Request Some tips and tactics please


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Getting tired of resetting this game. Also feel I am getting pretty good at it as I still need the 3 EB and 3 Special goals, but if I don't get one row knocked out on ball one or the first EB by ball 2, there is no reason for me to go on, so I restart. This game is worse than Big Shot.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Don't reset for one. Even if you don't get the EB on the first ball, all it takes is three good could get three in a row starting the third ball.

Practice shooting the end targets from the lower flippers, it's a bit of a tight shot but very doable. Also try shooting the middle targets as much as possible from the top flippers...but if you shoot from the bottom, a quick side nudge right as the ball hits the targets is helpful to stop it from going STDM. I tend to nudge the ball in the direction that it is already traveling so it has a bit more effect. A high up lateral moving ball is probably the safest moment you have with the ball in motion.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Oh and also... If you are having trouble hitting your targets. When you are aiming, fix your eye on the drop target you are aiming for and not on the flippers. Keep in mind that I'm playing on the pic version in portrait mode. View 3. Locked


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Thanks, hit the 3EB yesterday, now will work on the 3special. I don't reset after one, but after 2 if no EB yet. Outlanes too hungry and inconsistency of bumper hits makes it pretty tough, combine that with the 1 nudge good-2 nudge sit down.


New member
May 27, 2012
Any thoughts on the million on one ball goal? Aside from maxing the bonus, do you think it's better to just stay alive, or consciously change the lit shot so that it's your next target over and over again?


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Any thoughts on the million on one ball goal? Aside from maxing the bonus, do you think it's better to just stay alive, or consciously change the lit shot so that it's your next target over and over again?

I could be very wrong, but it seemed when I collected this, it was a continuation of an extra ball. Meaning I earned about 670000 on ball one with an EB, drained and earned 330000 on the next. Try it and let me know but when I got it, I wasn't expecting it.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Sorry. Just not sure. I am almost certain when the award popped up it was on a short play. I just don't see scoring one mil on one ball either when the bonus maxes out you would have to play forever.


New member
May 27, 2012
Yeah. Just got 1.25 million on "ball one", but on the extra ball. Did not trigger. Maybe yours was a glitch? Anyone else get this goal yet?

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
This goal would be far worse than the Genie-goal if it didn't either account for extra balls or have that bug. 1M on one ball would be virtually impossible...


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Yeah, I got the 1M goal on a continuation extra ball as well. 1M for real on a single ball is nearly impossible. Bonus maxes at 570K, so you need 430K of other points. The highest score value anywhere is only 5K so you need almost 100 hits on *lit* drop targets or rollovers. I put up the #1 high score and never managed more than 200K pre-bonus on one ball.

Tactics are really nothing but get the EB on every ball then max the bonus x. Score is almost entirely determined by how many EBs you get because bonus so dominates the playfield. Agreed with superballs in post #2, shoot the edge upper targets from the lower flippers, since the upper flippers naturally aim towards the middle.

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Basically the tactics on this game as I do it:

- Start by going for the top drop targets. The lower-right drop targets will be hit by random ball movements anyway.
- Most of the time, if I don't get an extra ball on Ball #1, I reset. Sometimes, I continue if I have at least gotten bonus held and a decent bonus on ball #1.
- Once the extra ball has been rewarded I go for the lower right drop targets in order to score a Bonus 3x
- Once I have the extra ball and Bonus 3x, I don't really aim for anything. The scoring outside bonuses are so low anyway. I just try to keep the ball in play and make safe shots.
... Rinse and repeat.

- The outlanes are lethal and the lower slingshots are in an unwholy alliance with them. You can't do much about it once the ball start bounces back and forth, but when a ball is rolling down from the top part of the table towards the slingshots, try to make the impact angle as small as possible with a nudge. That will make it more likely to not start bouncing back and forth between he slingshots but instead bounce down to the flippers.
- Use your one nudge carefully. I tend to use it early/high.
- Only nudge "defensively", in order to reduce risk (i.e. not to gain more points). Tilts are (too) easy to acquire and will ruin your only way to get points: the bonus.
- Sometimes a nudge can save the ball from passing the upper left flipper (into the left danger zone). A nudge here could prove useful.
- The ball sometimes moves in a predictable pattern in the lower left and right upper lanes. After a while you can get a feeling about when you can nudge it out from these dangerous areas. Most often, you won't.
- Never ever go for the lowest drop target on the right drop target racks unless:
* You already have the extra ball and this is the last drop target to score the 3x bonus OR
* This may reward you the Extra Ball.
If you hit it you will get a very valuable reward and the ball draining doesn't actually matter that much since the typical gameplay won't give you much points anyway - i.e. the shot is worth it! The risk has to be compared to continuing a normal gameplay and hope for an accidental hit. But since this game is so lethal you are likely to drain anyway before that happens. Also, it is mostly just the direct hits that will left-outlane drain you, if you miss you are not as likely to drain.
- Shooting the Yellow round target (just below the left bumper) is an insta-drain. It is sometimes accidentally hit while aiming for the upper, most-left drop target. Nothing can really be said to make it easier to avoid but be careful.
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New member
May 10, 2014
Well, just nabbed the three special goal. Leaves just the million point ball left for me. Kinda nice (I guess?) to see that it's bugged, since there seems no way in Hell to pull it off legitimately. On the other hand, now it seems that I'm left with just playing the table until it decides to reward me.

Edit - crap. What an annoying final goal. Just put up a legit 799k on the first ball - pre extra ball - and of course didn't get it. Then finished the extra ball at around 1.2M and no goal. I really don't like this table enough to just keep playing on the chance that it glitches the goal for me. I guess I'll just try to up my high score for a while and cross my fingers but damn.
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