Request Sort Table Options/ Overhauled UI

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
So with nearly 40 tables out, I think it's becoming more apparent that an option to sort tables is needed.

What ideas do you guys have for this? Personally I'd like to see desperate folders for each manufacturer. So for instance, you tap "my tables" then it will have 4 folders for each manufacturer. Then another folder for "my favorites".

That could be the default. And if you wanted to, you could rename the folders to anything you wish and sort the tables anyway you wish.

So for me personally I would make folders for "DMD", "Alphanumeric", "EM", or SS. But it could be anything. You could make a folder titled "critters", one titled "Haloween", and so forth. I think this would be great.

As for the look and stuff. Well you guys are alot better at UI ideas than me. I remember last year around this time people were showing off some of thier own designs. So feel free to post some if you got 'em. And lets hear some cool ideas guys!


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I would like a grid style option. So you get an overview on all tables, sort of like in Zaccaria and Zen.


Nov 11, 2012
I think it would be enough to be able to add tags to tables, like those suggested above, as well as era (Pre 1950, 1950s, 1960s,) and a possibility for the user to "favorite" tables so you can filter by favorite to get those on top of the 'results' (filter as I see it a bit like GMail's system).

FS will of course need to keep the less-technically inclined users in mind as well so it needs to be very simple to use yet powerful for those who know how to use it.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I don't think it's too bad as it is aside from the quality of the artwork which looks like its been lifted from a cell phone port. I have all the tables so far and you can navigate pretty quickly through them.

I think the grid view ala Zen Pinball 2 would also be good, but I don't like how thy stick unpurchased tables along with the tables you own, except they are greyed out.

I'd like to see much more, such as setting up your favorite tables in a 3D arcade, but that will never happen.


A UI update would be a nice change, but for the love of rule #34 no 3d arcade menu system.

There's already enough complaints about the menu UI being slow and unwieldy on older/slower devices on the mobile side of things.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
The only downside of the grid layout would be the legions of "THEY'RE JUST COPYING ZEN" comments... though it's undoubtedly the best option.

Would be nice to see the next UI to be more polished. The current one looks quite cheap. Given that it's the first thing new players see when they load up the game, it should be shinier.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I find the list nice and easy to spin through on PS3 (particularly at lower screen resolutions, where for some reason it spins much faster); with the grid in Zen I always feel like I have to spend some time hunting and pecking for the table I want. Also a grid of 60 or 80 tables--or more!--would be a real nightmare.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I think a grid layout that you could sort by specific criteria would be good. Like one column for each alphabet letter, one for each manufacturer, perhaps decade of release (or every five years as the 80s and 90s columns would be massive). Would make it easier to know where to look.


New member
Apr 20, 2013


Yeah some revamp would be nice indeed. Grid with criteria wise divisions sounds interesting.

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