Steam PC Version 1.27.7 Discussion And Feedback


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Please post your Steam PC version 1.27.7 feedback here!

If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD and follow the guidelines in the first post.

Version 1.27.7
- Fixed another issue with Friend Leaderboards.

Version 1.27.6
- Fixed Friend Leaderboards.

Version 1.27.4
- Fixed issue with missing tables and greyed out season buttons introduced in vs 1.27.3.

Version 1.27.3
- Fixed flipper color (multiple tables).
- Fixed Table of the Month, should be Creature From the Black Lagoon now.
- LCA: go to backglass even if event camera is off.
- Junkyard: go to backglass even if event camera is off.

Version 1.27.2
- Lights...Camera...Action! added to Season Three.
- Lights...Camera...Action! Pro added to Season Three.
- Table of the Month: Creature from the Black Lagoon.
- Fixed "oints"/"Points" on challenge screen in lower resolutions.
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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Do we have a fix list?

Edit: For what it's worth, looks like just the .exe was updated, so I guess there are just some basic bug fixes and nothing noteworthy.
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AFAIK this version was Mike pushing some fixes for the friends leader boards, based on a conversation from a different thread.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Nothing note worthy my a.... Plays great, looks great. Thanks for the update. Bought table pack 1 pro as promised. Now if it only had some back glass love!!


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I'm also happy that along with the friends leaderboard fix it seems that the application stopped crashing while browsing the leaderboards, which is really nice.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
One for the "nice to have" list: More realistic sounds for ball ricochets.

Currently, a fast-moving ball that strikes a rubber or an idle flipper makes a overly wooden "pock" sound. It doesn't really sound like any physical machine I've played. Likewise, when the ball hits a gate or other light metal object, it sounds like someone loudly tapping their table knife on the dining room table, and could be more pinball-like.


New member
May 3, 2013
I'm just curious when they'll fix gamepad plunger issue. Is it so hard? Or FS really thinks that everyone playing on PC plays with keyboard...

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
The X360 analog plunger is somewhat weaker compared to using the space bar. Compare a fully-drawn-back plunge on Taxi using both methods, for example.

As a test, could you try pulling back, holding all the way for a few seconds (5 or so should be good) then release and tell me if you still see the issue.

When I tried it here, it only happened the first shot if I shot quickly. If I held it back it worked fine.

Just curious if we're seeing the same issues.


New member
May 17, 2013
I also use the 360 gamepad. If you hold the plunger before the ball pops on the lane, it will 100% of the time fail to shoot the ball. Sometimes this "failure to launch" happens at random, as if the rod can't touch the ball in the middle and scrapes it. Other times a full plunge will make the ball go as if it were a 10% plunge etc...

Edit: Another issue i have with the 360 gamepad is that at random the left flipper gets stuck on the pushed position. I use the triggers so it might be something wrong with this gamepad, but who knows. To unstuck it i have to push the right trigger. I never got a stuck right flipper. Weird... As the triggers are the Z axes and an analogue thing, a slight delay in the spring as it releases might register late and the game thinks the left trigger is slightly pulled, like this..

Nothing touched:

Slight left trigger touch:

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New member
Feb 8, 2014
I will have a go with the plunger thing and report back shortly.

I also use the 360 gamepad. If you hold the plunger before the ball pops on the lane, it will 100% of the time fail to shoot the ball. Sometimes this "failure to launch" happens at random, as if the rod can't touch the ball in the middle and scrapes it. Other times a full plunge will make the ball go as if it were a 10% plunge etc...

Edit: Another issue i have with the 360 gamepad is that at random the left flipper gets stuck on the pushed position. I use the triggers so it might be something wrong with this gamepad, but who knows. To unstuck it i have to push the right trigger. I never got a stuck right flipper. Weird... As the triggers are the Z axes and an analogue thing, a slight delay in the spring as it releases might register late and the game thinks the left trigger is slightly pulled, like this..

Nothing touched:

Slight left trigger touch:

I've also seen something similar, but reversed, and more prevalent. My right trigger gets "stuck". It's not the gamepad, at least I don't think it is, since it seems to work fine in the config window (above). I've switched to using the shoulder buttons and they work just fine. However a lot of games - mostly older SS games that don't have high score lists - require the triggers to enter initials - and I get the sticking then. Would be nice if having switched the flippers to the shoulder buttons, initial entry for a high score did the same.

I also get pseudo-CTDs when I'm using the controller. Sometimes it minimizes and I can recover, other times it minimizes and I can't recover. Happens more often on more complex tables and "deep" into games. (Like the time it did so during "Rule The Universe" on AFM. Grr.)

I'd love to have a second controller to test with, alas I don't.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I must've been imagining things... both Taxi and High Speed showed similar plunger behavior whether I was using the space bar or analog stick. However - prior to getting my controller, on Taxi a full-strength plunge would usually wrap the skill shot around the 100k and back to 1k etc. Now it barely makes it to 100k. I got almost all 75k and 100k awards and it never wrapped around.


New member
May 3, 2013
I'm usign Logitech F310 gamepad (xbox mode) and it works perfectly in all games, including TPA with exception of that plunger. I tried holding it back for 5 sec and more, tried everything but i just don't see some pattern. Seems like it shoots the ball somehow random. Sometimes ball doesn't even move.

However, I don't have any problems with flippers.


New member
Jun 4, 2014
I have an strange issue my table goals are not syncing between my two steam pcs i installed it on an new laptop and amy tablke goals cleared on both computers.


I have an strange issue my table goals are not syncing between my two steam pcs i installed it on an new laptop and amy tablke goals cleared on both computers.
AFAIK goals, like local high scores, are stored on the machine you're playing on. Only the achievements you have earned are saved on Steam.


New member
Apr 24, 2014
The second bug which has recently occurred is even worse as I can't play at all anymore. When I try running TPA it gets stuck in a loop of trying to run the executable. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling but still no joy.

I think I also may have had this bug. Started happening when I reinstalled windows a while back. When I click to play pinball arcade it says installing first time something or other and then nothing happens. I tried updating GPU drivers, uninstalling/reinstalling steam itself and still no joy. The only thing that worked for me in the end was reinstalling windows, then steam again. All fine now.


Apr 3, 2012
I noticed I was having an authentication issue with Team Fortress Classic and they recommended restarting Steam. Oddly that did the trick, so it seems like maybe it's related because TPA is working now too.

I decided to delete my previous post though because I've just found that the 2-player bug doesn't happen with all tables...and I'll be damned if I can remember which tables we had that bug with.
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