Star Trek: TNG Kickstarter Codes


New member
Sep 8, 2012
It seems pretty clear they're taking the "We already have your money, who cares about you" approach to customer service.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It seems pretty clear they're taking the "We already have your money, who cares about you" approach to customer service.

I don't think so! It's rather the "we're a small company that has been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of troubleshooting". Since all of the original codes provided by Sony were duds, they now have to sort out each and every customer's complaint individually... This is not EA or Activision who have huge customer service call centers... (and still suck, apparently)

While I too am waiting for my code, please try to see the situation in a realistic perspective!


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Ultimately I supported the kickstarter to hopefully see STTNG get made. (That's what I'll tell myself anyway, when I just go buy it) I can understand some of the frustration. I have friends that didn't support the KS that are having a blast while I'm chomping at the bit to play it. How mad is it worth getting over $20 though? GF and I waited for the release of the Williams collection and played it daily for years. We got more entertainment hours from that game by far, than any other game I've owned. That, and what goforthewall said above, are reason enough for me to continue to support FS. Plus these tables rock.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
It would be a lot easier to be optimistic if it weren't just wall of silence.

I got my bad code on March 28th, and responded the same day that it was bad. Heard nothing, emailed again April 5th. Heard nothing.

It is now April 19th, 3 weeks after the bad code, no response at all.

How many weeks of silence is expected before it's okay to assume they aren't even trying anymore?


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Still waiting for my second WORKING psn code.

A month and a half later, is it still reasonable to assume that they're "trying"? Or is it legit to start complaining?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Everyone, please PM Mike Reitmeyer instead so that he can pass along your request to the proper staff.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
I did so, because I only got one for the vita (which I don't own), but I can't manage it to get to the ps3 version of it. I already waived on my iOS version, as I never got a code for it... Hope they'd change it to PC...


New member
Jul 27, 2012
Got a working code today after trying the support address again, apparently they had technical issues with their email so some requests were lost or never recieved. Anyone who still hasn't gotten their code may want to try sending another email.


New member
Jun 26, 2012
I PM'd Mike Reitmeyer last week no response with working PS3 PSN North America (Canada) code yet! I have received 2 invalid codes so far and replied, with no responses. Thank fully Pin Wiz is trying to help me get this resolved. Still waiting.... Purchased the Pro Table Pk of STTNG on PS3 out of frustration, but still want what is legally agreed to as backer supporter! Or very least a credit for purchasing the Pro pk, if a valid code can't be provided!


New member
Jun 26, 2012
Received a code from Rosa. Unfortunately when entered to redeem, the PSN gives me a message that code is incorrect or invalid. Well this is the third code i have been given, and not working yet. Wonder if it has to do with me purchasing the STTNG Pro pack a week after it came out, due to no codes from FS!
I have lost all hope of this being resolved now!


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Received a code from Rosa. Unfortunately when entered to redeem, the PSN gives me a message that code is incorrect or invalid. Well this is the third code i have been given, and not working yet. Wonder if it has to do with me purchasing the STTNG Pro pack a week after it came out, due to no codes from FS!
I have lost all hope of this being resolved now!

That would beg the question of why you would be trying to redeem this on an ID that you already own it on. And yes I'm pretty sure that it can't award you something with a code for something you already own. Sony probably didn't think anyone would try this so they didn't make a specific error for that situation.

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