Fixed Star Trek TNG - ball canon swings indefinitely


New member
Aug 14, 2013
OS Version: Windows 8
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT 640M
Ram: 8GB
Version: 0.007? (lower half of the last line on screen is cut off)
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1600x900
Frequency of Occurrence: 10 out of 10 tries: when choosing "launch probe"
Expected Result: ball canon should swing back after it has launched the ball
Actual Result: ball canon swings back and forth indefinitely most of the time, sometimes it recovers after a while
Comment: Launch the ball with the option "launch probe" and then fire the ball canon


New member
Dec 24, 2012
OS Version: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT 440
CPU: AMD FX-4100 Quad Core
Ram: 16GB
Version #: 0.007
Display Mode: Windowed
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: Constant

Comment: Confirmed here as well. Both cannons experience the issue, at this moment, the right cannon is continuing to cycle
aimlessly even in attract mode after the end of the game.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I have a similar issue...... Cannon swings for a while but eventually stops (Both sides). It also impacted Borg multiball where it wouldn't fire the cannon at all.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
In the two games I played, this happened but with 2 different results.

In game 1, the cannon continued to rotate about 5 or 6 times, and then settled back to normal. In game 2, in rotated until the game went into ball search mode, at which point both cannons started rotating non stop. A ball was ejected, and I shot it back down the center for cannon loading. At that point the cannons stopped rotating, but the left one was not in full reset position.

Win 8 Pro
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
4gb RAM
Full Screen 1920 x 1080
version .007


New member
Nov 11, 2012
OS Version: Windows 7 64-bit
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660 Ti
Ram: 8GB
Version: 0.008
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

I have had this happen as well. Once it happened, and both cannons stopped, but the game would send the ball to the inlane instead of loading it into a cannon until I forced the table to reset. If the game attempts to load a cannon while they're still perpetually moving it simply becomes unable to continue.

I've also had trouble with the cannons not being immediately responsive. I have to wait for them to reach all the way down and start returning before the game will register either the spacebar or mouse buttons to fire.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
I am experiencing this too. Cannons won't fire until they've reached limit and starting swinging back the other way. Cannons continue oscillating back and forth indefinitely. The Probe mode of the game usually results in a lost ball, then a ball search, which ends up giving me two balls.
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