Silverball Studios LAUNCHES Pro Pinball : Revived & Remastered Kickstarter Campaign

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
This one always seemed like a long shot to me. Farsight was both asking for much less, and had more recognizable names to mention (even people who don't know pinball know The Twilight Zone and Star Trek: TNG). The community of people with fond memories of Pro Pinball is just too small.


New member
May 29, 2012
This is certainly stressful to watch. I would hate to find out the fate of PP is tied to this one Kickstarter. I can't see them doing that, there has to be a plan B

Not having a Plan B would be a gigantic waste, given that they already invested the money to get the "Pro Pinball" name back. I can't imagine they would just give up. Even just re-releasing the old games as they are would be cool, get some money that way to fund the recreations and the completely new designs.

I'm very doubtful this Kickstarter is going to make it, but who knows, a lot of a projects get funded during the last few days, or even hours.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I know there's always the chance that people will double their donation later on... but I get the feeling that a lot of people have already maxed out the most they could offer <_<

I mean at the end of the day, I'd love to put a load of money in to tip them over the edge, but minimum wage only goes so far :/

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
The Kickstarter is also a nice way to build a mailing list of die-hard supporters. Anyone that's pledged money will buy the game when it's released, and now they have a way to contact us when they release it post-Kickstarter. I certainly don't think this is the end of the world.


New member
Jul 27, 2012
It's not the end of the world, but I also think they would have been better off starting out smaller. A remake of Timeshock! in 1920x1200 would be AWESOME! (as well as finally getting to listen to the music again -- that CD based music hasn't worked for me in ages...). I'm not entirely sure how much a remake would cost, but hiring Pat Lawlor is sure to be more expensive?

Anyway, I can still dream that it's going to make it, right? Right?

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