Season 7 Wizard!


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Season 7 Wizard!

There seems to be very little attention given to the later seasons of this game so I thought I'd post some thoughts and videos about the Season 7 tables, and what it takes to achieve the Season 7 Wizard trophy. The video descriptions themselves include tips and strategy so I won't repeat a lot of that in this thread. There are 11 tables in season 7 and I have listed the tables in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest. You have to complete the wizard goals for ALL 11 tables in order to earn the Season 7 Wizard trophy!

Note: You can no longer purchase Williams tables if you have not already done so, but the trophy still requires them. :(

1. Ghost Busters Premium (Stern) - Difficulty: 5
This was one of the easier tables from season 11. None of the wizard goals were too bad, just takes a little bit of practice to understand the way the ball reacts on the table. I added a video below showing the two harder wizard goals, but still not too hard.
Start We're Ready to Believe You & Loop 5 Super Jackpots

2. Wild Card (Williams) - Difficulty: 5.5
This table really isn't too hard, but the two lower saucers can be really annoying to hit. There is a glitch with the upper special light not going off that you can take advantage of for easy 100k points each time you hit it. Check out the following videos for techniques to get these wizard goals.
Score 300,000 points on one ball
Earn an Outlane Special

3. Firepower II (Williams) - Difficulty: 6.0
The tricky part with this table was actually increasing the multiplier. I found it difficult to get the ball back up to the ABCD rollovers with any consistency. Maybe others have no problem with this. Other than that, earning the max bonus and the outlane special just take some practice and good ball control. Here is a video showing some methods I used for achieving these goals.
Score a 495K Bonus & Earn the Outlane Special

4. Sorcerer (Williams) - Difficulty: 6.5
The tough goals on this table are scoring the 472K bonus and earning the SORCERER special. Both of these goals require frequent hits to precariously placed drop targets that can lead to unfavorable bounces with hard recoveries. For the SORCERER special I always tried to have multiball active to make the process of hitting these targets safer. I've included videos below for both wizard goals.
Score a 472K Bonus
Earn the SORCERER Special

5. World Champion Soccer (Bally) - Difficulty: 7
This table is pretty straight forward and quite a lot of fun! Traveling to the different cities and scoring a Germany Jackpot really isn't too hard. However, I rated this table pretty difficult because beating Germany in the Final Match is quite challenging and takes some major skill or a bit of luck! Check out the videos below to see what I mean... I actually tied the game at the buzzer and won in overtime!
Score a Germany Jackpot
Win the Final Match

6. Fathom (Bally) - Difficulty: 7.5
The most annoying thing about this table is how long it takes to start a game! lol . Actually, this table was quite challenging because you had to build up two bonuses to max twice each (although I had to do it three times for some reason as shown in the video). It can be quite hard to keep the ball in play long enough to max out these bonuses. Fortunately, once you get halfway there that progress carries over to the next ball, but the multiplier doesn't... Also, the reversed inlane/outlane configuration takes some getting used to. Use the video below for tips on achieving this goal.
Earn a 1,100,000 point Bonus

7. Spanish Eyes (Williams) - Difficulty: 7.5
This is one of the more unique tables I've played and takes some getting used to. The reason I have this table rated so difficult is because rolling the score takes a lot of consistency on a table that's clearly not designed for control. I was able to find a rinse and repeat method for achieving the two point based wizard goals below, but it can be challenging to pull off anyway due to the uniqueness of the flipper/pop bumper layout combined with devastating outlanes!
Score 60,000 points on one ball
Roll the Score

8. Paragon (Bally) - Difficulty: 7.5
None of the wizard goals on this table sound particularly hard, but scoring the PARAGON special is actually quite a challenge! Hitting the PARAGON hole can be slightly tricky and you have to time it to light every letter as it cycles through them fast. This combined with the unnatural double right flipper (which often can lead to stupid drains between the two right flippers) and the lower pop bumper make this table quite difficult to master. Perhaps others had an easier time, but I found it surprisingly challenging! Check out the video below to see what I mean!
Score a PARAGON Special

9. Wipe Out (Gottlieb) - Difficulty: 8
This table can be quite a challenge due to the 300M Dog Bonus wizard goal. You have to hit the awkwardly placed bumpers 100 times on one ball, then hit the right inlane, then shoot a target quickly to cash in the bonus! It can be quite challenging to keep the ball in play with so many challenging bumper deflections, often leading straight to an outlane... And every time you hit the right inlane you have to re-light the dog bonus light which requires awkward deflection shots... Here is a video showing achieving this goal.
Earn a 300M Dog Bonus

10. Pistol Poker (Alvin G. and Company) - Difficulty: 9
Scoring a Super Jackpot is quite likely the second hardest goal in all of the season 7 tables! You only get 2-3 chances to start multiball without having to cycle all the cards on the backglass, so you don't have a lot of chances to hit all the card targets you need to score 4 jackpots prior to shooting a very tough scoop for a super jackpot! And there is no ball save at all during multiball! The only saving grace is that your progress carries over from prior multiballs, but believe me, that doesn't make this goal much easier! Maxing the bonus is actually pretty easy at least. Check out the videos below.
Collect a 99,900,000 Bonus
Score a Super Jackpot

