I'd like to see the leaderboards separate. Or at least an option to see only PS3 scores. Seems like the mobile scores top most boards, and from playing MM on my tablet it seems they are easier as well. Flipper shots are much easier for whatever reason.
I'm with the both of you on that, heck, separate it even more, PS3 separated from PS Vita ... All separate platforms should have a filter on the leaderboards.
I absolutely agree with this. I recently scored 420 million on Ripley's. When I checked the leaderboard, all the scores above mine were labeled as mobile.
Agree! Also, the scores which I posted on my Android phone show up separately on my PS3 high scores, and I'm using the same Facebook-account for both. You'd expect it to be one account?
I have the hardest time on the mobile versions. I'd almost hate to see what some of those people score on a console. I can barely get a replay score on MM.
I really shouldn't say that mobile is easier. All I have to go on is that I played MM on my Android tablet for about 10 mins and it seem that it was much to easy to hit shots. I was hitting ramps over and over and over to the point that I quit the game.
There does seem to be a monopoly on high scores with mobile users, and that makes me suspicious. Moving the high score leaderboards to platform specific boards seems to me like the way to go. The game plays different on a PS3 than it does on a phone/tablet...having the leaderboards encompass all platforms just doesn't make sense to me.
I just checked the overall all time leaderboards for the BLACK HOLE ... all the TOP 50, EXCEPT ONE - #29, IS A MOBILE SCORE ... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH SEPERATE THEM ASAP PLEASE !!!!
no need to hide under a rock LOL just a filter button should suffice in leaderboards but i don't know maybe they should not be in there for ps3/xbox, is xbox included in there? you would think since mobile is in there too, i can't compare the two but its a lot of mobile in the top it is kind of irritating i want to compare to other ps3/maybe xbox players.
I completely agree with this thread, I actually registered on the site just to gripe about the need for separate leaderboards, amongst a few other things (still loooving the game though!).
I only care for the scores in my friend list and that provides enough competition. There will always be a lot of people who are much better and separate leaderboards won't change a thing.
Or would anyone feel better to be 1510th instead of 16024th?!
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