Season 5


New member
Sep 12, 2015
Who else is ready for some new tables?

Yep...I'm ready. This delay with Microsoft or what ever reason is ridiculous.

I won't buy a season pass again ahead of release.

I have bought all of season 5 so far for my ipad so I'm spending double....not good!


New member
Apr 20, 2013
5-6 months, that's the time frame for TPA console releases. Been buying tables for years on both the PS3 and now the XB1 and it is always been that way. It's going to be a while yet.


Jan 28, 2015
I just saw some console sales numbers. I think there are a few 10million PS4's out there than Xbones.

Perhaps this is the correlation to the lame release schedule we face.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'd try posting on their Facebook page. Maybe you can get an answer there.

Edit - I see the question was recently posted on the Facebook page. No answer there yet either.
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Great work, Farsight - newsletter 51 and again no word about XBOX.
The only good support is on iOS, Android and PC. All others get releases if they're lucky.
Once the tables were released one by one on XBOX360 like it happens now only for smartphones and PC.
The new release policy is just XXXX !
SOOOOOO SAD - XBOX support sucks extremly !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I paid for it !!!!!!!! So there's no need to hurry or what ?
I wish the option to buy and use a season but to pay it after everything is released
or else they do not exert themselves.
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New member
Sep 12, 2015
I'm sorry but I am not supporting pinball arcade any longer. I prepaid for season 5 and dr who kickstarter and being 61yo I don't want to die before I get them. I have a lot of the Pinball FX and FX 2 that I play on xbone and like them. No matter who is to blame, farsight or microsoft, I can't give my money away in good conscious for goods not received. I have also bought my last one on iOS, I bought enough pins 2x. I have over 60 for both xbox machines and that's enough to keep me entertained and a lot of those were cross platform but bought full seasons on sale so cut a little cost.

Nothing personal just personal financial management

Good luck to all and happy pinning!

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