11. Banzai Run (Williams) - Difficulty - 9.5
This is definitely the hardest table from season 7 (and even season 6) due to having to score cycle stunt 4! You have to score 4 skill shots in one game, and that's not at all easy! It's super hard to be consistent with the plunger release with the analog stick, and even if you are, the table seems to be random in when it allows the skill shot to be successful. And there is no way to really understand the physics of making the skill shot because you can't see the shoot you have to get through. Honestly, this goal will take you many tries! Or perhaps you'll get lucky in which case thank your lucky stars! I have posted a video below that makes it look far easier than it is, I just had a good run.
Score Cycle Stunt 4

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, Season 7 Wizard!


New member
Nov 15, 2016
Season 7 Wizard!

There seems to be very little attention given to the later seasons of this game so I thought I'd post some thoughts and videos about the Season 7 tables, and what it takes to achieve the Season 7 Wizard trophy. The video descriptions themselves include tips and strategy so I won't repeat a lot of that in this thread. There are 11 tables in season 7 and I have listed the tables in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest. You have to complete the wizard goals for ALL 11 tables in order to earn the Season 7 Wizard trophy!

Note: You can no longer purchase Williams tables if you have not already done so, but the trophy still requires them. :(

1. Ghost Busters Premium (Stern) - Difficulty: 5
This was one of the easier tables from season 11. None of the wizard goals were too bad, just takes a little bit of practice to understand the way the ball reacts on the table. I added a video below showing the two harder wizard goals, but still not too hard.
Start We're Ready to Believe You & Loop 5 Super Jackpots

2. Wild Card (Williams) - Difficulty: 5.5
This table really isn't too hard, but the two lower saucers can be really annoying to hit. There is a glitch with the upper special light not going off that you can take advantage of for easy 100k points each time you hit it. Check out the following videos for techniques to get these wizard goals.
Score 300,000 points on one ball
Earn an Outlane Special

3. Firepower II (Williams) - Difficulty: 6.0
The tricky part with this table was actually increasing the multiplier. I found it difficult to get the ball back up to the ABCD rollovers with any consistency. Maybe others have no problem with this. Other than that, earning the max bonus and the outlane special just take some practice and good ball control. Here is a video showing some methods I used for achieving these goals.
Score a 495K Bonus & Earn the Outlane Special

4. Sorcerer (Williams) - Difficulty: 6.5
The tough goals on this table are scoring the 472K bonus and earning the SORCERER special. Both of these goals require frequent hits to precariously placed drop targets that can lead to unfavorable bounces with hard recoveries. For the SORCERER special I always tried to have multiball active to make the process of hitting these targets safer. I've included videos below for both wizard goals.
Score a 472K Bonus
Earn the SORCERER Special

5. World Champion Soccer (Bally) - Difficulty: 7
This table is pretty straight forward and quite a lot of fun! Traveling to the different cities and scoring a Germany Jackpot really isn't too hard. However, I rated this table pretty difficult because beating Germany in the Final Match is quite challenging and takes some major skill or a bit of luck! Check out the videos below to see what I mean... I actually tied the game at the buzzer and won in overtime!
Score a Germany Jackpot
Win the Final Match

6. Fathom (Bally) - Difficulty: 7.5
The most annoying thing about this table is how long it takes to start a game! lol . Actually, this table was quite challenging because you had to build up two bonuses to max twice each (although I had to do it three times for some reason as shown in the video). It can be quite hard to keep the ball in play long enough to max out these bonuses. Fortunately, once you get halfway there that progress carries over to the next ball, but the multiplier doesn't... Also, the reversed inlane/outlane configuration takes some getting used to. Use the video below for tips on achieving this goal.
Earn a 1,100,000 point Bonus

7. Spanish Eyes (Williams) - Difficulty: 7.5
This is one of the more unique tables I've played and takes some getting used to. The reason I have this table rated so difficult is because rolling the score takes a lot of consistency on a table that's clearly not designed for control. I was able to find a rinse and repeat method for achieving the two point based wizard goals below, but it can be challenging to pull off anyway due to the uniqueness of the flipper/pop bumper layout combined with devastating outlanes!
Score 60,000 points on one ball
Roll the Score

8. Paragon (Bally) - Difficulty: 7.5
None of the wizard goals on this table sound particularly hard, but scoring the PARAGON special is actually quite a challenge! Hitting the PARAGON hole can be slightly tricky and you have to time it to light every letter as it cycles through them fast. This combined with the unnatural double right flipper (which often can lead to stupid drains between the two right flippers) and the lower pop bumper make this table quite difficult to master. Perhaps others had an easier time, but I found it surprisingly challenging! Check out the video below to see what I mean!
Score a PARAGON Special

