Sound vs. Mute (bells and whistles or your favorite tunes)


New member
Jul 28, 2013
I rarely play with the sound on, preferring to listen to music from my sound system as I play TPA.

I'm curious about the rest of the gang... I intended to start a poll (but couldn't figure out how to create one), so comment away.

Are there any tables that significantly helps gameplay when sound is on?

If you are a music in the background person, whatcha like to listen to as you play?


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I rarely play with the sound on, preferring to listen to music from my sound system as I play TPA.

I'm curious about the rest of the gang... I intended to start a poll (but couldn't figure out how to create one), so comment away.

Are there any tables that significantly helps gameplay when sound is on?
There is a voiceover poll. Have a look into Poll Dancing. Best music was asked, too. I prefer no or restraint music and helpful voices. T2 does this very well.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
table sounds definitelly, especially on tables that speak :D They can be fun, they tell you what to do next, they poke at you, they challange you......

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I usually play The Pinball Arcade or Zen pinball with headphones plugged into the device while I listen to podcasts on my laptop. I can still hear some of the pinball table stuff coming through the headphones on my desk while I listen to podcasts. One time I had the windows open at my apartment playing Attack From Mars without headphones plugged in and people across the street could hear it blasting from the iPad. I also have a top rated playlist on my iTunes player I listen to while playing that has everything from rap, death metal, 80's music, soul, punk rock and tv show themes. My favorite rap artist at the moment is Action Bronson and I am looking forward to his next cd.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
One time I had the windows open at my apartment playing Attack From Mars without headphones plugged in and people across the street could hear it blasting from the iPad.

I bet your neighbors were puzzled.

"Mu-ha-ha-HA, women!"
"Get your hands off of me, all four of them!"
"Make way for Germany!"
"Argh, not you again!"
"My hero!"


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I almost always have all game sounds and music off and listen to music on my headphones when playing. I find it's kind of necessary when doing longer games on tables since I can just zone out that way. The repetition of the clips or dings and dongs would drive me insane if I tried to run game sounds for longer periods. For music it depends entirely on the day/mood/whatnot. Some perennial favourites to crank are Devin Townsend, Nick Cave, Celtic Frost, Queen, A Perfect Circle, and various other stuff I forget right now.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I often turn off the table music entirely in favor of just the game sounds. I discovered quite a while ago I could play significantly better on Pro Pinball without music. I have a theory that music makes the player subconsciously try to time his shots to the beat, which of course would make you miss and worse.

Exceptions are tables where music cues are important for timing, most notably Lightning Lamp on TOTAN.

Definitely never any non-pinball background music.

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