Solving FS community management problem


New member
Apr 17, 2013
As we all already know FS has a real big problem with their community management.
I can understand that as a small studio they don't have a lot of time allowed to community management, but community is a big part of their success and they need to solve this prob asap.
One guy has suggested on KS that PIN Wiz should be enrolled as their official full-time community manager. I fully agree as he is trust worthy on both sides, FS and the fans. Even if i thing that's he's already connected in some way, maybe working already for FS ?, PinWiz, or another really active fan should be enrolled. I don't say that for me, i'm not fluent in english and that would be a mess :)
What do you guys think ? What could be other alternative solutions ?
@PinWiz : interesseted by the job ? :)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Community manager is obviously a full time gig, as keeping up with all us monkeys AND the concerns of FS, not to mention wading into the swamp that sucks out your soul (facebook) would take up most of anyone's day.

I think the first true step is for FarSight to even realize they have a problem. They may not, or they may just feel it's not a problem worth addressing. For all we know, they might be distancing themselves from the fan interaction that got TPA started, as it has bitten them in the butt more than a few times. It's quite honestly a double edged sword, and maybe they're sick of dancing on it.

When Jeff gets to do another round of interviews with Bobby, I get the feeling a lot of questions will be of this nature, as the game itself has had enough questions asked of it for us to be not so questioning anymore!


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I think they would be less likely to need one if the product they made was a bit more polished.
If they are going to hire anyone hire more people to improve the game and we'll all be busy playing it instead of complaining to FS PR


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Thanks for the kind words and I would love nothing more than to directly help FarSight out with PR, unfortunately I have no plans to move to Big Bear and I'm not sure how FarSight feels about relaying sensitive information to someone outside of their offices. As for now, I will do what I can as time family and full-time job keep me pretty busy with little time to spend on helping out FarSight, an independent developer that has nothing but good intentions and I back 110%.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
What's FS to say? They release one table pack per month, every month. They release screenshots and a video a week or so before the table pack is released. They release a newsletter with every new pack. What exactly is there to manage? Seems to me they are economical and efficient with their operation. ;)


New member
Aug 30, 2012
If FS decides they want to hire a social media person it's up to them to decide, not their fans.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Absolutely right Sotie. Hell I'd do some of it for them for free. I do think that people underestimate how much time it takes to do community outreach, plus I'm sure strategically there's plenty they aren't allowed to say.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Keep in mind that they have people doing this type of stuff, but most of their time goes to answering a mountain of emails.

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