Southern Fried Gameroom Expo.


New member
Nov 7, 2014

Had the greatest time at the Southern Fried Gameroom Expo in Georgia. Realized I am over video games, but Pinball is timeless. Saw many early pins, like Egg Head (61), Count-Down, Jumping Jack & Jacks Open(which were very fun but very similar), and Atlantis. Noticed how pinball tables used the same style for many tables (Xenon is a good example of a design used over and over and over.) Dr. Who was a fantastic machine with a 3 layer raising platform.

Didn't get to play Funhouse or F-14 Tomcat. They were either crowded or broken the entire weekend (90/10 split). Saw some modded machines like Genesis with LED wires, and a bunch with colorized readouts (like an Addams family with colored readouts). Also some obscure or one off machines like Time Fantasy, Trident, and some heavy meatal/ glam rock themed pin which seemed like a custom made machine. Didn't play Gilligan's Island, or a new game called Big Juicy Melons, which has nothing to do with huge breasts.

Saw some wonderful pins. There is a tremendous new Walking Dead Machine (Which should be the next Kickstarter) with great flow, also the new Kiss is a good pin as far as flow and depth, but the art is terrible (keeping in line with the old Kiss pin). Rollergames was strangely good, but the theme is hilariously dated. Got to play Centaur and Monster Bash in the flesh which was a blast. Played some strange upright pin called circus which is being brought back to life from the 90s, and also realized pinball is to blame for my unrealistic expectations in women.

Best flashback pins were Mata Hari & Lost World. Fathom was great and I was really into it except the straight drain, played Andromeda for the first time, and Embryon and Galaxy were also new to me and wonderful. Also played the Aliens wide table for the first time in my life, but I remember being too small to play it as a child, and being mesmerized by the Geiger-esqe. Didn't play Flash Gordon, but should have, as i loved that movie. I think the reason I didn't was Ming's off putting too large eyes which made him look like some kind of drag queen cupie doll.

The thing about pinball is that you feel enthusiasm for other's success and cheer them on, it is tangible, and playing along with others is such a big social part of it, cause really you aren't playing against one another, but against the machine itself. Unlike video games, you have control over the outcome in many many more ways than video games.

Fun weekend, but this **** is gonna turn me into a collector.
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New member
Nov 7, 2014
Al's Garage Band Goes on a World Tour was one of the tables which I forgot the name of. Which is fair because it is the longest name for a pinball table I think I've ever seen. There was also a new custom pinball called Lexy Lightspeed: Escape from Earth.

Also the upright pin was The Pinball Circus. It was a great time.
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