So I finally topped 2 Billion...


Apr 12, 2012
After posting multiple scores in the 1.2 - 1.4 billion point range, I finally topped 2 billion last night (a little over 2.2 billion, to exact, good for about 1030th on the Leaderboards). Had 7 of the 8 illusions played and only had to hit the trunk for the 8th, the Grand Finale, and the completion of all the wizard goals. And then........ in catching a ball that appeared to have basically no momentum, it caromed off my flipper a LOT further than it seemed it should have and drained :( I was *NOT* happy, LOL. I'd earlier had a 1 billion point game where 2 of my 3 lost balls were ones that went right through my flippers.

I post this not so much to gripe about any issues with the game itself but rather to gripe because I was this close to finishing the wizard goals and failed. GRRRRR.



Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Congratulations! Now go for 3 billion! :p

I don't know if it'll make you feel any better, but you weren't quite as close to you thought to the last wizard goal. You would have had to have made the trunk shot to start the eighth illusion, made a center loop shot to start Grand Finale, and then make 12 shots in 60 seconds to complete Grand Finale and notch the goal.

The good news: When you do get there, your high score will skyrocket. A completed Grand Finale is worth 1.1B by itself (12 shots at 50M per shot, plus the 500M bonus for finishing).


Apr 12, 2012
Congratulations! Now go for 3 billion! :p

I don't know if it'll make you feel any better, but you weren't quite as close to you thought to the last wizard goal. You would have had to have made the trunk shot to start the eighth illusion, made a center loop shot to start Grand Finale, and then make 12 shots in 60 seconds to complete Grand Finale and notch the goal.

The good news: When you do get there, your high score will skyrocket. A completed Grand Finale is worth 1.1B by itself (12 shots at 50M per shot, plus the 500M bonus for finishing).

No, it doesn't make me feel any better :)

My understanding of the instructions for that particular goal was that you had to survive the Grand Finale, not actually make all the shots. Your explanation makes more sense.



New member
Apr 27, 2012
I got to the finale for the first time tonight and topped 3 billion for the first time as well. I choked on the grand finale but this table is quickly becoming one of my favorites!


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
Getting to the Grand Finale, as fast as possible, is the key to great scores. The more you can do this, the better off you are. Hit your skill shots (always go for start illusion, if possible), advancing the clock (your secondary skill shot) is also of great benefit. Any other type of skill shot reward can (and should) be acquired along the way to the Grand Finale.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Yes, the Grand Finale Wizard goal is harder than Harem Multiball.

Also, for the first two multiballs, you can spell M-A-G-I-C with both the right and center ramps.
I suggest getting very very good at hitting the center ramp especially if you can rip it into it off of the targets on either side of it, this way you can open the trap door. Some games the trap door is absolutely chinsy but on others you will seem to get nothing but EBs and the Pinball game. Get good at the pinball game since it's worth an extra ball. Once you have completed two multiballs you can just take the trap door as it comes.

When you lock your balls, you want to get really good at hitting the captive balls. Especially the shot where you hit it and get the left loop, as this will frequently put the ball up to the bumpers. Bonuses in this game are HUGE if you get the 8x multipliers.

I've yet to get the Grand Finale goal, my last time I was close, but the ball got stuck up in the bumpers long enough to give me an 8x bonus multiplier and I ended the finale 2 letters short


May 23, 2012
If you stress about the Finale you will fire off bad shots and die. Its just how we get when we MUST make shots.

Take some stress off, play grand finale with 2 balls. You can stack the Vanish multiball with it, not all that hard to do and boy does it help, sure you get extra ball to make shots but you relax a bit with that cushion and thats whats really needed.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Still trying to complete Grand Finale... was just one letter off last time and then down the drain. Wasn't too upset because my score was awesome by that point, but still sucked.


May 19, 2012
All of my top scores are well over 2 billion. My highest so far is 4.08 billion. I've gotten to the grand finale just twice. Out of all the PA tables so far, this is probably my favorite. The concept and game play feels very cohesive, and the table has great action. (The ball save magnets are wimpy, but I can live with that.)

Howard Sayles

New member
Jun 5, 2012
This is my favorite table so far (on the Mac). Just scored nearly 3 billion, was on Grand Finale and drained it. Lord, I love pinball.

Eric Qel-Droma

New member
Jul 3, 2012
Okay, so this is one of the few places on the whole internet where I can say what just happened to me and have people appreciate it.

I just had a 2.3 Billion point ball. Not Ball 1 with extra balls, etc., but a single shot garnered me 2.3 Billion points. I just absolutely could not believe it. That Ball 1 earned me four extra balls (1 trap door, 1 clock, 1 600M, and 1 totally at random that I don't get), and the whole game ended up well over 4 Billion points.

Still drained on the Grand Finale like a punk, but I was too overwhelmed by that first ball to be too mad about it.

Anyway, I don't know if I can ever play ToM again after that game. I'll never ever top that ball. Ever.

Eric Qel-Droma

New member
Jul 3, 2012
4.3 Billion, if I remember correctly. Of course, after I checked the leaderboards last night and saw that #1 is at something like 21B, I didn't feel quite as cool. My "extra" Ball 1s were decent, but 2 & 3 were craptacular. Still, I more than doubled my previous best. I was happy enough to quit for the night, and I wasn't calling my PSV horrible names. :)


New member
Jun 12, 2012
tom has a rollover score when it reaches 9.9 bilion mark where it gets reset to zero... scores over 21billion? fishy stuff ;)

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
I just had my frist real good game and got 3,8 billion. I got 3,2 after the first ball. Amazing game. On ipad. Dont have Facebook, so cant see how high it is.


New member
Jul 21, 2012
Grand Finale is tough, mostly because it's a "shots under pressure" issue. Nonetheless, it's worth a cool 1.1B, so I go for it. Also, I find the center ramp on my ToM (which needs a new trunk; the old one is pretty badly banged up) is easily loopable. My record is a 14-way combo on that center ramp alone.
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