Starship Troopers Thread


New member
Feb 8, 2014
The five "downloading" pictures were for:
Party Zone (pack #32, confirmed, being released today on Steam and Android and Apple-review-times-notwithstanding iTunes; ymmv on any other platforms)
TAF (KS stated Feb 15 2015, but anyway, we know it is coming)
Starship Troopers

No mention of F-14, sadly :(


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Well, maybe. ;)

Robocop and ST have very similar ethos, but where in Robocop I thought Verhoeven pulled the delicate half-satire / half-action flick balance off nicely (to me), Starship Troopers I thought was a "glorious mess" that couldn't decide whether it wanted to play up the satire angle, just go for Heinlein-as-mindless-summer-action-blockbuster, or try to do both simultaneously in a clumsy manner. I also understood that Heinlein fans weren't too happy about the movie, either.

But, others might have different opinions, I'm sure. :)

I think the movie was Mid-Fall if I remember correctly.

One of my pinball leagues had this table, but had to get rid of it due to the un-fair tournament nature with it, so it was replaced by SW Trilogy. I do look forward if it really is coming to TPA.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
I've played ST IRL a bit. The right flippers are split between two buttons. Wonder how that will be implemented? On the RL machine, one can press either one or both at the same time. If you do use both at the same time, it leaves a giant drain gap between them. I usually only flip with the smaller right flipper when needed. Just thinking this wil lbe hard to do using my thumbs on a tablet.

I am excited to see the pop-up bugs coming out of the table.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
It just popped up on Facebook that this is coming for January! I played it on Saturday at an open house that also showed a proto version of the Hobbit and ST was not that impressive to me. I had trouble getting used to the flippers.



Active member
Jun 3, 2014

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
It's one of those collect things kind of pins. Each wave gives you a certain amount of shots you must hit to progress to the next wave. I like rule systems like this. Easily defined goals such hit 6 yellow shots and four green shots. I'll be happy to see this come to TPA. Has FS confirmirmed this yet, or is it still just heavily rumored?

Yes, they confirmed it as the next table even before Earthshaker came out as one of the twelve days of Christmas.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Umm... can't they, like, at least make the mini-flipper the right color and scrub out the logo that must be on it for them to have used the ugly "Solid State" flippers they had to use in POTO?!

Also, it's clear from those views why they have so many plunger collision detection issues!!


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Remember that the flippers look like this:


So this is very possible that these colors and designs will be used. I wonder what will happen to the ROM, since it has the SEGA logo during Attract Mode?


New member
Sep 19, 2013
Remember that the flippers look like this:


So this is very possible that these colors and designs will be used. I wonder what will happen to the ROM, since it has the SEGA logo during Attract Mode?

I'm 100% sure that those screenshots of this early build just have placeholder flippers, since it would be the fastest way to test it. The models are most likely the same as the real table, but the art on them is a placeholder. Also, like with some of the late Williams/Bally tables that use to say visit or some such thing being replaced with visit The Pinball Arcade on Facebook, they will most likely just either remove it from the rom, or maybe replace the image with the Stern logo. I think they were able to let the Data East name slide in the rom of POTO because it's just the name and not the copyrighted, or whatever the R stands for, logo.

From this:

to this (only image I could find of the Stern logo that fits the whole DMD and not the new one):

or it could be the smaller version of this one, and orange of course:

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