Congrats to all for reaching the goal. Don't want to be negative but I can't see much more being donated after the open ' please continue to donate ' request, with no actual goal in sight why would anybody throw any more money in?
It's not about current backers throwing in more money as it is about people who have yet to back the project jumping in to collect on some of the Kickstarter exclusive rewards.
I still can't believe all the folks still at the $10 level. These are tables that I would think more people would want access to on multiple platforms. At least the $20 level should be where most folks' pledges should lie.
Well they don't want to attach a second table to the KS, because the first one showed they won't make it in 1 go, and the second KS showed people are a bit fatigued by it. I think they were looking to just make 45k this time, anything extra (without added responsibilites by them) is just that, with no strings attached. Now they can take till january to get the 2 big hitting KS out, so the reception and look at what's in front by then,Don't want to be negative but I can't see much more being donated after the open ' please continue to donate ' request, with no actual goal in sight why would anybody throw any more money in?
It definitely will bring some more fence-sitters on board. I wish they could show some video of the TZ in progress or signing the contract for ST:TNG. That would be something that would perhaps get a few of the nay-sayers to donate since they are upset no updates have happened.
I still can't believe all the folks still at the $10 level. These are tables that I would think more people would want access to on multiple platforms. At least the $20 level should be where most folks' pledges should lie.
Very cool!
Now let's fund THE SIMPSONS!
$100 from me (or a box of chocolate donuts, with SPRINKLES) D'oh!
EDIT: Man, those flippers are OFF!
Not just the Simpsons, but the Simpsons Pinball Party!
EDIT: Man, those flippers are OFF!
Flippers can get knocked out of alignment just from normal use. There's a Fish Tales near me that's even worse than the flippers in that picture!Data East doesn't exist anymore (though it's Stern instead); maybe it was poor placement of the flippers when repaired.
Yeah, that would really suck if there was an avalanche of pullouts in the final hours, and we end up losing it.Just checked out the KickTraq and apparently someone took out their pledge for -$50 9/11/12 10:01 I hope this doesn't turn into a trend.
They really shouldn't even think about such things until these tables have been perfected and released. While we may tolerate flaws, many backers won't, so they better get the physics and flipper interaction tweaked to perfection, or they will find future kickstarters harder and harder to reach. If they do a good enough job, the tables might bring in enough income to eliminate the need for future kickstarters.I hope once the Kickstart closes we get a bit of information on what the next licensed table could be or will be.
Yeah, that would really suck if there was an avalanche of pullouts in the final hours, and we end up losing it.