Sore wrists! Arrrrrgh


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Anyone else have pain in their forearm/wrists after playing long sessions of TPA on the console?
It must be from clenching the R1/L1 buttons. I don't remember it hurting this much with PHOF.

Must fight through the pain! ;)


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I have to agree with you on that one but this tid bit might help ... because the L1 and R1 buttons are positioned in such a way that that your fingers are in an awkward position. I found switching the settings to L2 and R2 buttons more ergonomic. There is another controller out there made by GameStop which is clear plastic, wired, and will not vibrate, however because of the positioning of the L1 and R1 buttons and the shape of the controller, it is much more comfortable for me. The L2 and LR buttons are perfectly placed at a lower position and slanted ... the problem is, the spring is far too long on them for me - you have to push them in too far. There is a glitch though, for some reason, and only in THE TPA game, when you hit the x, square, triangle, or circle button, they react like a rapid turbo button, to stop them, you must move the right analog stick. This happens while in game and in the menu screen as well. However, the comfort I receive from it for playing pinball is well worth it and that glitch has not happened on any other game yet. It is not the best controller in the world but because I am enjoying pinball so much ... TPA, ZEN, and PINBALLISTIK ... I needed something more comfortable and there are not too many options out there.

here is a link to the controller
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
The sweet pain...the sweet sweet pain. I remember playing Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast when it first came out for like 2 days straight (like 36 hour marathon) and i couldn't use my hands right for a week.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
well think of it as real life experience like sometimes when you play real pinball long and hard your waist can hurt. Its not a problem its a feature!


Feb 25, 2012
Happens sometimes while playing on my phone but it depends where I'm playing of course. Didn't have any problems after hours of PFX2 on xbox. The game that does give me some pain now is Trials Evolution, the extreme levels ;)


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I have a cheap and nasty USB controller at home I was going to mod into an arcade fightstick for the 360, but now I think I'm going to make a mini-pinball controller. Nothing massive, maybe the size of a shoebox, but with LB/RB on the sides and access to all the other buttons for nudging/navigation etc. Doubt it'd be too hard, but should almost certainly be worthwhile!

Doesn't help me with my sore fingers from iPhone though :(


New member
Apr 16, 2012
No issues with my wrist, but my right index finger has taken a severe beating as I tend to grip and press too hard on that side.

Having a holiday and after a few afternoons and a few evenings of intensive play even clicking a mousebutton feels annoying ^^.


New member
Mar 1, 2012
Sore hands=real fans! My hands hurt too, and I bang on the triggers way too hard making my finger tips sore, but the game is worth it. :)

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