since steam was released. Also that was a quick bug fix on the coin slot go pro issue i got a popup telling me to turn on in game something in steam settings when i did that i can add pro to a single table from season pack 1 or 2 which i only purchased standard. The only only one i wanted was CBW in pro well i added it but can't change any of the settings in the pro coinbox menu how lovely. gotta love the 5 ball per game on the score card and i cant change it to 5 balls in the coinbox menu. :(

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Its strange, even though the Steam version looks better and you can use a joypad, my platform of choice is still Android from a 'play it in bed with your girlfriend nagging you to go to sleep' point of view.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Its strange, even though the Steam version looks better and you can use a joypad, my platform of choice is still Android from a 'play it in bed with your girlfriend nagging you to go to sleep' point of view.
i must not be playing pinball correctly or must have missed some secret easter eggs in those menus. I would think there are better things to do when above situation avails itself.


New member
Aug 18, 2013
As long as the quality remains high
whaaaaaaaaaaat?? did you played FT already? - drop target at Casters Club is always at droped position - i wonder how they tested table if even average player like me who did not played FT before mentioned this after few games played?


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
whaaaaaaaaaaat?? did you played FT already? - drop target at Casters Club is always at droped position - i wonder how they tested table if even average player like me who did not played FT before mentioned this after few games played?

Is it not possible that the default settings makes it easier to start the first multiball by not making you light the lock before each ball. that's how MM and AFM do it so it's not a strange new idea or anything.


New member
Aug 18, 2013
Is it not possible that the default settings makes it easier to start the first multiball by not making you light the lock before each ball. that's how MM and AFM do it so it's not a strange new idea or anything.

then try to start second multiball and to see what will be..
it looks like drop target get up only if you scored jackpot (this rule is wrote in instructions)
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Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012

This should be fixed now. I also commented in that link.

whaaaaaaaaaaat?? did you played FT already? - drop target at Casters Club is always at droped position - i wonder how they tested table if even average player like me who did not played FT before mentioned this after few games played?

The drop target starts in the down position on the real table to make it easier to get the first multiball. After that it should be in the up position. Just as superballs said.

And for the comment about "old tables". I didn't mean old by age, I meant old as in ones we've done before in the PHOF discs.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Its strange, even though the Steam version looks better and you can use a joypad, my platform of choice is still Android from a 'play it in bed with your girlfriend nagging you to go to sleep' point of view.

I would think there are better things to do when above situation avails itself.

Nothing wrong with docking your Space Shuttle in a game of pinball afterwards. Can always perform a re-entry later.


Nov 23, 2013
No problem with not rereleasing old tables for Season 3. Quick look on Fish tales the quality don´t quite seem to gone up to justify a price hike on it´s own. But it´s a very quick look and may be worth the money anyway.

Hope they will announce all tables as soon as possible so I can decide weither to get any tables in Season 3 or not. If it´s only half as many tables it can´t survive like Season 2 that had a bunch of vintage pinballs not worth to much.

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