So... Will there be an update? Bally/Williams games are still available on Wii U


Apr 21, 2013
So before the cutoff date, I decided to stock up on tables for Wii U, since it was the only console I had connected to the TV with The Pinball Arcade. Plus, I figured there would have to be an update by the 30th that would remove the Bally/Williams games, and I hoped that such an update would also fix a lot of the issues with the Wii U version. Here we are though, July 4, and the Wii U version is untouched, and the Bally/Williams games are still available. I was just wondering if there are any plans to update the Wii U version, or like, is it just going to be left as is for some reason?


New member
Jun 30, 2013
So before the cutoff date, I decided to stock up on tables for Wii U, since it was the only console I had connected to the TV with The Pinball Arcade. Plus, I figured there would have to be an update by the 30th that would remove the Bally/Williams games, and I hoped that such an update would also fix a lot of the issues with the Wii U version. Here we are though, July 4, and the Wii U version is untouched, and the Bally/Williams games are still available. I was just wondering if there are any plans to update the Wii U version, or like, is it just going to be left as is for some reason?

I personally think they'll just delist it. Honestly surprised they haven't yet. Are they violating their contractual obligations if someone purchases a table pack? I have purchased EVERYTHING available for it except the season 1+2 ball packs. Still on version 1.00. Zero updates since launch. 8-ball texture still doesn't map correctly.
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New member
Mar 7, 2015

I personally think they'll just delist it. Honestly surprised they haven't yet. Are they violating their contractual obligations if someone purchases a table pack? I have purchased EVERYTHING available for it except the season 1+2 ball packs. Still on version 1.00. Zero updates since launch. 8-ball texture still doesn't map correctly.

I was told by Farsight support that there wil be no update to the Wii u. Version 1.00 is the first and last we'll get. But odd, just a few hours ago, I was able to buy some of these tables on Wii U. Well, they were listed as buyable anyway. When you clicked on a Bally/Williams in game that you hadn't bought it seems to allow you to buy. Although, I did not follow through as there are only like 2 or 3 I don't have and buying on Wii U wasn't worth the 5 bucks. So basically, they are still listed there, but I haven't tried to follow through on a purchase. But, it does appear to permit you to buy them.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
At least if you haven't updated the TPA Android app WMS/Bally tables can also still be purchased... so for now I am waiting with the update just in case I want to buy some more tables...


Nov 1, 2013
I hope Farsight isn't gonna get in trouble if people buy these tables after the deadline. Not sure if they forgot about the Wii U or what.


New member
Mar 7, 2015
I hope Farsight isn't gonna get in trouble if people buy these tables after the deadline. Not sure if they forgot about the Wii U or what.

Of course, I could argue that that they forgot about the Wii U version on the day it was released, but that's another story and I'm over it :)

But yeah, it looks like forgetting is what happened. But, they seem to be having some concerns on xbox one as well. You can't buy ANY tables at all. In addition, the Williams/Bally warning message still appears.. has been saying 0 days since 6/30 on xbone. Wii U never even had the message in the first place.
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FarSight Employee
Jan 24, 2018
From a first-party standpoint, there's no new development coming after the launch of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. We really are at the end of life for Wii U.
-Reggie Fils-Aime COO of Nintendo
Jan 2017


New member
Mar 7, 2015
-Reggie Fils-Aime COO of Nintendo
Jan 2017

Matt, with all due respect...What is your point?

Reggie says in January 2017 that Wii U is end of life. But TPA was released for the Wii U mid 2016. The bugs were acknowledged within a few weeks by Farsight. I have an e-mail from back then from Farsight support stating "We have found the bug and fixed it, it will be in the next update." Next update? OK so it's now 2018, Farsight has stated they will not be supporting the Wii U version of TPA, nor updating it. So next schmext, there was never even 1 update. I am still playing version 1.00 with the lighting bug, and no pro controller support.

MY point is, that is not a very good way to treat your customers who shelled out the money for four seasons of tables with the promise of an update that only needed to deliver basic functionality, not even enhancements nor even additional content. And it never showed up.

A few months ago, support stated to me that the Wii U version would not be able to be updated. They offered some content for the new platform as a result of the losses I incurred on the Wii U version. That is awesome, I applaud that, despite it being two years past due.

I just hope in the future, ya don't promise a version you can't produce and support... that's all. The fact that the system is past EOL has nothing to do with the way you guys handled it at the time of release and shortly thereafter.

I am a huge fan and supporter of your work to this day. I am a happy customer. But ya can't just make such a flippant comment as to say, "Hey, it's EOL, get over it man." You have to learn from mistakes and own 'em.

And currently, everything from in game (although I have not followed through on the transaction) allows me to set up to buy any season 5 table, including WMS and Bally, on the e-shop. My guess is if I did try to buy them, it would say content not found, but letting you guys know just in case.
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FarSight Employee
Jan 24, 2018
Oh, I meant this for a different thread. The Williams/Bally thread. I didn't mean to imply we aren't fixing bugs for Wii U.
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New member
Mar 7, 2015
Oh, I meant this for a different thread. The Williams/Bally thread. I didn't mean to imply we aren't fixing bugs for Wii U.

No problem Matt, just didn't quite know what you meant by that if it was for this thread. You guys were one, yes just one, update away from legitimizing that version, but just couldn't manage it. But, life goes and we play where we can lol.


FarSight Employee
Jan 24, 2018
Is this an indication that future support for Wii U is to be expected?

It isn't an indication of anything other than a mistake I made. Actually this was the right thread, but the topic changed to general updates. I was only referring to store related things not fixes for the software.


New member
May 31, 2018
Even then, that quote is Nintendo talking about their own in-house development teams. 3rd party development not only continued past the release of Breath of the Wild, it remains active today to a very limited degree, nearly 18 months after the release of Zelda. Ubisoft still is an active developer with their Just Dance franchise and a retail release of Just Dance 2019 is on the calendar for this October.

And the list of post March 3, 2017 eShop releases is a long one. The Virtual Console alone has received 37 additions since Zelda appeared and there have been a dozen eShop releases throughout 2018.


FarSight Employee
Jan 24, 2018
I shouldn't have posted that quote to begin with, I took it to mean they no longer maintain the Wii U store so we can't update our store to remove Williams/Bally

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