9. Wipe Out (Gottlieb) - Difficulty: 8
This table can be quite a challenge due to the 300M Dog Bonus wizard goal. You have to hit the awkwardly placed bumpers 100 times on one ball, then hit the right inlane, then shoot a target quickly to cash in the bonus! It can be quite challenging to keep the ball in play with so many challenging bumper deflections, often leading straight to an outlane... And every time you hit the right inlane you have to re-light the dog bonus light which requires awkward deflection shots... Here is a video showing achieving this goal.
Earn a 300M Dog Bonus

10. Pistol Poker (Alvin G. and Company) - Difficulty: 9
Scoring a Super Jackpot is quite likely the second hardest goal in all of the season 7 tables! You only get 2-3 chances to start multiball without having to cycle all the cards on the backglass, so you don't have a lot of chances to hit all the card targets you need to score 4 jackpots prior to shooting a very tough scoop for a super jackpot! And there is no ball save at all during multiball! The only saving grace is that your progress carries over from prior multiballs, but believe me, that doesn't make this goal much easier! Maxing the bonus is actually pretty easy at least. Check out the videos below.
Collect a 99,900,000 Bonus
Score a Super Jackpot

11. Banzai Run (Williams) - Difficulty - 9.5
This is definitely the hardest table from season 7 (and even season 6) due to having to score cycle stunt 4! You have to score 4 skill shots in one game, and that's not at all easy! It's super hard to be consistent with the plunger release with the analog stick, and even if you are, the table seems to be random in when it allows the skill shot to be successful. And there is no way to really understand the physics of making the skill shot because you can't see the shoot you have to get through. Honestly, this goal will take you many tries! Or perhaps you'll get lucky in which case thank your lucky stars! I have posted a video below that makes it look far easier than it is, I just had a good run.
Score Cycle Stunt 4

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, Season 7 Wizard!

wow, congrats, very well done!!

I will take a look at this, but never have the dedication/skill to go through all 11 to get the trophy. Have you done similar videos/write-ups for the Seasons 1-5 trophies?

I have found some videos on YouTube but some of it is people simply earning trophies with the last hit but not going all the way through or really explaining how they are doing.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
wow, congrats, very well done!!

I will take a look at this, but never have the dedication/skill to go through all 11 to get the trophy. Have you done similar videos/write-ups for the Seasons 1-5 trophies?

I have found some videos on YouTube but some of it is people simply earning trophies with the last hit but not going all the way through or really explaining how they are doing.

I didn't do write-ups or videos for season 1, but I am posting a lot of videos for some of the harder goals for seasons 2-5. I only did the write-ups for seasons 6 and 7 because they seemed to be such a mystery and I had a hard time even discovering what tables belonged to each season.


New member
Nov 15, 2016
I didn't do write-ups or videos for season 1, but I am posting a lot of videos for some of the harder goals for seasons 2-5. I only did the write-ups for seasons 6 and 7 because they seemed to be such a mystery and I had a hard time even discovering what tables belonged to each season.

Very nice. Right now, I am such a casual player, just playing a few games here or there for fun, unlocking standard goals and sometimes easier wizard goals by playing through (and occasionally reading the table guide). But any tips, like you did for the harder Wizard goals on Seasons 6 and 7, are much appreciated!

EDIT - I see a lot of your videos out there, it will make for good viewing! And I like your trophy site btw (I think I have the right person anyway)...
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Feb 15, 2018
My order from easy to difficult:

1. World Champion Soccer
2. Wild Card
3. Firepower II
4. Banzai Run
5. Sorcerer
6. Paragon
7. Fathom
8. Wipe Out
9. Ghost Busters Premium
10. Spanish Eyes
11. Pistol Poker


New member
Jun 3, 2018
Finally started on Season 7, after completing Season 6 last week. Since tandigab's difficulty predictions were much closer thank skippycue's to what I've experienced, this time around I've taken average of both of those (just added their positions in your lists). I'm adding the amount of days it took me to earn each one in parenthesis.

4. Wild Card (1 day)
6. Firepower II (2 days)
6. World Champion Soccer (3 days)
9. Sorcerer (3 days)
10. Ghost Busters Premium (4 days)
13. Fathom (7 days)
14. Paragon (2 days)
15. Banzai Run (35 days - dumbest wizard goal ever!)
17. Spanish Eyes (4 days)
17. Wipe Out (3 days)
21. Pistol Poker (14 days)

Finally done! Here's the order based on the number of days it took me to achieve:
1. Wild Card (1 day)
2. Firepower II (2 days)
3. Paragon (2 days)
4. World Champion Soccer (3 days)
5. Sorcerer (3 days)
6. Wipe Out (3 days)
7. Ghost Busters Premium (4 days)
8. Spanish Eyes (4 days)
9. Fathom (7 days)
10. Pistol Poker (14 days)
11. Banzai Run (35 days - dumbest wizard goal ever!)
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