Some comments from a casual player


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Yes, that is really what I was expecting TPA to do as well. In-fact almost every game I have on my console operates exactly how you have described it. I see no reason why the same method of operation can not be applied to TPA, and quite frankly, I think not being able to "try before you buy" is a hindrance to potential sales.

Sure one might argue that a few dollars is not high risk, but when you consider that all PSN purchases are non-refundable, buyers are much more likely to be put-off by a purchase when there is no option to refund. I have in the past felt cheated by a few other games that I later found out were plagued with bugs, and I not being able to "return" them only made me more sore about it.


Apparently FarSight likes to do things the hard way! Actually I think they just don't have someone there that understands the intricacies of Playstation and how to get the most out of it, with no need of banging one's head against a wall.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
I prefer the way FS does their demos, it gives the ability to get a good feel of the table, without being nagged by a countdown clock.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
That 's fine canuck but on the PS3 there's not a demo in sight past the core pack. What you get is the constant roll out music of TOTAN and a still image of the backboard to demo.
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