Sign Up for April TotM link

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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
And since they bothered to read the thread, perhaps the following would like to join in?
[MENTION=4360]masterthes[/MENTION] [MENTION=4640]RSchwantner[/MENTION] [MENTION=1963]BStarfire[/MENTION] [MENTION=5243]workshed[/MENTION] [MENTION=3084]the classics[/MENTION] [MENTION=373]Storm Chaser[/MENTION] [MENTION=1047]Worf[/MENTION] [MENTION=2636]wolfson[/MENTION] [MENTION=81]Russell Bergman[/MENTION] [MENTION=5136]Tarek Oberdieck[/MENTION] [MENTION=16]Fungi[/MENTION] [MENTION=5360]TheBourneID[/MENTION] [MENTION=4324]Lykaion23[/MENTION]

C'mon, join in the fun!


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Just a heads up...

We have 30 people signed up so far. We need more! Post a link to the sign up address on your social media accounts, pester people in your friends list. There's one more day, let's get it done!

The only friend I've been able to willfully get to download TPA, came up to me a couple days ago and said, 'hey, I had to delete that TPA app to make room for the new x-men game'. And that's coming from someone that used to work at a place where he played real pinball. Same thing happened with my bro, except I gave him access to all the tables. He was like, it was taking up too much space so I had to delete it (even though he had only 5 tables downloaded). And I've given up on posting screenshots to my FB page. The only good thing that's come of that has been, 1 time a friend of mine said, 'hey, I remember playing that!) and that machine was T2. So for me at least... Getting people to join is a no-go.

*that was a bit of a rant. But it kind of pisses me off when I finally get someone to download TPA and tell them the free table of the month, and of course TOTAN, and then they delete it. So I just had to let off some steam about that

*the free table of the month this month is BSD for crying out loud! There is no pleasing some people. I feel like even if I wasn't into pinball that much, I'd still be stoked to play a free game that changes every month. People are just stupid. End of rant. Please continue with the TOTM signup convo...
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New member
Jan 30, 2015
Registered! I was just happy to creep into the top 10 last go around after an abysmal first tourney and hope to do the same top 10 finish this go around. Been getting stronger scores after improving my nudge and table knowledge 4 sure...
I have a b-day party to go to during the tourney so will have to get creative in how to play these games...more than likely a lot of saving games and chopping up games on my I-phone.
my personal goals are simple and will be a bummer for me if I don't get the following:
White Water: get a double jackpot and/or triple jackpot, 5x mult with jp would be a miracle
BK2000: In dbl Knights challenge, spell WAR for a million and at least one multiball jackpot
Bride of pinbot: hit at least one 1 billion shot, More would be better
TOM: just play it with a healthy ball time and maybe lucky enough for a grand finale


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Sign me up for only Theatre of Magic. (I don't feel like grinding Bride and Whirlpool Challenge for hours, and don't own BK2K.)

Actually, changed my mind, sign me up for Bride along with ToM. I haven't played it in quite a while and could go long enough to get the 8-9 billion shots. (Whirlpool Challenge is still out though.)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I did a test run last night.

ToM I think some people used to getting EBs are in for a shock. 3 balls is not much and there are a number of insta-drain shots (worst culprit is the "phantom" nudge and STDM after a right loop) that you can shrug off with EBs but when you've only got 3 it's a different story. Long and short of it: I got ~500M and nowhere near Midnight Madness or 8 Illusions.

WW I had a spectacular first ball of around 900M, then bricked the next two and ended up with just over 1B.

BK2K did nothing special. Around 1.5M both games. Definitely tough without EBs, deliberately shooting for Double Knights is dangerous because even a clean loop shot can insta-drain on you. Plus getting the ball on the left flipper to start Double Knights is tricky because EVERYTHING on this table is set up to feed the right flipper.

Bride I only played once, got 1 Billion shot in and ended up with 1B + 90M. Also Bride brings up an interesting strategy - it pays to stack up EBs because we're allowed to plunge for skill shots. And skills shots can get very very silly on Bride.

In addition I plan to play in DX9 rather than the DX11 Beta. Not sure what others are planning.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Actually, changed my mind, sign me up for Bride along with ToM. I haven't played it in quite a while and could go long enough to get the 8-9 billion shots. (Whirlpool Challenge is still out though.)

I'm gonna sign you up for all 4, just because otherwise it throws off the spreadsheet that Xanjia has made for me. Just post a 0 score for BK2000 and White Water. I would encourage you to play WH2O in some capacity. Make your own limits or conditions. Reason being if you take a 4th place without scoring, it automatically puts you in last for that table, which then affects the season score in terms of tie breaking. This in turn affects where you are placed in the next Put Up or Shut Up round.

I get you not wanting to spend forever playing, and this goes to anyone else that might feel this way. Feel free to handicap yourselves in any manner that would keep things interesting. Play only one ball, use only one hand, cover the flipper area with a piece of paper and play blind. Or post a zero score. It's all good.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
In addition I plan to play in DX9 rather than the DX11 Beta. Not sure what others are planning.

Same here. Much as I love the lighting, I don't need the added challenge of the light sucking orb, not when going for points. Plus, it's still beta.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I'm gonna sign you up for all 4, just because otherwise it throws off the spreadsheet that Xanjia has made for me. Just post a 0 score for BK2000 and White Water. I would encourage you to play WH2O in some capacity. Make your own limits or conditions. Reason being if you take a 4th place without scoring, it automatically puts you in last for that table, which then affects the season score in terms of tie breaking. This in turn affects where you are placed in the next Put Up or Shut Up round.

I get you not wanting to spend forever playing, and this goes to anyone else that might feel this way. Feel free to handicap yourselves in any manner that would keep things interesting. Play only one ball, use only one hand, cover the flipper area with a piece of paper and play blind. Or post a zero score. It's all good.

When I'm in a rush, I just play "no traps, no nudging". That livens things up sufficiently.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Same here. Much as I love the lighting, I don't need the added challenge of the light sucking orb, not when going for points. Plus, it's still beta.

I thought about this as well. On the other hand I tested Fun House yesterday on DX11 and my High Score went up from 66m to 133m. So I will play on DX11, just not with room brightness @ 0%


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I have another reason for avoiding DX11, and that is a problem with my X360 controller intermittently losing its connection to the USB base unit.

The DX9 version detects that my controller is no longer visible, and automatically pauses the game. This is good!
The DX11 version... does not. Quite often when I really, really, need to flip.

I'm not taking any chances.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
This tournament might be rough for me seeing my PS3 controller is on it's way out.

The left stick is screwed up to the point of when I nudge, it will keep on nudging violently until the game tilts.
Sometimes I can pause the game and let it sit a bit but really need to get a new controller.

Might have to play this tournament without nudging at all.

Wish I could assign the right stick for nudging.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I'm gonna sign you up for all 4, just because otherwise it throws off the spreadsheet that Xanjia has made for me. Just post a 0 score for BK2000 and White Water.

Understood, makes sense, and apologies if I'm being a pain. The downside is that players pooled with such 0's get free points, so up to you whether that or the recordkeeping is the more important concern.

The one way to make WW interesting is to ban Whirlpool Challenge, maybe I'll do it that way. (When I talk about that being grindy, I mean I kept it going for forty minutes one time, it might be the most grindable mode in all of TPA.)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Understood, makes sense, and apologies if I'm being a pain. The downside is that players pooled with such 0's get free points, so up to you whether that or the recordkeeping is the more important concern.

The one way to make WW interesting is to ban Whirlpool Challenge, maybe I'll do it that way. (When I talk about that being grindy, I mean I kept it going for forty minutes one time, it might be the most grindable mode in all of TPA.)

Don't ban Whirpool Challenge, just ban yourself from trapping a ball on the left flipper. It'll end quicker that way, probably. I did get up to 2 Whirlpool Jackpots that way but it's nowhere near as easy to get into a rhythm.

BoP I agree is grindy no matter how you choose to play it. Never mind a game lasting hours on end, I've had balls last well over an hour and I'm sure you could manage better.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Understood, makes sense, and apologies if I'm being a pain. The downside is that players pooled with such 0's get free points, so up to you whether that or the recordkeeping is the more important concern.

Already in the last tournament all "Did not play"-Scores received 4 "free" points for the table.
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